If you think about it, you are doing a good job of talking about your service to what appears to be an ideal customer. .. But I wonder why nobody actually hires you. A little homework can be part of the business, hired sellers, sell services and increase referrals. Anyway, there is no rocket learning, and I can do it if I do it.
It's tough. :
Copies of sales training site teleclasses teleclasses sales profit features entrepreneurs Anna Kanary writer save money service end money results
Article body:
To answer this question let's first look at the difference between promoting products vs. service.
It is the result of the product showing excellent features. Talk about the features and the benefits of how it would facilitate your customer's life and you would probably get a sale.
On the other hand, services are intangible. There is no button to push or see the "before and after" photo. Many of the services live without "luxury items". They are more challenging to sell because the "result" of the service can be difficult to prove or prove.
Many of the hard-sold "sales trainers are on the service provider of sales trainers. It is easier to train someone who sells products with the features you can see and the results you can prove.
Four years later in the company's global sales products (electronic telephone system), I moved to yellow page advertising. Many of the "sale" techniques we used to sell phones don't work at all for advertising! I quickly found that I needed new selling techniques to promote ad intangible results I found it.
Author, Coach, Consultant, etc. Produce results that improve the human side of life and business and "alternative healers" may take longer to produce quantifiable results For the average consumer, these are if money is tight Desirable, beneficial, but a luxury that can be done "without".
The best way to tell your customers how to spoil is a good service of results. They feel disappointed and wonder why customers are so hard to get. What tools do you use as a lot of work? The problem should be noted by many consumers. I will adopt after the experience. It was obtained through hard work on exchange that can deliver the results whether it is alive.
"What is it for me?" Your customers are seeking. It's time to stop feature dumping! The function only means that the "process" is beneficial, or that the "technology" is useful. You must be able to provide services that describe your potential customers with clear results.
Success stories:
I hope one customer arrives. As a professional of her service, I will show it to the organizer and a number of customers.
I asked her to give me the top 10 benefits of her good service ... alas, she replaced (like many others in response to this request)
She listed a "feature" that describes how she gets to the result. Features like:
My review
-Coordination of office flow organization
New application system created
-Ergonomic layout for offices etc.
Sounds pretty good, don't they? Indeed, her customers were interested and looked keenly, but they did not hire her.
I helped her link the list of more effective sales of benefits and results of her good work. Results like:
-The added value of charging only the specific needs of her customer
-Improved and streamlined office procedures
-To save time and reduce complaints
-Ability to provide better customer service
-Improvement of efficiency by improvement of filing structure
-Poor office layout due to less time wasted
-Bring productivity improvements all around.
For her to create a list of 6 good questions please contact her for discoveries that will organize your client's needs. Easy-to-use, easy-to-use, easy-to-use, "do-it-do" bonds.
Now my customers always look at their questions and their service is seriously about their needs. If you want her business to be more secure, she will tell with confidence about the results she can offer. These guidelines can also be adopted faster and more confidently at virtually all times!
"Anna Kanary's sales class was what I needed! This class formatted and confident to me as a person who is struggling to close contracts with very little sales background and potential clients Clarity and momentum Ana's expertise combined with her warmth makes this class not only exceptional, but .. you will get more than you ever expected! "
Sarah O. Bloomquist, Personal Life Coach, The Deepest Coach, www.innermostcoaching.com
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