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Goddess of use oil balance chakra

The Aki Unbalance is a closed chakra, which allows you to unblock some of the meditation and visualization chakras. You want to rotate them and align them properly, but stress in life will pull them out of alignment. There are some oil blends that may help with this problem. You can mix these using half an ounce of jojoba or sweet almond oil with 30 drops of a particular oil. You can also add these to the bath or add candles below and let them penetrate the air around you. You just need to use a specific blend of scents for about a week. Then your nose gets used to the smell. You should see some improvements within a week.

As each chakra in a blend of oils:

Route: Yan Yan, Rosewood, Frankincense

Sacrum: Jasmine

Solar plexus: lemon, grapefruit, mandarin

Heart: Rose, Geranium

Throat: Sandalwood, Myrrh, Chamomile

Third eye: sage, lavender, rosemary

Crown: Frankincense, Rosewood

Areas to oil:

Route: lower pelvic area, goddess goddess: Hera: red

Sacrum: goddess of waist, pelvic area: Aphrodite color: orange

Solar plexus: under the thorax goddess: persephone color: yellow

Heart: Chest area goddess: Demeter Color: Green

Throat: in front of and behind the goddess of the neck: Athena Color: Blue

Third eye: Between the eye goddess: Artemis color: Indigo

Crown: Head Goddess Top: Hestia Color: White

After mixing and applying, you can cast the goddess name and visualize the color going with the chakra. Depending on the amount of blockage, it will take from one day to seven days to open the backup. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams. The answers you seek are found within you.

Chakras in the throat, forehead and crown

The throat chakra relates to that part of the mind that expresses and communicates. Art, music, painting, sculpture, and poetry-it can be any form of communication that one is comfortable doing. This chakra also encourages you to listen to your instincts and follow the voices that guide you. After a while, you support the universe with you all. The body parts associated with this chakra are the throat, shoulders, arms and hands. The color is sky blue in this chakra associatedith.

Zen chakras are associated with spiritual views and being within. This is also an unconscious mind that dictates our actions and our lives. From here, we can recognize the motivation behind our actions. ESP is associated with this third eye chakra as well. It is a set of all our inner senses that integrate with our outer senses. The element here is the inner sound. This is listening to your own self, not the physical world of the outside involved. The relevant color here is lapis lazuli.

Crown chakras are mainly concerned with unity and separation issues. This is our father and our root. Not only our earthly Father but also Heavenly Father is included. When there is tension in the head, it means that there is some form of tension in certain parts of the conscious mind. It is really my own soul to see from everyone I want to hide as people feel. This is the hardest part to clarify. Accepting the truth about your situation until the mind can meditate on the issue of the eye and finally take time to accept it Hope that we all made us happy , It will be a wonderful life. The counter here is if you keep doing something that makes us unhappy, it can become worse than our health problems. The color that goes in this chakra is violet.

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