Almost all women have no problem with production
Enough milk to breast milk. The ideal way to make
Have enough milk in
Make sure he is well connected and placed
The chest, and he feeds him so often he is hungry.
Breastfeeding that will stop in front of some moms
They don't think of them just because they want to
I have enough breast milk.
There are signs to make your baby believe
I'm short of milk When my baby gets hungry
Or unstable after feeding, or if he wants to feed
Often with a short pause between breastfeeding, you
He thinks he doesn't get enough milk-often
If not the Times.
But there are two signs of credibility that let you
The baby you know is milk. your
Baby is poor or really slow weight gain, or
Passing a small amount of concentrated urine, he's
I can not get enough milk.
The day after birth. Baby is born with supply
Liquids, and fats that help them keep going for
The first few days.
Recover baby once birth weight, start him
Or put around 200 grams for the first four months
So usually to return to their birth weight
It will take several weeks.
Whether weight gain for your baby seems slow,
Do not hesitate to ask your doctor or nurse for observation
Your breastfeeding. Then they can check
Knee that there is not this method
Babies are often breastfeeding enough.
Here are some to help you with your breastfeeding
How you can increase your milk supply:
1. Positioned as a coming baby
Correctly attached to your chest.
2. Your red
As he wants.
3. If you feel your baby is not a chest
Sufficient feeding, gives him many breast feeds.
4. Check between each chest feed
Feed from both chests.
5. If your baby is using a dummy,
Stop him
6. Some babies go to sleep
This can cause problems
Milk supply.
Do your part by following the tip above
Milk time to do
To the chest feed. You are uncertain or else
Ask your doctor for questions, as he can
I have an answer question.
Other food lactating
Breastfeeding is actually the only food your baby
Will need up to 4 months of age, but most
The baby is good at breastfeeding alone for 6 months
Or better. There is really no benefit
Adding other food or milk before 4-6 months,
Except under unusual circumstances
Breast milk is over 90% water. But
The hottest day of summer, no baby demands
Extra water. If the baby is not giving well,
Still do not need extra water-but
They need breast feeding problems to
Vitamin D
Breast milk is not rich in vitamins
D, it has a little bit. Baby
Maintain Vitamin D During Pregnancy, And Health
Without vitamin D supplementation, if not
I had a problem with vitamin D deficiency
When you get pregnant.
Exposure to the outside gives your baby
Vitamin D, when there is sky even in winter
Covered. Time or more exposure between
The baby who goes on a week also has vitamins
Breast milk contains less iron than the formula,
Especially those rich in iron. iron
Give the baby added protection
Infectious diseases, many bacteria in turn need iron
Iron found in breast milk is commonly used
While not available by baby
Bacterial iron is introduced
There is no delay beyond the age of six months.
Breastfeeding is the best your can give
For the baby
You probably need it for the first six months. after that
You can introduce solids for the first six months
Food to your baby if he is interested
To them.
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