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CAM: An important component of CNC

Computer-aided manufacturing has begun to be used by automotive and aerospace parts manufacturers. This speeds up the manufacturing process and improves efficiency. However, the introduction of CAD in the industrial sector did not eliminate the need for skilled professionals.

In fact, the operation of this program requires a high degree of skill in that it is computer literate.


The CAM system is a complete solution. However, when the system becomes rapid, it still has defects that can prevent production. Inappropriately configured CAM software required heavy manual editing because CAM generates code for at least possible machines. In this case, editing such code is a tedious and tedious process that takes a lot of time and effort (a big business can not afford).

Another issue you have to face is the data exchange that you have to do when integrating CAM with other components (CAD / CAM / CAE PLM). CAM operators need to export data in more compatible data formats. Also, since the CAM output stack is a G-code text file, it sometimes contains thousands of commands.

Cams do not make sense In this case, it is not possible to know the proper tool path for mass production. The operator must still choose the type of tool to be used, the machining process to be followed and the path to be used. This will need to be reprogrammed to allow the cam to work efficiently with problems and sudden changes. In addition, mass production raises the possibility of mistakes because it occurs in the production cycle.

It's tough.

CAM can significantly reduce cycle time. This means that the right people and the right tools and more efficient production methods can be obtained. There are few components that can produce low cycle time. And since the major users of CAM and CNC are large manufacturers of deadlines, cutting cycle time is the highest priority.

Another advantage that can be obtained by CAM software is the increase in machine life. Since the process is automated, the system can keep track of certain parameters that allow it to adjust to the state of the machine running under it. This means that the machine's life can be extended by adjusting the machine's performance to avoid overworking it.

In this scenario, quality can also be taken into account. This is because the system also monitors minor differences in the operating environment. Furthermore, complex designs that can not be achieved by human engineers can be achieved by machines Also, these designs can be completed at a faster rate compared to manual operation. Another factor to consider is the error ratio of production of any component.


So CAM is a very important aspect of production. However, it is the manufacturing process that determines the programming where there are skilled operators and the fate of these machines. However, the automation and efficiency improvements offered by such systems make the programming and configuration of these systems the sole job of the operator.

This also allows the operator to be more productive as there is no need to look at a single machine for more than the required time.

Three basic movement types of CNC machines

Computer numerical control (CNC) machines can have multiple motion types that they use, but the three most common motion types that are easy to remember These are rapid motion, linear motion, and circular motion.

All these motion types may look different, but they are all modal and change the effect until the end point of each motion types the motion modal as specified in the motion command.

Three common movement types:

1.) rapid movement type

The type of rapid movement is also called position. The way in which this type of movement is used is by utilizing the highest possible speed of command movement of the machine. Using the example of rapid movement, you are moving to clear the obstacle, put the cutting tool in the desired position, and then provide non-cutting with that scheme

Because this command specifies the end of rapid movement, the command normally programmed into the CNC machine is G00.

CNC machines with most of the controls given can move as fast as possible with all commanded tacks. In the case of rapid movement, one axis may be able to reach its end point before the other axis. Linear motion does not occur with a type of rapid command function, and machine programmers must take into account that there are no obstacles to avoid. A linear movement occurs during rapid movement when commanded with other controls.

2.) linear movement

This type of movement allows the machine programmer to command completely linear motion within the machine. Unlike the type of rapid movement, linear movement allows the programmer to change the rate of movement or feed rate used during the movement. An example of using linear motion is to rotate the diameter of a straight line, tapers, when milling straight surfaces, and when drilling against these,

The common word that specifies the movement of the straight line to the machine is the G01 for this command, which is the preferred end point within each of the programmers.

3.) Circular movement

This type of movement causes the machine to move towards a circular path and is used to generate a radius of machining. When talking about the point of circular motion feed rate, it is equal to that of linear motion.

Other than that of linear motion and rapid motion, there are two G codes that are commonly used when programming circular motion on a machine. These are G02 and G03. G02 is used while the G03 is used to make a counterclockwise movement when the programmer wants the machine to make a clockwise movement. In order to know which command to use, the programmer must see the same perspective movement as the machine movement is clockwise or counterclockwise.

Another requirement to be programmed into machines using circular motion is that the programmer must specify the radius of the arc to be generated. The word "R" is now used to specify the radius by CNC's brand new technological advances.

For older controls on CNC machines, "I", "J", and "K" are used to specify the position of the arc center point.

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