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Positive praise for your child's self-esteem

Admiring the child correctly is important for the development of positive behavior. It is a great way to encourage constructive future action. When giving praise is giving your child a feeling of positive feedback that enhances the sense of confidence, self-esteem and ability. When you admire your children, you are pointing out how they acted, the actions they took, or simply who they are. When your child looks good, tell him so. The kid no longer knows him. You also need to praise your child's effort to get it well, even if it does not come out very good at the end. You should admire something about your child every day.

Always keep an eye out for actions or actions worthy of praise, but do not stay on top of it. Be honest and honest with your praise. It is a child who has not waited or noticed behavior or praise before. And if you see such an action or action, please praise immediately. Positive actions, acts or traits that are admired with gestures like warm smiles, hair hugs, neck muscles, or caring of his face while admiring him and telling him

It is accurate and characteristic state to find exactly what action, behavior or commendable. The most important connection evaluations and critiques and comments. Your children know that they were right and that you can reward them for it before you know what they did

So praise your children, bless your children, and grow good by admiring their aggressive behavior, behavior, and traits every day to build a strong sense of self in your children and Grow closer than the result.

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