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Taurus, Aries, and Gemini Myths

Constellation Taurus is one of the oldest symbols. It is associated with a bull that dates back to the Babylonian era. In ancient Egypt, Taurus was associated with Apis, a bull-like incarnation of the god Osiris. In the Old Testament, Moses destroyed the golden calf. And in ancient Greece, Torus commemorated the romance of Zeus and Europa--that Zeus transformed himself into a beautiful white bull to confuse her, their son, Minos, became the king of Crete Build a maze to hold a figure of another bull-the minotaur, which was eventually killed by Theseus
Aries is another constellation that is always associated with a single image. Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome, all of them, Aries is considered to be Lamb. In Greece, Aries was most associated with Jason and Argonauts.
Jason was a victim of prophecy Jason's father was killed by his brother Pelias Jason was a thousand and ten thousand secretives to defend him, but oracle would alert Pelias a boy will come back. Jason was raised by Centauro Skylon (represented by the constellation Sagittarius). There was a challenge to Jason Pelias, who pretendered Jason as its artist in the reign of the Golden Fleece.
Jason built a ship called Argo and boiled it down with Argonaut, part of the great Greek hero. Even Hercules sailed Argo. And with their help, he finally succeeded.
"They've been a part of the fleece quest. At some point along the quest of the fleece, Castor was killed. Immortal Pollux asked Zeus to die as well, instead Zeus arranged them side by side in the stars.
Cancer, Leo, and Myth of Cancer
There are many variants of Scorpio's myths, but almost all include the constellation of Orion, a hunter. In some versions, Scorpio was an assassin that Artemis sent to kill Orion. The reason is different. Sometimes it's from anger at her defeat in his hand. Another is that it protects the Taurus bull, and another is for his skill and glory of hunting (the Artemis is for food In yet another version, the scorpion is Was a punishment for the pursuit of Orion's Pleaders.
Regardless of the version you want to believe, Orion's assassination is repeated many times in the stars every night. Orion is Scorpius on the other side of the sky, so when scorpion arrives at the scene, Orion falls below the horizon and "dies".
Both Leo and cancer owe their existence-and their death, unfortunately-to the great Olympic hero, Hercules.
Hercules was charged with killing vicious and huge Nemea lions. None of his weapons were able to tear the lion's skin, so he was eventually forced to strike it on the ground and strangle.
Hercules holds the skin of a lion and it has become very convenient. His next job was Lernean Hydra, a seven-headed dragon. And when multiple heads are cut, it will grow in two more places in it, as if multiple heads were not enough of the problem! The skin of the lion helped keep Hercules out of his head and he tried to find a way to kill it.
Zeus's wife wanted to kill Hercules She sent a crab to deflect Hercules from the fight with Hydra. Unfortunately, Hercules was distracted long enough to smash the crab under his foot. Hera left the crab empty and remembered the sacrifice

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