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But are you a trusted analyst? (Part III)

The first step in making business decisions is collecting data. In most cases, information is collected in the form of words. If words are available, data collection experts analyze these words and show the results to the decision maker. In recent scientific studies these experts are most often qualitative data by failure analysis. This article contains evidence of recent scientific research.

It's tough. :

Focus Group, Inverview, Survey, Qualitative Analysis, Investment Analysis, Open-End Question, Decision Making, Negotiation Method, Conversation Analysis, Negotiation, Text Analysis

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The first step in making business decisions is collecting data. In most cases, information is collected in the form of words. If words are available, data collection experts analyze these words and show the results to the decision maker. In recent scientific studies these experts are most often qualitative data by failure analysis. This article contains evidence of recent scientific research.

Scientific research (Baxt WG, Waeckerle JF, Berlin JA, Caraham ML. Who reviews the reviewer? Possibility to use a fictional manuscript to evaluate the performance of the peer reviewer. Anne-Emerick 1998Sep; 32 (3Pt1) : 310-7) I have introduced 10 major and 13 minor errors into a fictional scientific paper. The manuscript was sent to all reviewers of Annals in Emergency Medicine, the official publication of the American College of Emergency Medicine. The chronology has been printed for over 25 years and is the most widely read journal in emergency care. The task described in the script was a standard double-blind, placebo controlled study of the effects of propranolol drugs on migraine headaches. Performed by 203 reviewers by reviewing the manuscript. Eighty percent of the reviews were professors in the academic emergency department, and twenty percent were doctors in private practice.

An analysis of the reviewers' comments resulted in the following: Recommend Fifteen Review publication. Reviewers for this group <b> missed 82.7% of the major errors and 88.2% of minor errors </ b>. Reviewers of this group have missed 70.4% of major errors and 78.0% of minor errors. Recommend Hundred and seventeen review refusal. Reviewers in this group missed 60.9% of major errors and 74.8% of minor errors.

According to the table, 15 professors recommended publications, on average, missed 82.7 percent of major errors, and 88.2 percent of minor errors. In other words, Professor <b> was inserted into the <missing / b> manuscript out of at least 45 errors. These errors were defined by the author as "an unrepairable error that invalidated or significantly weakened the study's conclusions." "It is interesting to note that one of the minor errors included in the manuscript was a spelling error in the drug's name. Of the 203 reviewers, 30 convinced the correctness of the spelled name and interviewed The author of this study said (in a normal scientific undertone) about the results: "The few errors identified by the reviewers of this study were surprising. Reviewers were only 34% of these errors and only 59% of reviewers. "

<b> Points to consider: </ b>
1. In this study, the reviewers are, on average, professors and private practitioners with 3 years of experience, and have reviewed the scientific manuscripts of two other scientific journals and 10 years of these reviewers Analyze the qualitative customer data, the most experienced market researchers, analyze the candidate data, the most experienced human resource management, patent Therefore, professors and physicians are major errors in standard scientific papers Non-standard qualitative business data if unrecognized

2. In this study, the professor was expected to identify <b> technology </ b> errors found in the manuscript. Identification and elimination of this type of error is the goal of the years of training experienced by every scientist. Unlike this study, the majority of qualitative research in business includes <b> psychological </ b> gaps and contradictions, and unlike scientists, most other specialist professors have Less trained experts are more successful at identifying psychological errors that are much more challenging if they fail to identify most of the common mistakes

3. How concerned would the market researchers be in the analysis focus group? A typical focus group holds about 12,000 words. The average script holds about 3,000 words, much less than a single focus group. Typical market research studies consist of 4-8 focus groups, or <b> 16-32 times more text </ b>. Thus, if the research experts could not identify most of the technical errors in the amount of data equivalent to a single focus group, market researchers would

4. How should I worry when HR managers are analyzing a pool of candidates? A copy of the one-hour interview holds about 6,000 words (when hiring a middle and upper manager, the interview is a total day when interviewing several candidates or more candidates for the full day of the bulk order) The data may contain more than 30,000 words (five candidates) Therefore, if this study's experts were unable to identify major discrepancies in the amount of data equivalent to half of a single interview , Human resource manager is much more

5. How anxious, investment analysts analyze some companies. The annual report may contain tens of thousands of words. For example, the IBM 2004 annual report is 100 pages long and contains over 65,000 words. Therefore, experts in this study can not identify key issues in the data set that hold <b> 5% </ b> less than the data contained in the IBM 2004 annual report

<b> Summary: </ b>
According to Baxt, et. Al. Studies, highly trained experts, professors and physicians, are less trained to identify the major technical errors most frequently in standard qualitative data sets. Professors <b> and experts are misdirected when professional analysts fail, by identifying more challenging psychological gaps and inconsistencies in much larger non-standard datasets , Are you still likely to make the right decision? </ b>

It's easy when you know how

Joan rises to 5:30 and rushes to get ready for work. She drops some cereal bowls and spoons on the table and then wakes up her oldest.

"I have to leave now for work. You wake up and others have to go to school on time and get off. Remember to pick up the living room Please, "Joan rushes out the door to start her long commute to the office

Do you remember? Joan's busy life is sadly standard in North America. More than ever, we're wo. ..

It's tough. :

Career, Lifestyle, MLM, Home Business, Opportunity, pas

Article body:

Joan rises to 5:30 and rushes to get ready for work. She drops some cereal bowls and spoons on the table and then wakes up her oldest.

"I have to leave now for work. You wake up and others have to go to school on time and get off. Remember to pick up the living room Please, "Joan rushes out the door to start her long commute to the office

Do you remember? Joan's busy life is sadly standard in North America. More than ever, we hope we can spend more time with our family and friends. And just bad, we are stressed, hurried and nearly happy that we should be.

But what is the answer? With rents, mortgages, interest rates, and gasoline prices going to all rafters, most of us are far less able to get us ahead, we can have the job and work hard at your 9-5 job Other bills that work on do not receive salaries.

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