The mind problems of millions of voters, "Can we trust again?"
Good evening Granola-munching talks with Hanako Liberals. This year's Conservative voice spends more time criticizing their own groups than protecting them externally. Collective moans can be heard coming up from the Grand Old Party this year, because there is an absolute lack of viable candidates. The Democratic Party "Well, it didn't stop you in 2000!" But this is different. We play in the spirit of the Republicans who knew Bush.
But eight years after the legacy: what is considered by many to be the most corrupt government that the United States has ever had, and what many his popularity rating is his second term Not rising beyond the mark of 30% for most of. We have a nasty, war-torn foreign policy, a network of peers running everything, and torture, once taboo topics, now support or support
Do you support torture? It boggles your mind on how you can put it as a reasonable question. They are Giuliani, Hunter, Romney, and Tancredo. All Republicans have to answer positively in order to win their voters. And I feel it must be firm to fight terrorism Terrorists must torture to protect the liberty we hold.
The political acquisitions of 2000 can only be described as doing a little to maintain a good name for the right wing. Using the expertise unknown to the most poor in education poor countries, they can basically use the electoral college to take over the government The fact that they got a way through anyway Whether right or left, it did not help to win the hearts of American voters. As the presidential limousine was blocked from driving up to the White House, many conservatives won like this, as angry and threw eggs by a mob
The aftermath of the election is that many voters believe that their votes are not counted, are discouraged and disillusioned, and there is no reason to go for a try on. The attacks of September 11 and the aftermath of the war for seven years, as they point out the obvious corruption that everyone can see, chase their tails furiously, in the delusional plot of the Nixon administration, we I had his impeachment. As it was possible to be shocked, this event also realized peace of mind. People after thirty years do not have that comfort.
Then there is the fact of the attack itself. Very Paranoia would say "Bush caused an attack", but there was another President who was sitting in the office at the time they occurred and was rational And that's very important to us And where we are now.
New Orleans Storm City Hall mobs, as they have, as they are not allowed to stay in their shelter-as they go where the Conservatives looked over and wondered ", Was it supposed to end like this?" It doesn't seem to be something everyone had in mind when they first said. "
Democratic candidates are strong, conservative candidates should be able to use medical marijuana, allow homosexuals to marry, or trust women with their womb and Democrats have all the answers Do not claim to have, but just pull up with the Republicans and do something pretty awful
Can you believe in evolution and still be the president?
In the Republican debate, the reporters "everyone on the stage who believes in evolution, do not agree?" I have a good idea. I have a good feeling.
At first it seems like a foolish question, but why should they ask the president if they believe in evolution? However, it turns out that a lot of policies in setting do domestic law tie back to this very simple question.
Pro Life vs. Pro Choice: If the best is creating us, then we are not alone responsible for our lives. We can not mess with his birthing process It must be assumed that it is a profane to the creation of However, if we are only an evolved monkey, there is no concern for stopping the fetus beyond our own respect for human life.
Stem cell research: If we presuppose that God exists, falsifying the building blocks of life is "regenerate God" and perceptual sin. If we are all evolving by accident, then it is just to utilize our science to extend and enhance human life
Environmental protection: It is amazing that you can go either way. We have pointed out that the best beings can save us if we shake or that the Bible commands us to take care of the planet In terms of evolution, the planet's We declared that management is our responsibility, or "well, survival of the fittest!" If we were extinct, we did not fit.
Foreign Policy: Towards the Middle East, we find that some countries allow their religious views to pollute their foreign policy. Now, we take a religious stance in response and conquer the rest of the world in the name of the Lord, or we take a non-religious stance and go all out as superstition nonsense
Of course, these are only examples, and there are many other possible perspectives that can arise from any position. However, it seems that voting people like religious leaders, or at least one that is Christianity that holds faith. John * McCain gave the most creative response: He said he believed in evolution but can not deny the existence of God when he saw the beauty of nature
All scientific findings so far point to evolution as a fact, but this is the fact that God first sets the laws of physics so that evolution takes place. Agnosticians are instead ignorants And, without denying or confirming the existence of the highest being, perhaps we can not know,
But, I said-there has not been a record of atheistic chairman agnostic. One past oath is part of Christianity. So, every monotheistic Western religion claims that the universe and life are intelligently designed, so everyone running for the president has faith
The exception is the particular taste of faith known as "Deism". God tends to reject the notion that supernatural events such as prophecies and miracles are true, and argue that God does not interfere with human life and the laws of the universe Well, go there! There is a god there, but the universe was born from evolution Big Bang and life anyway!
Who is Deist's President? Everyone is special, Thomas-Jefferson, James-Madison, James-Monroe, John Tyler, Abraham Lincoln have rated this article. Benjamin-Frank George Washington's Deism I feel that my life was in a state of two different ideas, researchers.
Well, here is all that believes in something that sounds very close to our founding father, "God's side and evolution". Things are scientists, and those who are very concerned about the growing importance of science in our society, they want to be faithful to the writings of the Bible of nature and history, they Would prefer to interpret the Bible as a metaphor for the scientifically proven events that occur, but this represents a serious spin right from our origins.
At the very least, when John-McCain is put on the fly next time, he will only be happy to answer that he is Deist. The good company he was in could not hurt his voting base much.
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