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There is also a morning rush and backpack matching sock.

Timely clothes

There is also a morning rush and backpack matching sock. Who has the time to deal with it, and who also wants something like the stress of the day? If you have not experienced a cry: "I can not find my other shoes. Where is the jacket?-You are probably some one.
Most families sometimes had to deal with this kind of morning every morning. It is morning stress that contributes to the miniaturization of events related to
Organize school clothes in advance. Please try one week or one day in advance. Hang the pants and the shirt together. Clip the sock on the hanger Always put shoes and jackets away in the same place.
We made a special hanger organizer with the children for a year. We took the fleece (you can use any kind of cloth) and cut it to the hanger. The children used cloth paint to write the day of the week to each organizer. Then they chose their clothes for the week, placed the clothes on the hangers, and added the top fabric organizer. If you can sew, you may add a pocket to the front of each organizer for socks and hair accessories.
But I will stay with the clothes. After deciding what to wear, make sure you have a special place where the clothes are placed, such as the top of the dresser or the end of the bed. Make sure they have shoes and socks going with the clothes.
Another way to avoid the last minute scramble is to get up early in the morning. With the above things in hand, you have lost something that you can prepare for time. Everything to the TV was done and I was calm until morning ---.
Test stress and anxiety

      Some people are afraid of testing. For us not so, it seems difficult to understand. But if they have fear or stress from taking a test it is important to be able to help your child. If there is no way to control this, they will have a very difficult time at school and their grades will suffer.
      Tell the child about why the test is given and explain that it helps the teacher understand what the child has learned. I will learn all the decisions by myself. Schools that do not show grade also count.
      What kind of examination is it? Please let me know that there is something more important. Downplay That fear is of course not a bad thing to know.
      Even if it is taught by the exam to become known worldwide as a practice exam, calmness decreases. Also, talk with the teacher for an idea to help. It may be easier to test if they can work alone. While other students are taking them in the classroom, they may be able to speak their tests in the library.
      Their teachers may also have other suggestions. It is important to help relieve stress and fear of testing before it gets too bad. Unfortunately, taking a test is a big part of attending school and it is difficult to avoid. Give your child every opportunity to succeed in school.

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