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The biggest mistakes in network sales that you can learn from P & G

P & G fans and when I read about P & G's most recent marketing strategy bribery women as I use their friendship to sell soaps

NM has created an image of the industry in which people use and abuse friends for personal gain. P & G is using their friends for trading with soap and coupons that just created an army of 600,000 women.

NM Recruiter Pitch: Make money to do what e does. ..

It's tough. :
Kim-Klaver, Klaver, Marketing, MLM

Article body:
P & G fans and when I read about P & G's most recent marketing strategy bribery women as I use their friendship to sell soaps

NM has created an image of the industry in which people use and abuse friends for personal gain. P & G is using their friends for trading with soap and coupons that just created an army of 600,000 women.

NM Recruiter's Pitch: What You Do Every Day Making Money-Recommending Things to Friends. Just go to the people you know and talk about products as usual. Only this time is paid for it. You do it every day. This is the same thing.

Who hates making money doing something they do every day?

However, 95% will drop out. To make matters worse, he talks about the new position of NFL as a member of thousands of people and business. They used them. So now they have no money, and not more friends.

Here is a big mistake:

The NM company I know does not tell people to bring to the front that they are selling the product they are talking about. (It's a contradiction mantra and I'll pay. When other gals get enthusiastic and want to get the product too) So the truth comes out: "Um, I'm selling it "

And the right trust is broken.

"Oh. I'm happy to chat, I said all nice things ..."

Next time, my friend will not return the phone.

Note: This reaction has nothing to do with the quality of the product. Using a transparent and credible word-of-mouth channel-no reserved for confusingly motive-speaking friends they just chat how friends do, click here for a clear definition of wikipedia.

P & G's new tactics bribed women to talk products to their friends without saying that it could lead to the same erosion of trust among friends.

"We know that P & G's company CEO does this with Steve Knox, who says that the most powerful form of marketing is the chanting message from trusted friends."

So they find the biggest talkers who chat to friends with these products without disclosing things, for a box of products and discount coupons.

The tactics now seem to have significantly increased sales for P & G. However, it is very likely to be breached and here is the reason:

They leave it to women who are jealous for not teaching or teaching. If you don't, I expect it's almost instantaneous, so those who expect it's almost have to deal with fallout-their guess

If my friends were talking to me on a product or program, then they were secretly bought up like this and didn't tell me, and if I found it later, that's me

I do not mind people who know that I make money. I helped do that by making sure that they received a salary for a referral that was worth me money. But I want to know in advance. I can adjust my listening strategy Later, I do not want to find out later, after I let my most vulnerable side (secretly paid), respond to a recommendation of a trusted friend.

P & G: They say that they are getting something from you to talk to your women in these programs talking over of the product that allows them to do it with friends If you provide language skills put in place) you can achieve much of the same thing.

If you don't, much of the risk network marketing that gets the same picture is now stuck with:

P & G: In your case, in your case, use a soap case and people who encourage their customers to abuse their friends for uh.

What is the exhibition on earth for?

As a Sydney-exhibition designer, Prado Transfers will exhibit its own survey. He tries to solve the goals each position plays in the marketing strategy of the company from what he sees. "Ku", "The message is not clear and some designs go straight past the actual car customers"

Rent a space at the exhibition, design a stand, it is built and staffed it for several periods of exhibition stock Essen ...

It's tough. :
Online booking, event management, booking mananger, booking, registration

Article body:
As a Sydney-exhibition designer, Prado Transfers will exhibit its own survey. He tries to solve the goals each position plays in the marketing strategy of the company from what he sees. "Ku", "The message is not clear and some designs go straight past the actual car customers"

Rent space at a trade show, design a stand, it is built and staffing it for the duration of the show will perform other types of events

First, your audience is only partially captive. They choose to attend the exhibition, if they do not effectively market your presence in favor of a more visible, attractive, loud and exciting position.

Time is precious if they get off in your position. A 20 30 tests will be conducted. Until now it has been 15-20 minutes, but staffing will never be simultaneous with others.

Your potential customers may also come to you with very specific problems or problems at all, just general interest to solve. You have to be ready to handle almost anything. I can not make single script ad-libbers related to people at series presentation.

To solve the purpose of the trade position

As with any event, making things to show at the exhibition starts somewhere from the sprout of ideas. It may be your organization always taking a stand at this particular show, or this may be the first time you have cut your teeth on this audience To achieve your presence at your stand and show It depends on the answers to some important questions you expect.

• Is this an opportunity to launch exciting new products or services?

• Is this a showcase for an existing range of products or services?

• Are you primarily expected to meet new potential customers?

* Are you mainly expected to meet existing customers?

* Are you expecting to take an order on the stand?

* Is the position only an information display?

* Are you planning to put your configuration against the competition?

• Is your position about images or matter?

Your answers to all of the above are "Yes!", Then be very careful. By trying to achieve your presence and too much at the exhibition, you may encounter issues of confusion and complexity. Such marketing activities should be done.

Ove's advice to the exhibitors of the exhibition is "A quarter of the people who attend the exhibition remember actually have formalized the order. Your position says" I We are friendly-talk to us! "

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