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Biotechnology and Politics-What to Do?

One of the obstacles to the political system is that it is not always well equipped to keep up with technological changes. When the Internet came out, lawmakers were surprised at how to regulate it and whether it should be regulated. Computers have different books and music, such as software. They are still working on a way to manage software related laws, better to patent this unanticipated media entity

However, they are due to biological technology and real challenges when they are having a tough time keeping up with electronic technology. Does it research that within our century, biotechnology will give rise to a host of new problems to deal with that we have never seen before, whether they come from our country, Somewhere else, they are definitely on the way.

There are a lot of problems with cloning and they will react at last. Public opinion polls show that Americans are a large percentage of cloned humans do not have. However, there is a bright side to this: they may not oppose cloned embryonic stem cells.

And there is the problem of artificial DNA. One photo world movie "Blade Runner" and colorful replicant life is in life. But this is not too far. In fact, in a recent science article in Washington Post, experts say "Technology is getting so easy right now, experts say that a bio hacker working in the garage has a genetic program" when these feats become possible, the government Regulations need to be updated quickly to regulate what can and can not be done in this area.

It is commonplace to crawl the existing DNA of people who are already alive. "Gene therapy" is a place where genes are inserted into a patient's cells or tissues to treat a disease, and is usually hereditary. The effect is to replace the disease causing mutant gene with a healthy one. The technology is still in its infancy, but it has been applied in some cases with some success. This raises some interesting questions for medical malpractice lawyers: one day she allowed her to be born with Down syndrome we artificially replaced natural genes Are we making chimeras when using different genes?

At the end of these developments is the ultimate science fiction scenario: genetic engineering. The biological weapons that literally play God are already widely discussed in politics, and biological weapons are just the extra-pathogens specially made to infect the enemy. However, it was launched from scratch that was not previously bred with these bacteria alone. But beyond mere bacteria, bioengineering institutes, many scientists, a lot of money, and not much ethics, what else can you do? Perhaps breed a super soldier race to conquer the world with?

There is also the issue of intellectual property ownership. Many biology institutes are already rushing patents for life forms that they may create in the future. This makes sense, given the case of genetically modified food crops-the case of points has already grown crops in Kenya, yield, insect resistance

In other cases, genetically modified mice produced from transgenic mice and erythropoietin by manufacturer insulin were used. All this has already been done, but the laboratory wants to maintain some property rights before releasing the newly modified organisms into the wild. In fact, many of the advanced treatments are currently deployed with some degree of biotechnological use. One of the earliest approved uses was the FDA-approved recombinant hepatitis B vaccine introduced in 1986.

The purpose of this article is not to scare anyone or to fear. It is clear that biotechnology is a world that already exists. However, it can not help but when the dust settles down someday it is probably cloned or otherwise manipulated by humans

Assassination and attempted assassination of the US President

When fighting the White House in 2008 with a wide range of candidates, many of them will be disappointed. Also, to back up the spirit of rans, here is a small list of the most unfortunate exits and offices from the almost unfinished. It has been elected and at least is working to do this.


A number one .. Well, anyway, number one. It is James-Garfield and William-McKinley that are both known as Lincoln-Kennedy assassin of how much writing.

Garfield tried to catch, and was filmed in July 2, 1881 by one Charles J. Guiteau who was hanged. There is no doubt that Guiteau was insane. He reimbursed Garfield by the ambassador who was adopted as making a speech originally written with the support of Ulysses S. Grant in a hurry to support Garfield after Garfield won the Republican nomination It is a service of The staff of Garfield were tossed repeatedly, so it is a quigerfield because it is a god and guiteau. He bought a stalking president at Potomac Railway Station, where Baltimore and Garfield were going to embark on vacation, with guns purchased for $ 15 he borrowed

The culprit who killed McKinley was more candid McKinley was filmed on September 5, 1901, as he appeared at the Pan American Exposition in New York, New York, where he is a public greeting at one of the exhibits The One Leon Czolgosz, a political anarchist, just advanced out of the crowd and Shot McKinley. He was immediately captured, beaten by the crowd, arrested, tried and electric shocked. His motive was purely political and he said he believed in his trial that he had killed the enemies of the people.

Attempted assassination:

We all know about our attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan. Here are other serious attempts to deprive the former president.

Taken for Andrew Richard-Lawrence at the funeral at Andrew Jackson on May 30, 1835. Lawrence was mentally disturbed, which should have been caused by him working at a paint factory that smoked. He pulled Jackson with two handguns instead of one, but they were both unfortunate. Jackson himself answered by hitting Lawrence with his staff, the crowd conquered Lawrence and carried him. Lawrence lived in the facility for the rest of his life.

November 1, 1950, two Puerto Rican nationalism by the name of Glycerio * Tresola and Oscar Collazo got Harry * S * Truman very close to assassination. They get the police officer before they are overwhelmed It made it out of his house which shot. Torresola and Collazo spent their lives in prison. This attack was politically motivated by the treatment of Puerto Rico.

Within seventeen days of each other, there were two attempts at assassination in his life, as if Gerald-Ford had already had enough problems! The first five, 1975, Lynette's second "When Ford was making a public appearance on a member of the infamous Charles * Manson cult in Sacramento, California, the second, Ford's public appearance again in San Francisco, California When it was making, September 22, 1975, Sarah-Jane-Moore also missed before being conquered Moore was apparently considered irrelevant to the Manson gang and apparently obsessiveness on Abducting Pattyhurst Motivated by, both women at the time are now offering jail life.

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