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Throat pain set off by acid reflux

Acid reflux indicates conditions under which partially digested food containing digestible juice travels back to the esophagus from the mouth.

To describe the mechanical layout of this disease, our digestive system has a circular band of muscles called the esophagus sphincter lower. This muscle divides the stomach from the esophagus. When food enters the stomach, this muscle closes to prevent partially digested material from returning to the esophagus. However, when the lower esophagus sphincter becomes incapacitated, the contents of the stomach are allowed to regurgitate and exhale.

The contents of the stomach, which travels back to the esophagus, contain digestive acids as the digestive fluid is released to promote digestion and the digestive tract of the stomach has been released. Because of the acidic nature of the perfused material, inflammation develops in the lining of the throat; sore throat is a common symptom of this condition.

Throat pain is usually associated with other symptoms, but it is unusual to have pus on the surface of the tonsils and to spit frequently. In addition, patients with sore throat may experience dyspnea caused by the narrowing of the passage of air through the larynx or pharynx.

You can relieve the pain and other difficulties caused by sore throat. , If not treated, simple self-treatment can be done at home. It is recommended to gargle. It is good to try it. After encouraging the mouth, mix well with running water (lukewarm water). Drinking lots of water is also very important. This will help you recover faster and take extra sleep. Ice and cold drinks are good for sore throat. Humidifiers and vaporizers can be used to soothe sore throat. Also, sucking on solid candies that help promote saliva production serves as an alternative therapy. It is known that saliva contains bicarbonate which helps to neutralize acids which may remain in the throat due to reflux.

However, if home treatment is not enough to relieve your condition with sore throat, medical treatment is available. Taking the drug is especially recommended for people who experience related symptoms such as dyspnea, dehydration or loss of fluid in the body, and severe pain. If you feel that viral or bacterial infections have developed further in your throat, take antibiotics. Also, rheumatic fever can be prevented from occurring although this condition is very rare. Corticosteroids, which have anti-inflammatory properties, are useful in severe sore throat conditions.

Prevention and treatment can, of course, also be used with minimal acid reflux and pharyngitis. In other words, people are kept standing most of the time to hold digested material. Gravity helps prevent backflow, or movement of the stomach contents back into the esophagus.

Eating habits should also change to promote in the treatment of acid reflux. The usual case of acid reflux usually occurs after a meal. It is recommended that evening meals be taken earlier and in smaller doses. This is so that you can get stomachier at a certain time, which is shorter than when heavy meals are eaten. In addition, acid reflux patients have less chance of regurgitating when they lie down.

Drugs are also available. Some drugs act to neutralize gastric acid and act by blocking acid formation by controlling the action of histamine.
Pillow and positional therapy as an immediate cure for acid reflux

When we eat, the contents of the stomach normally go to the intestine with the aid of digestive muscle contraction. However, for those with acid reflux disease, the digestive content travels back to the esophagus. And because the digestive material contains acid, patients suffer from throat inflammation that may be associated with pain in the abdomen and breastbone. Other symptoms include dyspepsia, vomiting, regurgitation and breathing related indicators.

Acid reflux is a chronic health condition. If it starts to send in the body continues to dwell indefinitely. Treatment is available but symptoms usually tend to be applied repeatedly. This means that the treatment also needs to be adopted repeatedly.

The act of gastric fluid to back up to the esophagus is actually normal. It also happens to those without acid reflux disease. In the case of acid reflux patients, however, the contents of the stomach have more acid than usual, and acids that tend to stay in the esophagus for a long period of time.

The human body, of course, has its own mechanism to reduce the harmful effects caused by the acid that is perfused. One such example is the salivary gland found in the mouth. These glands produce saliva, a fluid that contains bicarbonate. As we swallow, saliva containing bicarbonate passes through the esophagus.

Bicarbonate has the ability to neutralize the acid, which may remain after premature regurgitation. Also, studies have shown that reflux in this case is daytime. At the moment, individuals are usually in an upright position. With the aid of gravity, reflux is minimized as the stomach content is held back. Also, when awake, individuals repeatedly swallow. And this exercise maximizes the benefits that saliva brings by lowering the level of acid in the throat.

The natural methods of protection of the body mentioned are important in the maintenance of the esophagus. However, saliva, swallowing, gravity only work when the person is in an upright position. Gravity can not help much when the individual is asleep during the night. In addition, the secretion of saliva is in order and it does not happen to swallow. Acid reflux for these reasons will make the acid stay longer and therefore make more damage, so at night it will be more severe pain in the esophagus.

Acid reflux can be made more susceptible to pregnancy and obesity. Increased levels of hormones during pregnancy and high levels of fat in the body cause acid reflux due to lower esophageal sphincter pressure Thus, it is less power holding them back Because it is partially digestible content will be easier to come back. Furthermore, for pregnant women, abdominal pressure rises due to the developing fetus in utero.

There are ways to help the body minimize the occurrence of reflux. The easiest to implement is position therapy. This is done at the time of sleep by raising the head and torso. Ready-to-use pillows can be placed to raise the torso by about 6 to 8 inches. This position can provide the maximum effectiveness of the reflux hold. The study recommends the results of promotion to higher efficiencies that have shown increased use.

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