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"New job blues ... what is this time?"

You landed what you thought was your dream job. You have been on board a few days now. Suddenly, you did not confirm because you made the right decision. In a state of confusion, you wonder what to do.

It's tough. :
New job, new boss, office politics, opportunity, personal growth, career, coach, career transition, resumption

Article body:
You landed what you thought was your dream job. Each stage of the interview went smoothly-selling them with your skills and expertise, and your future boss selling the company's combined positions and benefits as he / she is excited about extending its offerings was. And, offering to the hand, it was thrilling to give you notice (or you have finally adopted after a long stint of unemployment). Everything looked right with the world.

You have been on the board for a few days now ... a week ... maybe a month. Suddenly, you did not confirm because you made the right decision. The work that looked like a dream is starting to feel like a nightmare. It's either too narrow, too wide, not challenging enough, or more stretch than you had imagined. Maybe the company has not measured. Or, maybe your boss is not a caring, supportive adviser you thought he / she was.

In a state of confusion, you wonder what to do. Stick it out? How much? get out? then? The decision to stay or leave a new job is personal, and because everyone is unique, there is no right or wrong answer. And most people face this dilemma. To think about your next move and decide what is right for you, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

Is it just new to work? Job changes can be an experience of anxiety. In your previous work, you knew your way-you expected what you knew; you knew your work; knew the player But in new work, learn the rope and It takes time to feel that it really adds value. Sometimes it is best to give time to get over the "newness" and decide if the job suits you.

I am a person who lives with me. Hiring staff can check the good face from the employee's homepage in the interview with their feet in front. Even if your boss is not the supporting manager you thought he / she is, can you live with changes? In that case, it would be better to stay. However, if you experience a nauseous stomach with a morning blood pressure Monday morning or rising each time he / she walks to your office, it may be wise to consider leaving.

About politics in office office politics can be a source of trouble for the presence of many employees. If you've been hired for political barrage, evaluate your political skills to determine if you can operate it, and politics is still strong before holiday breaks How is it at home? If you develop relationships and are good at working in different styles, but also "up-managed", how can you stay and work in tough situations?

If you stay at this job, what will you learn? Sometimes seemingly wrong work can prove to be a great opportunity to learn new skills, become exposed to new technology, that work is a stepping stone to a better, more satisfying work Could it be? Can it ultimately drive your career? In that case, you can stay that it is acceptable.

If the scope of a job changes, can it be renegotiated? If the actual work turns out to be far from what you thought it would be, you can change the aspect of the work, but if the scope is too narrow, more responsibility Can you add? If the workload is too heavy, can you get some help? It is worth looking elsewhere, if the work ultimately represents a step backwards and / or the work you did not feel like signed for

Can you afford to leave without another job to go to? Since your boss, or job, or politics is starting to affect your health and personal life, so if not bad, not immediately, but can you do it? It is regrettable that it will lead to the relaxation of the jump ship before the financial situation to evaluate carefully. Also, consider the momentum you have had in your job search before you start your job. It can be easily revived so your hours of unemployment will be minimized.

The decision to stay or leave unbearable new jobs is a tough one. It is a dilemma to stay how long. Many do not look back, they will remain after two weeks. Others have only stayed and regret staying for too long. You can enjoy success in having things. You can decide what is best for you and your situation.

Answering the above questions honestly will certainly make the right decision for you. Pay attention to how you feel what your work is doing with your health and self-esteem. Make sure you stay longer than you add work to your resume, the bigger the condition. Know that it is always the option to stay and look for side employment. If you do it, it may be worthwhile to evaluate your work, bosses, teams, how many times you ask for the next time around

Talking to a trusted friend or colleague can help during this difficult time. Whether you choose to stick with it and hope for the best, or to leave immediately and reduce your losses, you make the right decision And regardless of the result, the experience is yours Presenting valuable opportunities for personal learning and valuable learning to help manage the rest of your career

"If your resume is a cake, your cover letter is icing."

The purpose of the cover letter is to get the attention of the hiring manager. Use this article to write yourself. .

It's tough. :
Abstract, cover letter, writing, employment equipment,

Article body:
Subscript writing is almost as important as a skill for the job seeker to learn as resume writing. With the cover letter resume is always the main document. Whether to use conventional mail, email, fax, or another type of electronic submission, this should always be sent with your resume. Of course, there are other tools to use when looking for work. Your cover letter and summary will follow the follow-up letter for an interview, reference sheet, salary history, and a letter of acceptance of the work, followed by a thank-you letter Good writing, writing skills and good summary writing If you have the technology, other written tools should be configured to snap.

Your goal in this is to get the hiring manager's attention just as with the summary writing. However, the method and format are slightly different. Your resume covers all or most of your professional career. Your cover letter is a very short page that serves as an introduction to the summary. Cover letter writing style should be direct to the point, with the goal of making the reader want to read the attached resume, immediately grab the reader's attention

Many people tend to say too much when engaged in this type of writing. Writing a good cover letter is short and compelling, taking a few key points from the outline and highlighting them. The old saying "tells them what they are going to tell them, tells them to them, and then tells them what to tell them" in summary writing and a cover letter

As an example, suppose that you are a material handling manager for a defense builder seeking another position. The buzz words in your line of work are MRP, Lean Manufacturing, ISO 9000, and Cost Reduction. The value of these topical words should be reflected in the effort that they make to the current employer and future employer. Your resume goes into detail about how you achieved these goals. Subscripts simply point out to the hiring manager you achieved them. In this example, it is the text of a letter that says two bullet paragraphs ....

* Experienced in quality assurance and quality control, MRP, ISO9000, QS9000 and lean manufacturing.

* Demonstrated results in saving important money for employers through cost reductions, inventory level reductions, and on-time supplier delivery.

According to many surveys, the hiring manager is devoting only about fifo seconds to each resume and cover letter of his or her review. I look at this person in the top notch necessary for the growth of the writer. Your resume writing skills need to be just as good as getting the reader to want to allow interviews. In turn, you need to get an hiring manager who will provide you with excellent skills in interviewing skills. This long time positive chain event begins and a cover letter written end of writing ability The rewarding nice paycheck to work.

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