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Children's swimmer's ear

Swimmer's ear is a growing infection of bacteria inside the ear canal. It is also known as otitis externa. It differs a lot from ear infections, which are sometimes dealt with regularly when a child has a cold. A common ear infection is known as otitis media that infects the middle of the ear. Wraps of the swimmer's ear, the ear canal leading to the tympanic membrane are infected by bacteria. The first symptom is that it hurts when the finger is stuck inside the ear canal. Under normal circumstances, it does not hurt at all.

The skin inside is very sensitive and hence is inherently protected by a thin earlobe coating. Usually, water can easily slide inside and outside of the ear without any problems. However, when the water purifies some or all of the earwax and some of the water is kept inside, bacteria take advantage of this situation. Chemicals in the water make the situation worse by increasing the irritation. It turns out to be soft and warm and causes ear swelling and redness. With some itching. However, children have a great chance of getting worse if they don't, and they need to be told not to scratch. Without itching, there is clearly the first symptom, pain. It causes severe pain, so don't hit your ears or touch it from the outside. Hearing can cause bacterial infections to be difficult, as it inflates the ear canal and impedes the way.

Pain and itching can only be removed by fighting the infection and killing the grown bacteria. Ear drops are usually prescribed by a doctor. These ear drops have antibiotics that are meant to kill bacteria. The dose and number of days to use the ear drops must be strictly followed, as the doctor directs you. If the dose is missed, there is a possibility of bacterial regeneration. A core may be introduced into the ear. This core is a small piece of lotion and sponge that is actually absorbed. The core is left inside. This procedure is used when the doctor thinks that it is important to apply the medicine directly to the part of the ear canal where it gets infected. If the pain can not be tolerated by the child, the parents can give analgesia, but should be after receiving suggestions from the doctor. Analgesics can be stopped if the antibiotic starts working.

The swimmer's ear can not achieve the cause of the water that gets into it when taking a bath or shower. Children who participated in a summer swimming camp can complain about this problem. The child should not swim immediately after the swimmer's ear has been treated. Doctors usually advise that they stay away from the water for a week or two. The period may sound very long, but it will keep the pain away for a long time. A special ear drop is available on the counter that can be placed in the child's ear after swimming is over. This will dry the water in the ear, if any. Curious children try to stuff things in their ears, and thus swimmer's ears also occur when it is damaged. Bacteria get a chance of growth in the damaged area. In this case, only the parent's manager will do the trick.

Child's stomach flu

Gastric flu and gastroenteritis are a type of infection of the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines. The cause for this condition is the spread of parasites, bacteria, or viruses that spread through contaminated food and liquids. It is also the use of certain plants and seafood, powerful laxatives, to cure constipation with certain toxins present, or problems with harmful heavy metal or food intake, begin with stomach upset or spasms. Children are indifferent to eating and feel a week. The symptoms of gastric flu, diarrhea and vomiting, take almost five days to go away. Sometimes heat can be accompanied by dehydration.

Children must be given liquid regularly as this suppresses other symptoms from appearing for loss of water from the body. Water and salt loss from the body is the greatest risk of gastric flu. Not only can it exacerbate dehydration, it can threaten the life of a child if it is not taken care of early. Plain water does not do much because there is salt loss along with water loss from the body. Because the oral rehydration solution available at the local grocery or drug store has the correct combination of salt, sugar that can hydrate the body and water, these liquids come in different flavors, and children prefer their tastes As it can be tasted and easy to consume. Solutions do not add anything else such as sugar or water.

If the child is vomiting, the solution can be administered to him using two minutes per teaspoon. The amount can be increased gradually. If vomiting occurs more frequently, the child can be made to smoke an ice tip to provide a constant fluid to the body. This solution should be given until the diarrhea has stopped, but it is not advisable to go on for more time. Some liquids such as soft drinks, sports drinks, apple juice, tea, chicken soup etc. can make the problem worse because the amount of salt, sugar, water is wrong. Besides the liquid, the parent to a pediatrician You should not give type of medicine without consulting. Fried, spicy sweet foods are not good in this condition. If the child does not receive a sufficient amount of body fluid, he / she will show signs such as sun-chilled eyes, dry mouth, intense thirst, abnormal sleep patterns, and decreased urine.

More bed rest is taken better by the child. Children should have complete rest for at least twenty-four hours, or until diarrhea and vomiting cease. If the child is feverish, the temperature should be checked and logged. The doctor should be contacted immediately if the temperature is very high and does not stop rising. A person preparing food for a child and serving should wash his / her hand very carefully before doing so. If you do not stop diarrhea and vomiting, you should seek medical attention. If vomiting contains blood or a green substance, the child should rush into an emergency.

Doctors do stool and blood tests and then prescribe antibiotics if infection is suspected. Anti-nausea drugs are also given to stop throwing with it and control fluid loss. If there is a significant loss of fluid from the child's body, the child may be admitted to the hospital, glucose or IV through a tube connected to the child's vein, if the child is feverish, temperature Is checked and the doctor asks about information about the temperature patterns that the parent needs to prepare. If the illness lasts for many days, you will also need to give your doctor a log of information about your daily weight. Sometimes, blood oxygen levels also have to be checked with the help of a pulse oximeter.

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