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The basis of tennis.

I trust that this first effort of mine in the world of letters finds a place between both beginners and professionals in the world of tennis. I try to be interested in the students of the game by a somewhat tedious discussion of the game that I believe will shed new light on the game.

Can I rely on a beginner at my opening and talk to a skilled player about certain matters that are second nature?

The best tennis equipment isn't really good for beginners trying to succeed. It's finally saving because good quality material so far lasts the poor.

When engaging in tennis, always wear tennis clothes. The question of choosing a racket is a much more serious problem. I do not support forcing the player to have a racquet. All standards are excellent to make. It is necessary to get good stringing, but for best results, the weight, balance and size of the handle will be the real value of the racquet frame

After getting your racket, regular bouncing is a great help to progress, while a "dead" ball is not a practice at all, but a good teni

It also emphasizes that you want to go to the game with a desire to succeed again, so you can play all tennis. Draw a book for the top players of the study. All you can find are great aids.

More tennis can be learned off the court in the search for theories, and watching over the best players in action than you can learn in the actual play. I do not miss the opportunity to play. It is far from that. Play as much as possible, but actually strive to play to put the theory you read and the stroke you saw.

Never be discouraged by slow progress. Stroke tricks that you have worked for weeks will come to you suddenly, at least when you expect. Tennis players are products of hard work. It is a genius born in very few games.

Tennis is a game that pays dividends for all your life. Tennis rackets are the introductory letters of every town. The brothers of the game are not universal for any one, but a good sportsman can succeed in the game for any long period. Tennis provides relaxation, excitement, exercise, and pure enjoyment to those who are tight and fast tied to his business until late afternoon. Age is not a drawback. World tennis players have written magnificent pages in the history of the world war. Any branch of sports has not sent more men in colors from all countries of the world than tennis, and these men return glory or feel of honor

The following order of development produces the fastest and most invariant results:

1. Concentration of the game.

2. Keep an eye on the ball.

3. Foot work and weight control.

4. Stroke

5. Court position.

6. General or match play in court.

7. The psychology of tennis.


Tennis is played by the Lord. The world's most complete racket technology is not enough if you have a wandering direction. There are many causes of wandering in a tennis game. The chief one is the lack of interest in the game. If he is not willing to work with tennis with a real success idea, give it up right away unless he cares about playing the game properly and willing to do the hard work necessary to learn correctly. The conditions of play and noise in the gallery are often confusing and puzzled by experienced match players playing under the new environment. The full concentration of the problem by hand is the only cure for ambition and the sooner the lesson is learning the player's more rapid improvement.

The surest way to hold the game in mind is to play for every set, every game in a set, every point in a game is just made and a missed shot A group of people, and those who do not miss are the ultimate winners.

Tennis drive.

The forehand drive is the opening of every attack on tennis, and so it needs to be considered most carefully. There are footwork rules that apply to all shots. To reach the ball, which is a short distance away, advance the swing foot to the hit position, because it is away from the shot. If the ball is too close to your body, retract the foot closest to the shot and restore weight. If you can not change your foot position quickly, throw your weight on the foot closest to the ball.

The receiver should always wait for the service facing the net, but if serving is started on the way to the court, the receiver should be at a right angle to the net.

The forehand drive consists of one continuous swing of a racquet that can be divided into three parts for the purpose of analysis:

1. The part of the swing behind the body that determines the speed of the stroke.

2. Immediately determine the direction, in front of the body, in relation to the other, weight shift from one foot to the pace of the shot.

3. The golfer's "following part beyond the equal body" determines the rotation, top or slice given to the ball.

The Slice shots are completely different strokes.

To drive straight under the sideline, assemble a parallelogram with the sideline and the two sides consisting of your shoulders in theory About 4 to 4 1/4 from the body in front of the belt buckle The ball should immediately meet the ball at 2 feet and transfer weight from the back to the front foot at the time of a ball strike The swing on the racket should be flat and straight through. The racquet head, a little in advance, if there is something, is on the line by hand, or needs; so the whole arm and racquet leave the racquet surface to the ball and slightly to the ball as the blow continues to its limit You should turn on and give the ball a turn on.

The collision plane for all ground strikes should be between the knees and shoulders. The most advantageous aspect is on the line with the waist.

Never walk from the driving ball of the Cross Court. Always throw your weight in a shot.

The forehand drive from the left court is the same as the opponent's forehand down straight shot. Imagine an oblique line to him from your backhand corner for cross drive to his backhand, this imaginary line is a sideline That is, the line itself is a shot or an ordinary car. Do not try to "spoon" a ball with delayed wrist movement, as it tends to slide the ball off your racket.

Please go with every drive, stiff neck, wrist. There is no wrist movement for a true drive. The upper turn is given by the arm, not the wrist.

The backhand drive faithfully reproduces the forehand principle, except that the weight shifts a little faster, the R or front foot always has a greater tendency for backhandshot, by slicing them from the sideline Yes, this pulls the ball cross coat, avoiding this error The racket head does not slightly to help bring the court ball in front of the hand. I'm trying too hard to tophand my backhand.

I strongly recommend that no one should support one department of his match to protect his weakness. We will develop both the forehand and the backhand, especially the service courts. If you want to contribute that way, the ace will return but only weaken the result by killing the opponent.

It is assumed that the shop of favorite development. If you have a fair cross-coat drive, don't actually use it.

As I remember, I have a quick shot of museum and cartus. The cross drive must be slow because it does not have a room for increased angle and net height. Pass the line down with your drive, but open the court with your cross coat shot.

The drive needs depth. The average car is the service-line behind the hit. The fine do is a baseline of 3 feet if possible. Cross court drives should be shorter than straight drives, to increase possible angles. Learn to change your distance depending on your person. You should drive deeply against the baseliner, but for the net player it is short and trying to drop at his feet.

Hates people who can hate the other player.

Re I like that hard drive:

1. Lay your body on the net.

2. Long follow through, flat swing.

3. Shift weight just like a ball hits.

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