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Are you paddling or floating?

Ask yourself the vat or float-canoe on the river business. If you're floating, you're in defense, if you're paddling, you're offending-where do you want to be?

In today's business environment, if you are not attacking, you are whipped from all sides by the obstacles you encounter. If something does not work in your ad and then floats, then just wait until next week, or next month, see if it improves. But if you hail and lead your business, you're busy solving ways to fix things that are not working.

It refers to the knowledge needed to implement a successful competitive strategy, exemplified by its large boulders in a river known as "competitive intelligence". If you don't have a handle on this, you can spell disaster on your business. Let's look at an example of what I mean.

Suppose that you find that competitors have dropped the price of products that compete directly with your business's highest gross profit item. Before you match down prices, you will compete for the ability that may affect whether you ask yourself or not. If the answer is "yes", you should take a little sleep to answer the following important questions:

 Price cut a clear comparison or have specific functions / services changed?

Qin is enough to overcome the customer inertia to change the price drop?

Do competitors have the ability to handle increased demand without compromising customer satisfaction?

 Price change is limited to one area or account, or is it the whole board?

An effective strategy covers product design, branding, services, and, in total, a host of other variables that make up your competitive edge. Protecting your end requires a real-time flow of knowledge about the changing race landscape. The most important fund of information in progress is your sales force continuously.

Salespeople have the most direct contact with their customers and have feedback from competitive customers who are perceived as real. However, the work should be on sale, so it is important to notice the importance of gathering intelligence and interventions in the competition.

For successful collection of information from sales force, you have to prove to them and the sales manager that the process is worth to them. This means that you have a homework that is already collecting internally available information. View and analyze call reports, win-loss reports and sales records for red flags and trends. Competitive movements in one area may not seem important, until added to information from other areas, or as part of a global expansion strategy

These findings are published by public data sources and published by industry analysts, who can offer tips on sales force. By starting the information sharing process, when they see what they have for them, you encourage reciprocity on some of the sales.

In addition to sales force, people from other functions of your company are often a repository of useful competitor information. Accounting, procurement, human resources, and other features may have competitors bit by bit and pieces of competitive landscape puzzles, attend competitors' responses and professional conferences and they are how important this data is Do you know what?

This is one small corner of your business life, but unless you're attacking – paddling instead of floating – you personally, I'd rather wind the wind blows my way Praising my little heart instead of being thrown away.

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