latest Post

50 university papers to advertise


Universities have a tremendous circulation of their bulletins

It's a newspaper There's a lot of price per run of advertising

Inexpensive because of the number of prospects reached. Do you believe it

Not, millions of dollars are spent each by students

It is a semester

If you have new ideas or products, run a test ad with one or more of the following:

See if you get results. A little more than usual

The high one will inform you if "advertising your product or

I will draw a service. If the test ad proves

You may also want to go to a successful and larger ad

By display type advertisement

Bulletins and newspapers.

Another way to distribute your product is

Campus students who represent you on a commission basis

Your dealer usually loves some students

I have the opportunity to make some extra money. Good way

Re-qualification by a person is actually

Call them on the phone and talk with them.

Finding a husband can result in your many easy dollars


In the past, some of the largest sellers of campus have been

Radio and stereo equipment, music tape, car repair manual,

Research assistance, self-improvement booklets and tapes, school epidemic

For special or different steins of different nature and kind

Drink beer. New ideas and products that you may be able to come

May be very advantageous to you in the form of and

Sales increase.

Advertising on college bulletin boards and newspapers gets more

Results for the first three days of the week. When ordering

Ads, it is best to specify that your ad is displayed on

Monday-Wednesday edition. Thursday is fine but it is Friday

Oh, I'm planning for the drift

Leave a little interest for the weekend, the purchase.

Write on the enclosed publication list. Ask for their fee

And circulation. All will answer your needs

I always plan many stories

For advertising. They try to make sure they work with you

There is a response from

We sincerely hope this report

Your company's growth instrument. You can not win

Circulation of prospects reached for spent dollars.

Have a good year!

                  Purchasing power of 50 major universities

Oregon University

Daily emerald

P.O. box 3159

Eugene 97403

Circ. 10,500 people every day

Arkansas University


Hill hall 304

Fayetteville, AR72701

Circ. 8000 by-weekly

Mississippi University


University, Miss 38677

Circ. 10,000 days

Washington University

Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.

144 communication DS-20

Seattle, WA 98195

Circ. 18,000 daily

University of Texas at Arlington

P.O. box 19038

Arlington, TX76019-0038

Circ. 18,000 daily

Virginia University

Cavalier daily

Newcom Hall

Charlottesville, VA22901

Circ. 13,000 daily

Illinois State University


Normal, Il6171

Circ. 22,000 daily

Ball State University

Muncie, 47306

Circ. 14,000 daily

Florida State University

PO Box U-7001

Tallahassee, Florida 32306

Circ. 46,000 every day


Jackson State University

Jackson's 39217

Circ. unknown

Indiana State University

Indiana politician

Tilly Memorial Union Annex, ISU

Terre Haute, at 47809

Circ. 14,000 daily

West Texas State University

University of Art and Science

Canyon, TX79016

Circ. unknown

Texas Southern University

3100 Cleburne Avenue

Houston, Texas 77004

Circ. 15,000 weekly

Spellman University


PO Box 40

Atlanta, Georgia 30314

Circ. unknown


Wright State University

Daily guardian

Dayton 45435

Circ. 4,000 daily

University of South Florida


472, let's do art and letter building

Tampa, FL 33620

Circ. 25,000 days

Ohio State University


281 Journalism Building

242 W. 18th cent.

Columbus, OH 43210-1107

Circ. 31,000 daily

Montana State University


Strand Union Building

Bozeman 59715

Circ. 8,000 by weekly

Texas-Tech University

PO Box 4080

Lubbock, TX 79409

Circ. 17,000 daily



PO Box 14257

Gainesville, FL 32604

Circ. 43,000 daily

University of Iowa

111 Communication Center

Iowa City, IA 52242

Circ. 20,000 every day

Bowling Green State University

BG news

106 University Hall

Bowling Green Ohio 43403

Circ. 11,000 daily

Morgan State University

Public relations officer

Cold Spring Ln. & Hillen Road.

Baltimore, MD 21239

Circ. By Weekly 4,000

Eastern Texas State University

East texas

Box D-ET Station

Commerce, TX75428

Circ. 7,000 every two weeks

San Francisco State University

Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu. Journalism or

1600 Holloway Avenue.

San Francisco, California 94132

Circ. 10,000 weeks

Auburn University

Auburn Plainer

First Floor Foy Union Building

Reddish brown, al 36849

Circ. 18,500 weekly

Winona State University


Winina, MN55987

Circ. unknown

Washington University

student life

St. Louis, MO 63130

Circ. 8,300 weekly

Tulsa University


So 600. University

Tulsa ok 74104

Circ. 4000 Weekly

University of Maryland

Diamond back

College Park, MD 20742

Circ. 21,000 daily

University of Kentucky

Kentucky kernel

210 Journalism Building

Lexington, KY 40506

circ. 18,000 daily

Boston University


Chestnut Hill, MA 02167

Circ. 9,500 weekly


Seton Hall University


S. Orange, NJ07079

Circ. 10,500 weekly

Pace University

Pace Plaza

New York, NY 10038

Circ. unknown

New Mexico University

Student publication

PO Box 20

Albuquerque NM 87131

Circ. 30,000 weekly

University of Wisconsin

Union box 88

P.O. box 413

Milwaukee, WI 53201

Circ. unknown

University of Tennessee

5 Communications Building

Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0314

Circ. 15,000 days

Kal State University, Long Beach

SS / PA-010

1250 Bellflower Blvd.

Long Beach, CA 90840

Circ. 20,000 every day

Northwestern University


360 Huntington Avenue.

Boston, MA 02115

Circ. 21,000 weekly

University of Wisconsin-Stout


Menomonie, WI54751

Circ. 7,000 weekly

University of Texas

Daily skiff

PO Box 32929

Circ. 5,500 monthly

University of Wisconsin La Crosse


Lacrosse, WI 54601

Circ. 5,000 weekly

Washington State University

Daily evergreen

P.O. Box 2008 C.S.

Pullman, WA99164

Circ. 20,000 every day

San Jose State University


San Jose, CA 95192

Circ. 15,000 days

Portland State University


PO Box 751

Portland 97207

Circ. Every other week 17,000

Valdosta State University


VSC box 194

Valdosta, GA 31698

Circ. unknown

Kent State University

Daily Kent Starter

Kent, Ohio 44242

Circ. unknown

Georgia State University


Box 695 University Square

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Circ. 10,000 weeks

Arizona State University

Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu.

15 Matthews Center

Tempe, Arizona 85287

Circ. 40,000 daily

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