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The choice of keywords is the first step to writing a meta tag or text on your website. If you choose your keywords thoughtfully and carefully, you can not attract the desired traffic to your website.

It's tough. :

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The choice of keywords is the first step to writing a meta tag or text on your website. If you choose your keywords thoughtfully and carefully, you can not attract the desired traffic to your website.

This meta tag does not guarantee the website is a higher ranking search engine for more site visitors. These meta tags can be selected based on the required base keywords. Here are a few guidelines that will help you choose the right keywords, well.

1. Description keyword

The first rule is very easy. We provide products or services that need to describe keywords. Don't make the mistake of putting keywords in your company name. The service related to this is a large-scale company that will do things like this if you are almost in search. For example, I do not put the word "BizTalk4U Consult" in the meta tag of my website. Instead, I use a "web satisfied writer" that describes the services I offer.

Also, in the beginning I used my meta tag and content word "website copywriting" and was hardly getting a hit from the search engine. When I did research, I found that people use the word "web content", and not "web copy" for the text on their website. My keyword is "web content" to be perfect for the entire site of the text.

Please target keywords that you know do not assume at all. If you are looking for a product or servicing like you ask for customers and prospects about the phrases / words you use. All

2. Popular keywords

The time has become a couple of challenges as you can yes keywords about brainstormed questions. A key tool on your list of keyword suggestion tools to assess their popularity is a good tool to use:

-Overture proposal tool
This search suggestion page is known as Squirrel Search Engine "Overture, formerly known .. The list of keywords generated by your choice of type is close, and how similar keywords are hit. This is popular Gives a fair idea of ​​how some search words are done.

3. Words or phrases?

Research shows when people usually search, using a phrase of two to three keywords instead of a single word. It must be noticed that it is more relevant in its input phrase and is the result of the subject. Thus, it is a web using keywords instead of keyphrases for their meta tags and web content to generate more targeted traffic For example, if you sell clothes for girls, the word "garment "Use only to bring targeted visitors. "Fashion women's knitwear brand" for people search also offers as it is interested.

4. Keywords of competition

After researching the popularity of keywords, you may also want to see keywords that your nearby competitors use. We have focused on sites that use observation, and other keywords, to one of the selection keywords for the search that can be made. Wordtracker also gives you an analysis of the surface competition of your keywords.

5. Trade-offs

If you have the most popular, competitive keyword list, it is time to make your final choice. If you use very popular keywords, there is also more competition and your chances for high rankings are slim. On the other hand, if you try to use keywords without competition, they won't spread and nobody will search for them. Hence, your website is higher in rankings and comes in very high as a result of a few surveys. You need to make a tradeoff between popularity and competition. You have to choose reasonably low words, which are reasonably popular and in competition.


The goal is to replace keywords with mindset keywords that are remotely related products in every phrase. If you use too many keywords in your meta tags and content, you will again have very low keyword density resulting in lower rankings

There may be more, but not just many keywords, you need to create multiple web pages. You can use keywords to focus on each web page. This strategy takes a lot of work but is bound to give higher rankings and more exposure of search engines

7. No cheating / no spamming

The rules repeat here. Not * This is a website that does not have keywords for posting via email. Get traffic that is not of your offer.

It is a meta tag, content that is a repetitive keyword by spam mail. The search engine for this can be banned. For more information, please refer to here and tell us widely in the room, and also cloaking like the Japanese skill, hidden text. Search engines hate these tricks and ban them forever.

These are the seven secrets of smart keyword selection. We work well with the keywords you choose and have the traffic you want in the quantity and quality you want.

Find out how your site will be # 1
Question on the word SEO Marketing Campaign

Keyword research-not dependent on your assumptions-

With the appropriate and rich keywords research succeeds towards building the most important steps.

It's tough. :
seo, keyword, tool

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The search engine site is directed towards building the most important steps of research into the proper and abundant keywords. However, many new tuning attributes are more relevant to the determination of your assumptions. Not to forget, is the purpose buyer.

Where is the loophole?

The problem is the core keyword research process. And when using a free keyword research tool, it does not allow enough options to fine-tune your search. The results that these tools provide depend mainly on your own assumptions.

An example can illustrate the process in a better way.

If you are looking for a keyword selling site MP3 music player. Inevitably, you start with an 'MP3 music player' that offers some keywords like your research:

Free music download for 100% mp3 player, conceptual music express mp3 player, download music video for mp3 player, for mp3 player

Next step, follow the same procedure as this list from the Exclusion keyword.

If you take a closer look, you get results (related keywords) depending on the three words (MP3, music or player) they entered together in the query box

What to offer in the purchase of "MP3 Music Player" used by people?

You can virtually never be so sure about it.


Let's take a look at the Vertical Leap SEO Keyword Game ( Your thoughts change completely. They developed this to study and understand the intricacies that an individual intention plays while searching for something.

Here, they show a picture and ask visitors to enter the words they use to find it on the web. The results show that there is at least 21 different permutations that can be used to identify that image, just mind blowing.

Mp3 player, usb, mp3, flash drive, usb key, usb mp3, usb mp3 player, flash memory, general mp3 player, budget mp3 player, movil, memory stick, memorypen, USB

About these keywords under the keyword list?

What is the solution?

If you need to work on these free tools you have no relationship or more general keywords like 'mp3' while excluding less popular keywords maybe this process will be closer to the best set of keywords .

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