This article is designed to be a manager of a relatively unknown manager and managers and professionals in all sectors who introduce their ideas, but especially their careers
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It is a well-known, more commercially promoted, made a major contribution as an American guru, has individually and collectively, a large number of eastern-born management Western guru is India, China, Based on their theory and models on the original ideas of leading thinkers from Eastern Europe and Central Asia Also, as we will see here, some of the so-called Western leaders are actually Central Asia or East It was from Asia or the Pacific basin. This article gives insights to just a few of this influential group of original thinkers.
Mistakenly considered by many to be one of the American gurus, Ansoff was actually born in Russia, but he moved to the United States with his family when he was 18 and there he was Worked for Rand * Corporation, then Lockheed Aircraft Co., before learning and later earning a PhD in mathematics and moving to the academia of the United States and Europe, Ansoff established a strategy as a management discipline, and modern It is best known for building the foundation of strategic planning technology. His approach has been criticized for focusing on analysis and planning techniques too, in his time, but now today's rapidly changing, complex business is high
Hu-chan is an international management consultant, coach, speaker and leadership development educator. Specializing in cross-cultural leadership coaches, she became the executive coach's new training leader herself. Through her personal and team coaching activities, Mr. Hu Chan is a major corporation and public sector body in North and South America, Australia and Asia
Born in India, Ghoshal forges fame as a brilliant thinker while studying at mit and Harvard University and then teaches at MIT, INSEAD, London Business School. In partnership with Christopher-Bartrett of Harvard University, he became prominent as a major thinker of the first international strategy, and then Moral Ghoshal turned to relationship building and innovation, to be successful business Ghoshal is big in shaping the behavior of the first tranche of today's global company, revered in the field leading India, Europe, and the United States, rather than focusing on operational efficiency, how to focus I played a role.
His own name will not be recognized by most members of the public, his company IKEA is a recognized name by most. Kamprad is also known in the academic and business world as having established a model of successful entrepreneurship. He takes his personal values developed from a tough upbringing in his native country Smaland in Sweden, and he wants his company to manage and how about a furniture dealer he called his labor In the Bible, we promote the most ventures that this list can apply to accounting.
Kartajaya is the founder of Indonesia's leading consulting firm, and past the president of the World Marketing Association. Markety Kartajaya writes par with the most respected marketing guru who focuses on the application of Philip Kotler's Asian market marketing concepts and principles One of his major lines of thinking stay as a market leader The organization must act as if it were not a leader.
He is best known for his innovative work in speech recognition technology for Microsoft and has established Google's document management and research center in Beijing, he is with the established management and leadership approach in the West The benefits of combining the ancient wisdom and culture of the East, and the learning of their people, personal empowerment. He is in line with the way in which both of these approaches are one of the principles of Confucius teaching Claim to be balanced within the organization. Interestingly, he also noted the importance of looking at failure as a concept that is still foreign to many elements of Western society, including positive learning experiences, the business world.
Also known as William Ding, Ray is a, Chinese portal focused on online gaming and pc to phone messaging. Ray is one of the new waves of young Asian entrepreneurs still leading the development of Internet-based businesses in his 30s. His idea of how to manage it in the Internet environment is the temp used by most organizations in this area
Mayo spent his early academic life in his native Australia, faking himself as a major thinker in the fields of logic, ethics, and psychology. In his fourth decade he moved to the United States, where he eventually taught at Harvard University as a professor of industrial research. Mayo is now the first major voice to advocate moving away from the approach of scientific management towards something more human, the father of a school of human relations in business he is also flexible and responsive First to recognize that learning organizations are more likely to succeed in the increasingly fast-paced business world
Morita established a small electronics company and established a company called Tokyo Tshsushin Kyogu to be able to continue the interest of amateur enthusiasts on electronics until then, and was later changed to Sony. Pursuing policies such as risk, innovation, creativity and intuition, we have developed Sony as a world's industrial powerhouse. It was Morita through Sony's success that put Japan's innovation into the global consciousness. At the same time, Morita has contributed significantly to the world of management and leadership through lessons learned from Sony's success.
Nonaka, one of Japan's most respected executives, is the dean of the Knowledge Science Department at the Japan Institute of Advanced Science and Technology. Developing previous thinking by Drucker and others, and his ideas on knowledge creation and innovation generation processes in organizations, some of our latest major organizations have embraced all aspects of Nonaka's vision but have What they are doing is to build an active management of knowledge into their strategies and structures
Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space, Small space He leads the Tokyo branch of McKinsey-Consulting, works as an adviser to the Japanese Prime Minister, and is an excellent clarinet player. Omae's ideas have a major impact on the way of thinking and behavior of current leading executives Focusing on strategists who need to be intuitive, innovative and creative is now standard and is needed for industry and political managers and leaders
The importance of Taguchi is the development of the quality control method that Deming and Juran introduced in Japan, and is to push back the quality control activities to the suppliers and the design stage. He also proposes a more holistic approach to quality improvement And, in doing so, what has eventually become known as improvement or continuous improvement
It is now recognized as the source of much of today's leadership and strategic management thinking, the grandson was a military general in China at the time of Konfkias. His work, known as the art of war (Ping Fa of Grandson), brings together his reflection on the strategies and leadership behavior that underlie the success of the war. Translated to relate to today's business world, strategy, information and intelligence, strategy, competition and competitiveness, communication, and leadership and management
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