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Behavior interview

If you would like to travel or study abroad in South America, the interview candidate is an interviewer on how to stop using your own individual bias. In any case, it is designed to be readable.

It's tough. :

Interviews, behavior, skills, development, management, conflict resolution, contructive

Article body:

If you would like to travel or study abroad in South America, the interview candidate is an interviewer on how to stop using your own individual bias. In any case, it is designed to be readable.

Behavioral interviewing is a relatively new mode of job interviewing. Employers such as AT & T and Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) have used a 15-year behavioral interview, and an increase in employers screen job seekers

What is a behavior-based interview? Behavior-based interviews focus on your past experiences, behaviors, attitudes, personal skills and work-related abilities. Based on the idea that it is the future behavior to predict past behavior and performance. Use features business activities, hobbies, volunteers, schools, family life examples and more from your past behaviour. However we propose to focus on work-related performance as much as possible.

Action interview questions. This is the key to matching specific soft mounting or ability behavior interview questions. Below is a short list of 22 competencies definitions, effective interview tips and suggestions for each sample question. .

1. Dispute management: constructively deal with and resolve conflicts.

* Listen to proactive identification and resolution of concerns and issues.
• Sample questions: "Describe the most difficult disputes you had to manage."

2. Employee Development / Coaching: Promote and support the professional growth of others.

• Listen for the possibilities of others and your belief in promoting learning and development.
• Sample questions: "Describe your personal experience with an adviser or coach."

3. Interpersonal skills: Effectively communicate, create relationships, and relate well to all kinds of people.

• Listen to your ability to communicate effectively with others, regardless of self-awareness or understanding.
• Sample questions: "Describe the most difficult working relationship you have with an individual."

4. Teamwork: Working effectively and productively with others.

• Teams working towards specific goals-Listen to strong responsibilities and contributions to members.
• Sample questions: "I will give an example of one of the most important contributions you made as a member of a high performance team."

5. Self-management: demonstrate self-control and the ability to manage time and priorities.

* Listen to calmness, claims and emotional stability.
• Sample questions: "Please give me an example of being able to meet the personal and professional needs of your life, but still maintain a healthy balance."

6. Empathy: Identify and care for others.

* Listen to genuine caring, sympathy and initiative in helping others without rewards.
• Sample questions: "I give an example when you identify with someone else's difficulties at work."

7. Planning / organization: Use logical, systematic and orderly procedures to achieve the goals.

* Listen to a logical, organized organizational approach.
-The sample and the most complex task or project. "

8. Anticipate customer service, meeting and / or customer needs will meet expectations and expectations.

• I want to listen for a special effort to meet the needs of our customers and guarantee satisfaction.
• Sample questions: "Give me an example of when your way out for a customer."

9. Written communication: Write clearly, concisely and easily.

Find and communicate in clear knowledge or in writing.
Sample questions: "Give me an example of something you wrote for a task that was effective in achieving your communication goals."

10. Presentation: Speak effectively to small and large groups.

* Listen for awareness, accuracy and calmness.
• Sample questions: "Describe the condition when you had to give a presentation to a group of people you have never met."

11 Persuasion: convince others to change the way they think, believe or do.

* Listen to the persistence, determination and "never give" attitude of the effort to meet the purpose.
• Sample questions: "Please describe the situation where you were able to convince others to your way of thinking."

12 The goal is to set the orientation and also actively target the meeting, the mission mission and the value goal.

• Listen for the ability to maintain that direction despite obstacles in that path.
• Sample questions: "Give me an example of the most important professional purpose you met."

13 Flexibility: Agility to adapt to change.

• Listen for the activeness of many of the activities, multitasking and change, generally.
• Sample questions: "Give me an example when you are forced to change priorities or directions."

14 Continuous Learning: Take initiative in learning and implementing new concepts, technologies and / or methods.

• Listen to a positive attitude towards self-improvement, learning, and the application of knowledge.
-Sample question: "Is there a way to keep doing, or will you try to make it current?"

15 Personal effectiveness: Show initiative, confidence, resilience and spontaneity to take responsibility for personal actions.

• Listen to a strong sense of self, personal responsibility, courage and resilience.
• Sample questions: "What do you think has made it possible to meet your goals?"

16 Problem Solving: Predict, analyze, diagnose and solve problems.

• Listen to analytical and trained approaches to solving problems.
• Sample questions: "Please describe the situation you are expecting."

Age 17 Negotiations: Promote an agreement between two or more parties.

* Listen to the dry expertise of the "win-win" agreement negotiations.
• Sample questions: "Give me an example of when you could facilitate a" win-win "agreement between two or more enemy parties."

18 Management: Achieve anomalous results through effective management of resources, systems and processes.

* Listen to the clever business sense, understanding of operational issues and the ability to improve the bottom line.
-Management responsibility developed up to now with the largest budget in the "Sample Question"

19 Leadership: Achieving extraordinary achievements through people.

• Listen to the objective and the ability to gain other trust, responsibility and motivation to achieve the objective.
• Sample questions: "If you hold a leadership position in the past, draw an organization chart above and below your position to explain the scope of your leadership responsibilities"

20 Decision making: Use effective processes to make decisions.

* Listen to the ability to make timely decisions under difficult circumstances.
• Sample questions: "Give me an example of when you had to make a quick decision that was at high risk of making an error."

21 years old Futuristic thinking: Imagine, imagine, project and predict what has not been realized yet.

* Listen for optimism, predictions and a commitment to the possibilities of the future.
• Sample questions: "I will explain the situation where you were right in looking at future trends without others."

22 Creativity / Innovation: Adapting traditional approaches, concepts, methods, models, designs, processes, technologies, and / or systems.

• Listen to the “box” thinking and unusual approach.
• Sample questions: "Describe the work context when adapting a concept, design, process or system to meet the need."

Remember to investigate for as many details and specifics as possible, such as names, dates and other verifiable information. I think that it is good to examine the aspect of the skill and thinks about the candidate, and boasts the situation about the feeling and the future trading base.

How can I prepare for a behavioral interview?

• Be familiar with the type of position you are applying.
• Reflect on your own background. What skills are associated with the work you are applying?
• Think of examples from your past experience that have shown those skills. How can you give an example about the use of a particular skill or knowledge?
• Be prepared to provide an example of when the results did not come as planned. What did you do? In the guardianship, what do you want to do differently?
• Identify and determine a few of your strengths how to carry these assets during the interview.
• Once you hold the desired position on the land, personal score records show help document performance.

If I hire an interviewer or a company, how do I prepare for behavioral interviews?

• If the work can talk; what does it say? Information:
-A person's behavior that will always be able to demonstrate superior performance?
-Attitudes of people doing work?
-Attributes or soft technology needed for excellent performance?

* System and job benchmarks, such as Trimetrix, why clearly, how and what individuals can contribute to the work.

* It identifies the complete hierarchy of skills or personal skills. You can clarify location issues. It prioritizes and authorizes the required skills.

• This can be for:
-Leadership / Management Exemption Position
-Hourly non-excluded positions

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