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Self improvement and success

Everything that happens to us will happen with purpose. And sometimes, one leads to another. I treat them as your teacher, not crying with fear of your cage and past heartache, embarrassment and failure and they are both self-improvement and success

I remember seeing it Patch Adams - I really like the movies I do. That one big movie will help you to improve yourself. Hunter "patch" Adams is a medical student who failed to make it through an exam of the board. Several months after suffering in depression, depression and suicide attempt - he decided to seek a doctor's examination and voluntarily acknowledged himself in a psychiatric ward. His months of staying at the hospital led him to a meeting of various kinds of people. People who are sick with that. He met tensions, mental retardation, schizophrenia, and so on. The patch found a way to treat his own illness and eventually realized that he needed to get back to the truck. He found a morning, after all the failure and pain he experienced, he wanted to be a doctor yet. He carries a positive attitude that brought himself and his self improvement and success. Not only did he improve herself, he also improved the lives and quality of life of the people around him. Did he succeed? Needless to say, he became the best doctor his country knew.

Yes, when will self improvement become synonymous with success? Where do you start from? Take these tips, friends ...
* Stop thinking and emotions as you are not as you are failing. How is it accepted by others, can not you accept?

* When you see Hank or models on TV, think more about self improvement, not self improvement. Self-accepting and legs also abs. Focus on the inner beauty.

* When people feel so low about themselves, help them move. Do not go with them. They will lower you further, and you will feel that both are inferior.

* The world is a big room for lessons, there is no mistake. Do not be foolish, do not feel permanent as doomed because you just failed with science quizzes. Next is always making a room for self improvement.

* Take things one by one. You are not expecting to be a goody-two-shoes with just a snap of a black sheep's finger. Self-improvement is a day-to-day process.

* Internal stability, the result of self improvement to personality development and this will dig it .... Success It comes from self-confidence, self-appreciation and self-esteem.

* Achievable purpose with meaning of set. Self-improvement does not enable accurate replica of Cameron-Diaz or Ralph-Fines. It aims for expectation, and it depends on improvement of the result.

* Small things mean big for people. Sometimes, we are little things that we are like the flick of the back is, "Hello" or "Hello" say it, greeting someone "good day" or to say to Mr. Smith "Chi" other people So simple meaning so much. We are also beautiful when we are thankful for the beautiful things around us and other people.

* When you are happy to accept changes and go through the process of self improvement, it does not mean that everyone is. The world is a place where people with different values ​​and attitudes hang out. Sometimes, even if you and your best friend always want to do the same at the same time, she declines the most likely self-improvement invitation

We should always remember that things are not like 'overnight night success'. Always feeling awesome that you already cling to what you already have In the very good estimates that they are just one thing you once wanted, "If the students are ready, the teacher will appear "We are all here to learn. Our parents, school teachers, friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbors ... They are our teachers. When we open our doors for self improvement, we increase our chances to lead the way of success.

Power through people

When you put him in a stranger's room, he encountered a naturally friendly person so that he would be friends with most of the time there is no time We are such people, Call someone incredibly wonderful, superhuman who can attract anyone to do whatever he does.

A socially authorized person basically accomplishes greatness, for the catapult people, to succeed him. He has the trust and full support of those who helped before. He never runs out of help. He can do something with too much of the people behind him. Because he knows the full potential of his social possibilities, everything!

If you know your social skills and use them, see to reach self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is doing general disassembly test of your life, turning yourself to a happier, successful person. If you can become one of those people, I can not see why you will not succeed. You only know how to start.

1. I am genuine.

Hypocrisy will just bring you all the way. I am interested in people if it is purely nice. They may say goodbye to self-empowerment if you recognize that you are a hypocrite with selfish intention.

2. Become the biggest listener you can do.

Please listen to their problems and sympathize with them in order to gain people's love and trust. Listen to them in your heart and do not listen to them. Touch your eyes when a person talks to you. When listening as if all words are important, it is not. Brownie points when they learned that there is a best friend inside you.

3. Laugh out loud.

I do not mean to force you to laugh for every joke you cracked into someone. This discovery is one of those with no humor. People who ooze with a great sense of humor attract the crowd and, eventually, are gaining success.

4. Do not forget yourself

In the process of flapping around like a social butterfly, you can push you and you may forget yourself. Before someone else, please love and cherish yourself. If you think that you can respect and deserve affection, people will climb to you and will not tramplest you.

5. Do random actions of kindness.

If you do John * Rockefeller you do not have to blow up your savings into charity. Most matters of tenderness are as simple as helping the elderly crossing your care cards or streets that will surprise someone and this will make you learn more about the kindness of kindergartens and students It seems to have been done. Now, let's stay for good, good deed and time to restore this time.

6. Please contact your old friend.

Whether it is sad or not obviously friendship has to do with technology by good-bye presenters and commentators. Try over the good old days by turning over your yearbook and look for the great people you want to communicate again. Support for these additional friends' roster.

7. Develop your personality.

Are you in a sullen, sullen, generally disgusting? Oops, you can not walk life with them. Get rid of habits and bad characteristics that constantly hinder your growth. And indeed, do you want grouchy friends anyway?

8. With confidence.

Walk to the other corner of the room and be able to introduce yourself to the people of that victory smile. Just remember: confident, not arrogant.

9. Practice control.

It is a snap that is not angry. Never throw a tantrum nasty. Stay calm and collect. Take control of the situation and become adult enough to transform your anger into more productive and passive things. As soon as you think that your anger goes to the proportion of volcanoes, it will be hard to come to you.

10. Keep up your relationship.

It is likely to be necessary to do with the relationship with family, friends, important others. Go out and have fun with them. We will do things together. Happiness never fly away from your side as long as people are most important as long as people are near you.

In the end it means to become a better, more loved one using people for self-empowerment. It is a favorable situation for each other: people know that you can turn around on the other side at any time.

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