Provides many advantages of the "Carreer" management team.
What is generally not understood is that most of the basic concepts of management are in fact simple common sense.
And most of the management types you deal with are silly.
Learn the basics of management and you will be faster
Put on your time and enjoy the benefits.
It's tough. :
Management, promotion, adancement, career
Article body:
"Management" is an umbrella that covers much of the activity: working leadership, planning, organizing, communicating, controlling, and making decisions through others to name a few. How can you figure out all these things? Fortunately, you don't have to.
The basis of effective management tactical activity is to maintain control of the situation without the ability to justify sufficient information, assets, or its control. It is also the essence of management, as it happens.
In some ways, management does not require implementation. Most of us do it in some way every day, including families, social groups, clubs and businesses. Management is universal; it exists every time two or more people try something together. But you may not notice this, because only mismanagement can make headlines. The plane arrived late, the company went bankrupt, orders were lost, and because the Pentagon failed to manage in some way, it cost several dollars for Walmart's expensive parts
People become managers by several routes. People who work for family-owned businesses inherit their work. Others may work their way up the organization or may marry a boss's son or daughter. But be especially suspicious of those who claim they are "born managers". They can be identified by their total ignorance and their highest confidence that every decision is right. How can you do masquerade and so on. Very easily, it often turns out. Motivated by the purpose and action of real understanding and analysis of multiple managers. On the other hand, you can go up the rest of the pack if you use a piece of your workday to think about what you are actually doing. Dress properly and act in good faith, especially if you maintain a steady eye contact. In the words of George-Burns, "Honesty is everything. If you can do it, do it."
Management activity
Managers perform many activities. It is important to understand what each contains, so you can set goals, assign tasks, and correct them
The main areas of business include purchasing, production, sales and finance. Services that do not make tangible products & retail have a similar area (production) core that is still crucial to success. In fact, many people—especially those who sell insurance— now call the service “product” so that they sound less vague and intangible. Bluffers must understand the role of several key management activities that help them handle the main areas of the business successfully.
Decision making
One of the problems with being a manager is that you have to make decisions from time to time. Because this is so troublesome, I can not judge it. Do you decide? Sometimes not. If you want to avoid making decisions indecisively, you can often fall back to such philosophical quotes "sometimes best"
In any case, do not threaten to make decisions until you have thoroughly analyzed the problem.
Most panic decisions deal with the symptoms of the problem and overlook the problem itself. If your car has a flat tire tomorrow morning, you can pump it up, but it will probably be flat again when the real problem (hole) becomes unresolved I treated the symptom (lack of air) by mistake. Clever bluffers also tend to allow their subordinates to participate in decision making. Go where the problem is and ask your workers, "What do you think is wrong?" They often know it all after recovering from the shock that they are treated like people instead of robots So what's wrong is that you are the first boss you ever bothered to hear. "What do you think we should do about that?" The weight of multiple solutions to this product. The end result is that you have defined the problems and transferred the burden of resolving them from everyone on your own to your work group. And if the decision backfires, get up and "Well, we thought ...." rather than having to take all responsibility yourself.
Should be fast to delegate the authority for regular decisions to subordinates. Delegation looks very professional. It also saves your time because you only have to fight with unusual, off wall issues.
What should I do? Perhaps the best thing is to fall back to the suggestions provided before: call your subordinates together and let them suggest what you should do. Of course, emphasize that you have not abandoned your authority. You are simply a Democratic leader who believes in a lot of employee involvement. It is no exaggeration to point out that the Japanese make decisions by consensus and participation, you are simply adopting proven technology. It's Japan in these day's automotive industry, compared to everyone, especially when compared to the former market leaders, the Big 3 American car company, especially General Motors (GM)
Communication is claimed to be one of the most valuable tricks of managing transactions. Seems to be more difficult than being able to use simple messages. People define words differently, have conflicting sets of priorities, and hide hidden agendas that conspire to make it difficult to communicate.
It is foolish with thin technology that you can love forever according to one rule of thumb. Another guideline is to reject meaningless technical terms. As people write and speak to impress as well as impress, sometimes they are forced to make a sound "practical" or note or report or feel deep or the result could be a glorious, unreadable confusion. there is. If you think you are the target of a verbal snow job, claim yourself by returning a rewritten note or report, not just knowing this person, like a hard-manager's message, expecting others Seek the same thing.
Accounting is a fairly simple process. It is primarily a blend of basic math and common sense. However, information is often susceptible to manipulation and some interpretation. You can take the original advice, US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, "Success depends on what you know."
The term "creative accounting" is a euphemism to modify the book to make the company look better, and "conservative accounting" makes the company look unconventional or bad most companies have IRS with their shareholders Prefer to look like a hero to women.
As an effective manager, you can cover their confusion with such phrases that may cause the mass of numbers that you do not understand: you of the recent FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Council) on this Did you check the judgment? How much is this change from now to the end of the quarter? And yes I will be assigned. Perhaps the best comment of all, however, is that you need to simplify this as the board understands it. "It probably means that you can understand it too.
It is important to consider the impact of the notes at the end of the accounting report, as it can reveal situations and conditions that tend to hide these numbers. He admitted that he was carefully tied for cash borrowed. Another report celebrated its rise in stock prices but the cause was the death of its founder and president
He was a dictator octogenarian past prime, and investors clearly believed that the business would be better without him. Hide what numbers there are notes. It's a catchy slogan
Decision-making, delegation, communication, as well as you recognize that most of your peers are incompetent, especially holding in the management turmoil, immobile holding basic accounting
In most cases, they are for personal or family reasons, or for some actions or hand-in-hand the task for which you have most reports for achievement
All of the selection processes may be completely in conflict with the long-term health and profitability of the company or organization
Management careers offer many benefits, most of your colleagues in the field being fools. Enjoy Management "Privileges"
Manage your project every time on time
"Study" is "Study", "Steady" is "Steady", "Steady" is "Steady".
It's tough. :
project management
Article body:
Activities as a Project-Manager and Project Management Trainer and Project Management Successful on Basic Aspects of Hearing While there have been many great books written on the subject, I have been in the best practice at the center of good project management I always summarize what I believe to be.
Define scope and purpose
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