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Studying basic principles of RSS

What is RSS?
I probably saw this three letter acronym in your Internet surfing process. RSS actually means a brief syndication or an overview of rich places; syndicating means reprinting articles coming from another source like a website.

RSS is a means of publishing updates about websites. It may or may not contain summaries or photos of the latest posts. But those that provide a summary (thus a rich site overview) can decide later whether they will access the website source RSS feeds usually include updates submitted from web sites The title is included. Also, it is usually a link to the source of the website.

What are the benefits of RSS?
RSS provides advantages for both readers (users) and web publishers.
1. It will provide you the latest updates.
For weather, new music, software upgrades, local news, or rarely new posts from update sites, so that it comes out soon

2. It will save by the time of the surf.
As the RSS feed provides an overview of the relevant articles, it is based on the help of s / he that the item decides to rank when reading or browsing the web

3. It gives users the power to subscribe.
The user is given the website freedom to subscribe with their RSS aggregators who can change at any time to change at any time.

4. It reduces confusion in your inbox.
For e-mail address required for online RSS for service judgment, send e-mail address not using RSS.

5. It is free spam.
Unlike email subscriptions, update the transmission to email addresses that do not use RSS and always keep it safe or junk e-mail with your privacy policy.

6. Withdrawal is a painless process.
Unlike e-mail subscriptions where the user is asked why s / he is unsubscribing and then the user is asked to confirm unsubscribing

7. It can be used as advertisement or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicated products web site Send the latest news items to the site of products or spam junk e-mail. This is advantageous for both web users and web site owners as advertising will be targeted; those who are actually interested in their products

What are the drawbacks of RSS?
The disadvantage of using RSS is brought about by being a concern of new technology and certain user preferences.
1. We will use RSS feeds for received mail news preferred by some users.

2. Graphics and photos do not appear on all RSS feeds.
Due to simplicity and ease of publication, the RSS feed announces updates except for some web-based aggregators and does not display pictures from the original site

3. The id of the source web site may be confusing.
Since the RSS feed does not display the website's actual URL or name, you can get confused as to what supply the user is actually reading.

4. Publishers can not determine the number of users subscribing to feeds and the frequency of visits. In addition, we can not know why it is important for users to improve their ads.

5. Supply of RSS creates higher traffic and requests at the server.
The summary of the most overwritten update is also the site of access as well.

6. Since it is a new technology, many places still do not support RSS.

How do I start using RSS?
There are two things needed: RSS supply and RSS aggregator or reader. RSS feed comes from RSS supported web site. There is also a website that provides a list of RSS feeds for different websites. The RSS aggregator is used to read RSS feeds from the source website. Scan and collect data and update the latest information from RSS feed worldwide - web.

Both forms of the Web: desktop web, also known as downloadable program web and online or web based name. Judgment is necessary for download Judging that it is possible to obtain payment for the Internet is usually free. But registering a user is its service. Enter an RSS feed that selects customization according to both versions. Payment amount useful and judgment is usually customized more freely than usual for experienced users chosen.

1. Choose an RSS aggregator to use. Because it is judged useful on the web for beginners, it is usually for users

2. Press the RSS or XML button of the target site on the scan homepage. It contains the RSS code that needs to be entered into the aggregator. Copy this code and Syndic 8 provides a directory of websites that support RSS.

3. Paste the code (including website URL) into the aggregator. There is space to paste the code.

Later I will not work with these three simple steps Please note that the site from RSS feed of reading. Even if we post new posts we will refuse publication in real time.

Tsutsu niece "Tsu"

The original idea of ​​RSS is that their intentions include links to websites that intend interests them similar to bookmark websites

The application of RSS to internet marketing was an unexpected development to developers of RSS. Now those who are interested in specific products and services available on the Internet as users are given the freedom to add their RSS feed to their aggregators now real marketing becomes specific to the people who are interested and no collision and failure operation.

Consider that people who intend to use RSS to sell their products and services will connect with providers of e-mail accounts The Small-Time Industry will also consider not only networking websites, but also personal blogs Websites (eg Blogspot), perhaps for example their own products and service fishing supplies store possible RSS marketing

Clearly, RSS is an innovation of worldwide network information management as well as online marketing. As popularity among users and website owners increases as well as we can expect better RSS technology so far away from the future.

Guide to RSS Aggregators

One of the most popular features in Internet portals, websites, pages, and even e-mails, news headlines from other web sources and periodic updates Actually simple Syndication, formerly "rich place Overview "simply, RSS to enable this.

Most users like content news sites, community organizations or professional association information pages, medical websites, product support pages, blogs, etc. Continuous Internet surfing has become an essential part of business and leisure , It is necessary for each website to see repeatedly updated content

RSS easily distributed information from different websites to a wide range of users on the internet. RSS aggregators are programs that use these updates to RSS sources and then organize those lists of headings, content and notifications for easy reading. Changes in trajectory and headlines in You List can work with interest after a computer is automatically posted for retrieval and content for retrieval.

Particularly made computer program called "RSS aggregators" will automatically find and retrieve the RSS feed on the pre-designated internet site on behalf of the user and the results (RSS feeds and aggregators are also sometimes referred to as "RSS channels" and " It is said to be an RSS reader.

RSS aggregator seems to be a web browser for RSS content. HTML directly presents information to the user and RSS automatically communicates with each other. There are many websites on the user's browser to change its load view for each page RSS and judgment trace. Let's ask about the user of the web page used for loading the title and description of the link itself.

RSS begins with the original website with content that is made available by the administrator. The website registers this content with the RSS publisher who creates an RSS document and allows other websites to syndicate the documents. The WEB site also generates RSS feeds or channels that are available with all other resources or documents on a particular Web server. The website registers supply, as an RSS document with a list of appropriate RSS publishers directory.

RSS feeds are the contents on the contents posted on this website. "Each item is described with a more complete description and link to the web page with the actual content that is usually described In some cases, a short description or title line is all updated information the user wishes to read (eg sports, weblog posting, or stock update so it is associated with the content You do not have to have a web page that is or you want to update the listed items - sometimes the user

The content of RSS is not very different from a typical web page in a single file of a web page in a sense. The difference is that the information is written in XML computer code for use by web users like regular HTML pages, not RSS aggregators.

There are two main parts involved in RSS syndication, namely: the end of the source and the end of the customer.

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