If the cat needs surgery, regardless of the reason, it's a big problem with the gosh cats. There are three main categories of surgery. First, the elective surgery is that you do not have to be selected to do. Ovariectomy and castration fall into this category. The second type of surgery is called non electives, these must be done for the survival of your cat, but the surgery you schedule. Finally, as if your cat hit the car, there is an emergency surgery that takes place as quickly as your pet needs them. If your cat is undergoing elective or elective surgery, there is a way to prepare this, and your cat is recovering from any type of surgery
First of all, when your cat undergoes surgery, it is best for this to happen when your cat is hungry, unless the vet shows otherwise. The most common response to anesthetics used is vomiting, so if you have no food in the stomach, cat problems will be less. If you reject your pet food about 12 hours before surgery, most of the food in the stomach will disappear. In most cases, your cat has access to water. If you have other pets in the house, you need to lock your cat in one room so that he or she is not eating from other dishes
But Kitty has many mistakes when I remember surgery. You will be responsible for the vet bill, even if it is higher than the estimate. After surgery, it may take more than a day for your cat to wake up and function. You may also be looking at a few days—sometimes more—at a veterinarian hospital for recovery. Offer yourself to help feed or worry for your cat, which should be visited during the allowed time. I don't use cats like this.
If you bring your own, act according to the instructions of the cat family. Your cat may need several pills and special meals daily. Your cat may also not be allowed out for some time. This may be difficult if your cat is used to frequent outings. If you have to cut or shave your cat's fur, it's probably colder than usual, so keep in mind that your other cats should also be careful, as extra extra warm in hot water wrapped in a dryer or towel. By checking the terms, you can love the safety of a solid home after all the surgery after the surgery.
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