The recent wave of perpetrators of financial fraud in the United States has acted indifferently neglecting for both employees and shareholders-not to mention other stakeholders Psychologists are often They are remotely diagnosed as "malignant, pathological narcissus".
It's tough. :
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The recent wave of perpetrators of financial fraud in the United States has acted indifferently neglecting for both employees and shareholders-not to mention other stakeholders Psychologists are often They are remotely diagnosed as "malignant, pathological narcissus".
Driven by the need to support the narcissus and maintain the false self-the demanding psychological constitution typical of the erection, grand, and narcissistic personality disorder False self in the world "self euphoric" Supply "-flattered, praised, or even projected for collecting notoriety and stigma. Any kind of attention is usually considered by the narcissist to be ambiguous.
The fake self is filled with the imagination of perfection, grandeur, brilliance, recklessness, immunity, immunity, seriousness, omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. Being a narcissist should be sure of a large, inevitable personal destiny. Narcissus is an ideal love, brilliant, revolutionary scientific theory structure, creation or creation of the greatest work of art or painting, creation of a new school of thought, wonderful wealth Narcissus sets himself a realistic goal There is nothing to do. He is fascinated by the uniqueness, record breaking, or breathtaking accomplishment of eternity. His redundancy reflects this trend.
The reality is, of course, quite different, and this gives rise to the "grandiosity gap". The false self claim is never met by the accomplishments, status, wealth, smashing, sexual prowess, or knowledge of the narcissistic. The sense of grandiosity and qualification of the narcissus is incomemensurate equally with his achievements.
To fill the gap in Grandiosity, malignant (pathology) narcissus relies on shortcuts. These very often lead to fraud.
Narcissists only care about the appearance. What is important to him is the front of the wealth and the accompanying social status and self-loved supply. Witness travestied waste of Tyco * Dennis Kozlowski. Media attention only exacerbates narcissus poisoning, and to him that it will become ever more radical to ensure uninterrupted supply from this source
Narcissists lack empathy-the ability to put themselves in the shoes of others. He does not recognize personal, corporate or legal boundaries. All and everyone is a mere instrument, an extension to him, the objective is unconditionally and uncomplainingly available in his pursuit of self-assincing pleasure.
This will be narcissus perniciously exploitation. He uses in the coldest way, abuses, devaluations, and abandons his beloved in his closest and coldest way. The narcissus reduces his unrest and secures his constant sense of drug attention, and his overwhelming sense of self-worth to adjust his precarious sense of self-equity. American execs acted without remorse when they searched the home-Robert * Maxwell's pre-British generation did
Narcissus is convinced of his superiority-brain or physical. In his mind, he is Hamstrung Gulliver by the horde of narrow and jealous Lilliputians. .Com's "new economy" is despised of everyday things such as profits, economic cycles, conservative economists, suspicious journalists and prudent analysts
But deep inside, the narcissists are perplexing his addiction to others-their attention, praise, applause, and affirmation. He despises himself because of this reliance. He hates people the same way drug addicts dislike his auxiliaries. He humiliated them, "put them in their place", how they are inadequate and incomplete compared to his legal self and how little he wants them
Narcissists consider themselves as expensive gifts, his company, his family, neighbors, colleagues, a gift to his country. This firm belief in his bloated importance makes him feel the right to special treatment, special benefits, special achievements, concessions, cramps, immediate satisfaction, obsequiousness, and lenience. It also makes him feel immune to deadly laws, somehow protected by God and isolated from the consequent consequences of his actions and cheating.
Self-destructive narcissus plays the role of "bad man" (or "bad girl"). But this is within the traditional social role that is cartoonishly overstated by the narcissists to attract attention. Men may emphasize intelligence, power, aggression, money, or social status. Narcissistic women are likely to highlight the body, look, attraction, sex, feminine "characteristics", housewives, children and childrearing.
It is a true catch 22 to punish selfish narcissus.
Prison terms do not serve as a deterrent if it alone helps focus attention on the narcissus. Infamous is second best, but is far away and ignored. The only way to effectively punish the narcissus is to withhold the narcissistic supply from him, thus preventing him from becoming a notorious fame.
Considering a sufficient amount of media exposure, book contracts, talk shows, lectures, and public attention-the narcissists also consider the emotionally rewarding whole grisly incident Narcissists have freedom, wealth, social status , My family, my job is all over. And last is caution. Narcissus transforms himself into one unhesitatingly if he can secure the attention by being a big bad wolf. The Lord Archer, for example, seems to be actively taking media circus caused by his prison diary.
Narcissus does not sacrifice, looting, abuse others in fear and cold, how to calculate. As he is a manifestation of his real character, do not. In order to be truly "guilty", you have to deliberate and deliberate your choice and to choose your own act. Narcissists do none of these.
Thus, punishment breeds in his surprise, bruises and anger. The narcissist is stunned by the social allegations that he should be responsible for his conduct and be punished accordingly. He feels victims of unfair treatment, confusion, injury, prejudice, discrimination and injustice. He is furious with rebels.
In response to the spread of his magical thoughts, narcissists may feel like being surrounded by overwhelming powers, the universe and essentially sinister powers. He may develop compulsive rituals to dodge the effects of this "bad", unfair, persecution.
Narcissus, the result of a very stunted personal development infant, is engaged in magic thinking. He feels almighty, nothing he could not do or he only achieves if he sets his heart on it. He seldom recognizes ignorance, and considers his intuition and intelligence as a count of objective data.
Thus, the narcissists are arrogantly convinced that introspection is more important and more efficient (Narcissists do not mention briefly to achieve Narcissists "stimulates" to despise hamstrung technocrats.
To some extent, they are deeply immersed in their grandeur delusions because they are either famous or about to be famous or because their products are sold or are manufactured globally Convinced that their actions have a great impact not only on their company but also on their country, or even on humanity, mastered the manipulation of their human environment-they are always convinced that "get it out" doing. They develop arrogance and false immunity.
Narcissistic immunity is never brought about by the consequences of his own decisions, opinions, convictions, acts and wrongdoings, acts, inactions, or memberships of a certain group of persons, thus how many of the 1990s frauds and corporate raids Boldness, simplicity, and transparency. Because the narcissists rarely bother to cover their traces, their great contempt and conviction are on the law and somehow they escape death.
What is the source of this unrealistic assessment of situations and events?
A fake self is a childish response to abuse and trauma. Abuse is not limited to sexual abuse and beating. Treating your child as an extension of a parent, without respecting your child's boundaries, and putting a burden on your child with excessive expectation is also a form of abuse.
The child responds by building all the possessed fake self it needs to win: unlimited and instantly available Harry * Potter's fake self, this superman is abuse and punishment I am indifferent to This way, the child's true self-protection is from the child's rough reality.
This artificial, maladaptive separation between the fragile (but not punishment) true self and the punishable (but intact) false self is an effective mechanism. It isolates the child from the unfair, whimsical, emotionally dangerous world he occupies. But at the same time, it does not happen to me because I can not be punished, because "I am not here."
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