Some people are born organized, then there are those of us who fight against the organization every year at this time. It seems always that at the end of the year, when that little annoying bug begins clearing up things and nudges you to start the organized New Year.
Well, I just read directions, books, and useful tips about everyone about getting organized (in fact, I'm about writing myself that gives it a "slim" of it in today's column It is my pleasure.
Here are eight misconceptions that we can throw away:
1. Treat the paper once. Not only is this impossible, but in most cases it is unrealistic. Instead, it is customary to do something with each piece of paper to move it forward, rather than treating it once. If you decide to get information on upcoming seminars / exhibits, for example, you will participate. If you are attending, note the date of your calendar and sign up. If not, please throw information right away. If you want to wait to sign up then make a note of your planner to answer well before the deadline and file your "to" file paper
2. Always keep the paper stored from sight: work better with some of us when the desk is clear, while others must be surrounded by stacks of paper, if you are of the "out of sight" type, file Or store paper that you use frequently in the stacking bin. They are accessible, but not scattered your desk. When working on a project, spread out the relevant papers and, when completed, put them together in one place.
3. Everyone should be organized to the same extent. Different people work differently. I do not feel that I do not understand. Find the comfortable level of organization and make the necessary changes to maintain that level. I usually can't find it when I'm looking for something, draw that line.
4. Immediately we are a "paperless" society. You do not believe in it. Experts have said that for years, but we have not been paperless for a long time. It is not the technology in question, but the human nature of the cause. We were a habit creature, and we were used to seeing things in print, not on computer screens. Younger generations are now trained on computers at an early age, so when they join the workforce, there is a better chance that the "paperless" society will be a reality
5. One Planning System When used correctly, the daily planner is an ideal way to stay organized. However, this is because it is used by many people. When buying a planner or a paper or electronic system you will be able to decide what you want to decide. When the system is tailored to your own design based on your personal needs.
6. You must be organized to be organized. We learn both good and bad habits early on. It is possible to change bad habits, including confusion. Youths grown in an organized environment can sometimes be upset and rebelled as adults. The opposite is also true, but neither is carved in stone and you can modify the behavior.
7. You need to use the "To-do" list. The daily plan is not realistic for anyone. Someone does the same task every week, but it is every day when their plans change. Consider your specific needs and plan by day or week.
8. It means being organized and perfectionist. The perfectionist may spend time on small details ignoring large pictures. When others complete the project immediately and on time, perfectionists will continue to work until the project is complete. Perfectionists become more effective when he / she concentrates on how to slightly lower his / her standard and increase productivity.
It is taken seriously when it is wrong, and it is something that you want to be out of trouble. Next time you hear one of those "organizational gurus" of those who misunderstand one of the above misconceptions, work to develop its own style of organization, considering its value.
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