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Psychology of physical strength.

Physical fitness is one of the great necessities of match play. Only when physical, mental, and nervous systems are in harmony can you earn zeal. The players are the tournaments needed to achieve consistent and systematic training.

Normal sleeping time, and regular, hearty meals, should maintain your body at its highest efficiency at normal times. Food is especially important. Eat well, but don't overeat, especially before playing quickly. I believe in a big hearty breakfast on a big match day. This should be taken by nine-thirty. If it is three o'clock, it will be a calm lunch for about one hour. Don't eat very rich food at a luncheon as it tends to slow you down to the court. Do not risk the risk of indigestion. Rich, heavy food is bad immediately before retiring, as it tends to "logie" to the court the next day.

Certain obstacles are in the form of touch alcohol drinking. Alcohol is a poison that affects the three elements of tennis eye, heart and wind. Moderately tobacco does little harm, but it also hits the eyes and the wind. People have to refrain from playing games for a long season, and they form alcohol and cigarettes. All sorts of excesses are ill and not accidental.

"Staleness" is a big enemy of players who play a long season. That is the case of too much tennis. Staleness is hardly physical weariness. The player always recovers depending on its strength. Staleness is often mental fatigue due to worrying or too careful attention to tennis, and not enough variety of thinking. The symptoms are the disgust of the tennis game and its surroundings, and the lack of interest in the game when you are in the court. I support training breaks at such times. Go to the theater or concert and get your mind completely from tennis. Be concerned about tennis while you are playing it, and if you get out of the court, forget about the bad play discomfort. Always have some outside interest that can be enabled for relaxation during the tournament. Achieving a great balance is difficult, but once achieved is a great help for tournament players.

Training laws should be closely followed before and after the game. Don't chill before the game, as it will slow you down. Above all, don't stand around without a lap after the game when you are hot or cold.

Many players got a slight rheumatism from wasting time at the end of his match instead of getting his shower while still warm. That slight rigidity The next day may mean defeat. Serious cold means serious illness. There is a chance.

If you play twice a day, change your wet clothes to a dry one during the game. It will make you feel better and avoid the risk of cold.

The tournament player's sacrifice will never succeed for fun. If he sticks to it, training will win many matches for the man. Spastic training is useless and should never be attempted.

The player's condition tends to help him to determine his mental point of view and to accustom themselves to the external conditions of play.

All match players need to know a little bit about the phenomenon of crowd psychology since, as in the case of the church-Malay match I some time

It hardly pays you to get the crowd. It always pays to win that sympathy. I do not mean play to the gallery.

Gallery "The case of helping the Underdog." If you are consistent you need to get used to having the gallery show bias for your opponent. It is not your personal aversion. It is just a natural reaction in favor of the loser. There is a strong sense of presence, which is determined by evil. The gallery is just as striking as the emotions sometimes get away with them.

With the exception of the impact on the gallery, when you are the person you like in the decision you know that you're wrong, by losing the next point the nimble air over the backstop And don't hit the ball at the bottom of the net "Here you are." Just hit it on the net or hit the net and keep on your business in a regular way. Your opponent always knows when you tell him this justice. Not That is a very bad taste. Do it only when your sense of justice tells you.

Crowd objects, and so on right, in the display of genuine temperament to the court. It is a gallery from head expectation deafness in the player. Do not question the decision by the player, just put him in the crowd and bad light and can not change points. As you know, the call was wrong but it will be grin. Hold the essence of these things and win the "Gallery". The world's most unattractive players earn the respect and praise of the crowd by the display of actual sportsmanship at the time of testing.

Any player who really enjoys a match for the game is always a good sportsman, because to the match that does not give your opponent his every right, the player who is playing for the pleasure of the game steps him to the court Win the crowd for the first time. Every world loves optimists.
The psychology of tennis match play.

The first and most important point of match play is to know how to lose. Hilarious, generous, and lose like a sportsman. This is the first great rule of tennis and the second is like a sportsman, like it was generously, cheerfully, discreetly to win modest.

The goal of match play is to win, but those who are fair and unable to win from the front have no credibility. Victory is defeat if it is not fair. But again I'm the object to say to win, and to do so, the man is the last ounce of his strength, the last gasping of his breath, and the last of his nerve If you so lose , A better man won. Otherwise, you robbed his right opponent of beating your best. It is fair to him and yourself.

"Play is a thing" and a good defeat in match play is far more honorable than a hollow victory. Play tennis for the game. The people you meet, the friends you make, and the hard work you owe them by their presence in the match Still given to the public by the sports game

Many tennis players feel free to the public and allow favor by playing. I believe that when a nation honors a player at a game, that player is obliged to give him his best, free, willing, and cheerful. Today's tennis stars are owed to his public, as long as the actor owes the audience, and holding tennis for the public interest only by fulfilling his duties Players, their conscientious work Get their rewards with the personal popularity earned by.

There is another factor that is more than always strong, it is always a tennis tennis championship event. It is a competitive spirit that is a breath of life for all true sportsmen: the desire to prove to himself can he beat the best of others; he

The sharp competitive spirit that stimulates match players also increases nervous tension. This should be recognized by the tournament committee, and play conditions should be nearly standardized as weather permits.

The first thing to fix in your mind of making a match is to never allow your opponent to make the blow they like he is studying on and off both coat opponents . Find the weakness and, once you find it, beat it ruthlessly. Do not remember that the decision mode "to raid" is determined for you by the weakness of your opponent. If he hates to meet Netman, go to the net. If you want you to stay back and force him to come in. If he attacks with malicious intent, meet his attack with a similarly strong attack.

If other people are occupied to fulfill your attack, he will have less time to develop his system.

If you're playing a very stable guy, don't try to beat him in his own game. He is often better at it than you, so go on and hit to win. If, on the other hand, it turns out that your opponent is wild and tends to miss, play safely and get a full harvest of his errors. It saves your hassle and takes his confidence.

All of the above, never change the winning game.

Always change the losing game, since you have been scolded that way, you may not be off off and it may be good in a new style.

The problem of changing a losing game is very serious. It's hard to say only when you are truly beaten. If you still feel well playing, you are losing only the first set of about 3-6 or 4-6, with only a loss of service, you don't change your ge's it's just a service It is the case of one break and you may often earn the next set. But if you dropped the first set from two of the three matches, you should now go out and try something else.

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