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Stop from spraying your cat

Spray is a cat, mainly male behavior, and is confused with many owners urinating out of the bathroom. The difference between the two is that the cat urinates on a flat horizontal surface. Spraying is most often done in the vertical plane. Female cats spray on horizontal surfaces, but are rare.

The main reason that cats spray is that your cat sees on spraying urine to let others know who is the territorial animal and owns a small part of the world to other cats If you notice that you can be marked near windows and screen doors, that's a pretty good opportunity.

Many times the cat is sprayed for psychological problems like concern, pressure or feeling of being threatened by something or someone. If a personal item is blown it is usually a sign that your cat has some problems with humans. Whether the cat is the cause of many cat size houses is also a spraying issue.

Do cats feel like they need to be sprayed if they get into a stressful situation like a new person (new baby) or are introduced into a new living environment?

 You may be able to live a cat at an event that has been held for review over time, but act to eliminate one. There is a smelly cat that contains a pet store selling products. These are comfortable cats. Many other dissociable behaviors are cat neutered. In most cases, this is the most effective way to relax your cat's territory instinct. This is still another argument for castration.

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