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Rejection to breast milk

Sometimes the baby who is breastfeeding suddenly
Decide to refuse breastfeeding. Baby
Pull away from the chest and then throw your head
Left and right. Such self-responsibility
There is really no way to predict that it is happening.

Why why
Rejection to breast feeding can occur when
Your baby is in pain. Usually this is
Ear infection, aching head from vacuum delivery,
Thrush or teeth in the baby's mouth.

The use of a dummy, nipple or nipple shield may also be
Contribute to denial. Some baby
Supply from chest or bottle as it is difficult
The act of sucking is very different. Some
Therefore, it is always recommended to avoid use
Any type of nipple or dummy.

Sometimes milk just gets bitter. This can
If you start or that you are attributable to an antibiotic
Middle of your period, or nipple cream. The
Bitter milk preference, usually not with baby
I want to feed.

Answer to a question
If you are trying to
After causing a rejection of the breast, start treatment
The cause is always calm with the patient
Your baby Please hug your baby next to you,
Skin to skin, so that he can take a chest
He wants to be started to make it happen
Breastfeeding is fun and comfortable.

An elderly baby suddenly has little rest
Although breast feed, this may be normal
Some babies Therefore, it is not always the best
Let's send the baby you are trying to finish
Each one of the baby
Individual feeding lasts.

Breast feed reasons

Scientists for many years
Ingredients that make breast milk perfect
Food for babies. They found it one day
200 close compounds to combat infection help
The immune system matures, helps digestion and supports
Brain Growth-Nature Made Science Its Science
I just can not copy.

The important long-term benefits of breastfeeding
This includes reducing the risk of asthma, allergies and obesity,
And some forms of childhood cancer. More things
Scientists keep learning better breasts
It's milk

In addition to making your baby healthy, breast
It is smart to feed. Many studies
Proving that breastfeeding babies have a tendency to
Smarter than a baby given a ceremony
Or any other way. Breastfeeding helps
Nutrients and Brain Growth Support
It is something that every mother should think about.

The benefits for nursing mothers are the same
They are good for babies. Hormone it
Suppresses release during lactation
Blood loss post delivery and help shrink
The uterus returned to it is the normal size.

There is a long-term breastfeeding mother
Reduced risk of premenopausal breast cancer,
This is like hitting before age
50's. The benefits start to appear as follows
Three to six months of lactation and increase
Breastfeeding for longer lasts.

Now you need to be aware that there is breastfeeding
One power pack liquid. It is your
Baby than formula, or any other scientific
About that I create. When you start planning
Make a commitment for your baby's future
As long as you probably feed him for
It can be good for both of your body.

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