Crying is a physiological process in your baby's life. Communication of crying of all normal infants. They can not express their emotions in words crying are the only way for sine communication. They simply yell if any unpleasant feelings come. Usually, the baby cries in situations like hunger, wetness, too heat and cold, tight cloaths, pain ect. Someone with a presence that needs some kids can just cry. The crying cause is regularly giving birth to a baby. It may worry about the family and cries usually considered. The reason for crying is a range from simple to serious and should not be ignored, so the exact cause must be identified and managed accordingly.
Here are some things to consider while dealing with a crying baby:
It is dangerous to vigorously shake 1 baby.
2, tight cloaths may cause irritation, therefore, it must be removed.
If the room is hot three place a fan and open the window.
If the diaper is wet, remove it and dry it with a soft towel after cleaning the parts.
5Pat She has a soothing sound as she slowly walks with her stroke head.
6, give breast milk and make her quiet.
7, cover her with a soft towel if the weather is cold.
8, gently lock her in your arms and walk slowly into the room.
9 Make a doll Take music and let her listen.
10, pacify or help her for a thumb sucking.
11, if the response does not change her position.
12, walk outdors with her.
13 put her quietly on the rock with a lily.
14 if the response does not ask someone to carry the baby.
The steps so far show that the baby is crying and seeing less.
(The probable cause is given after all the symbols)
Pressing 1 makes her stomach tender, twists and resists:-
2, pull her ears and she may deteriorate or push your hand away.
Three feel her temperature with the back of your hand:-Heat by infection.
Four examine the skin from the head to feet:-Erupting illness, diaper rash, measles, vesicles, allergy ect.
Five look noses for every drain:-Coryza.
6, gently move the head to feel the stiffness of the neck:-meningitis, head trauma ect.
Seven keep close to her chest, to hear your rattling noise:-increased mucus in the windy tube.
(Pneumonia, bronchiolitis, ect of asthamatic bronchitis)
Eight examine the anal opening:-anal erosion, worm crawling rectum polyp.
Nine examines genitals: --- Erosion or corrosion.
Ten of the male babies see testicles that may expand or soften:-Testicular flame, testicular twist.
11 also notices body movement and sees about any disturbance, severity, vomiting, coughing, working breathing ect.
If you see your doctor for the proper treatement consulting the above signs or any other unusual signs.
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