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Simple invention idea

It is easy to call the idea of ​​the invention. There is no complicated mechanics or complicated plans.

It's tough. :
Simple invention idea, invention idea, idea

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Simple Invention Ideas? Why is it easy? Sometimes it is too intimidating to think about building a new type of car, television, or other complex invention too. So these are the garage and basement ideas. These costs for most of the prototypes are put in the pocket below. They have not yet obtained a patent as far as I know.

<b> Wild game carrier </ b>

Deer hunters die regularly while having their dollars out of the woods with a heart attack. The invention here will solve that problem. It has inflatable wheels, using coated nylon, which does not puncture easily. Once you get your deer, blow up the wheel and use the clamps on either side, you attach the cut two posts or sticks on the site. Equipment such as rod and wheel riding between the attached simple nylon sling will accumulate roughness even if the hand deer. Perhaps not weighing more than two pounds, it can be easily implemented with a pack of the day.

<b> Helium cage </ b>

Perhaps that has been done, but I haven't seen them selling yet. With the rise from helium, these moths can fly with any amount of wind. Well designed, they still fly something like a wolf, and if designed like maneuverability and stunts. The first prototype is a kite with a small helium balloon. It is a simple invention.

<b> Advertising </ b>

This is more of a marketing idea than an invention. Have a whale ad and get paid to fly at the beach or during a big outdoor event. I have a market at the festivities around the ad drug dragging the pay surface in the small town home before.

<b> Disposable clothing </ b>

We know that it is cheaper to make if the dollar store can keep t-shirts on the shelf. So how about a low quality shirt line, but good enough to use, very little cost to manufacture? You sell them as "disposable clothes" in 12 boxes. "Where is the market? People who want less laundry maybe on a long trip. I put old clothes aside for the purpose of where the idea came from. And even if some people are there It's dirty like you're wearing cheap stuff.

<b> Kayak shoes </ b>

Imagine this: Wearing your foot two little "kayaks". Tsutsu-tsutsu-tsutsu-tsutsu-tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutotsutsutotsu. With 8 feet long and 8 inches, they are about 170 pounds each, by the way To try this, multiply the squared radius of pi (3.14) times the length to calculate the volume of the cylindrical object: Oh, each cubic foot of air supports about 64 pounds To do.

<b> Wind tent </ b>

Simple invention ideas from childhood. Me and my brothers spent summer on the shore of Lake Michigan. Many nights, the wind blew off the water steadily, and we found that we could make a "wind tent" from an old blanket. Three sides used rock and sand, fixed down and held a wind-open "tent". When the wind died, the tents did, but we camped on these tents. Perhaps someone can make and sell plastic versions. Plastic colorful squares-this is one of the simplest of the simple invention ideas.

Don't stop short of money

The purest of intentions to achieve the goal and what time did you start only to find that you quit before you reached it? Looking back on, what places do you introduce today? Do you want to quit before being irritated? What was the final stage of what you said on your return?

It's tough. :
Home based, Home, Business, Entrepreneur, Work at Home, Entrepreneurship, Work, Base, SOHO, solopreneur

Article body:
Think of Napoleon Hill's classic and growing rich, he had a true story of a man named his uncle who was hit by "gold fever" between R.D. Derby and the Gold Rush

After having their first car of ore shipped to the smelter, they discovered they were hitting one of Colorado's gold richest bodies. Excited, they kept digging, but the ore veins disappeared.

They kept digging in hopes of finding the vein again, but when they did not get the result they wanted, they stuffed it and sold their machine

The man who bought the machine realized that random drilling was not the best way to find the vein. He was called a mining engineer and he did some calculations.

Contributing to Darby and his uncle's failure was the lack of knowledge about "fault lines" and the failure to consider alternatives. With his expertise, the engineer had found a foot from where the gold veins stopped digging Darby, where it was exactly

By the man who decided the gold worth millions of dollars to not easily accept defeat and bring to someone else who had the expertise he did not

What you need to learn will have the greatest obstacles to success. A welcome failure and use it as a measuring bar. When you are defeated, look for a lesson. What changes do you need to approach, if you feel, your environment?

Using the modern day example, I have been working with personal trainers for several months. With the first few sessions, it was quite unrealistic where she went.

I was pushing mediocre weights and because I was a small build, I thought the "small results" were the best I could expect to create. I grunted, moaned and told her it wasn't possible when she asked me to lift 50 pounds giving me a calf raise. "Tstsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu."

With foot press, my first week she had me up to 100 pounds. Like all good veins she is her sadistic school.

She eventually stopped telling me what weight she kept at the machine and continued to increase weight and reps. I did not have a clue and told her two weeks later, "ha! A piece of cake that raises a 50 pound calf, let its weight."

She then told me, "Laurie has been lifting 80 pounds for the last two meetings."

She also had a foot that pushed me to 180 pounds without my knowledge.

By the fourth week I had my calf lifted weight to 100 pounds and doubled pushing the foot to 200. She does the same as my upper body exercises, and I never let it try, I was not lifting weight.

I will allow temporary defeat and limited thinking will keep me at the level I set for myself. I thought that I was pushing the technology that taught me a lot, was heavy, and strengthened my growth.

I will translate this lesson into my business thinking and ask you to consider it as well.

The only limit is those that you create in your mind. Defeat is simply the result of being produced. Measure the results, change your approach, and keep your effort.

2006 Lowry Haze-HBB Source

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