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Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year

For children. Have the happiest time of the year,

Happiest place on earth, maybe a dream

It comes true for many children and adults.

Disneyland Christmas

It is a matching exclusive item that you can not never forget.

Showing Disneyland works Christmas.

Roundup of Santa's reindeer is especially fun

Cookie Mrs. Cookie at Christmas Coloring Children

Phrases play reindeer games and make holidays

Souvenir Seeing all the letters and

Dress up and enjoy with their holiday outfits

"Snow" after the fireworks, Christmas


Make sure you visit a Christmas specialty store

Purchase special holiday decorations. Also participate

All special holiday rides. Visit to Disneyland

Christmas time is different from other Disneyland

The vacation you take. Make sure you get

Christmas Tree Pictures!

Though Christmas is considered to be

'Off season' you need to prepare for the crowd.

It is a very popular time to visit Christmas.

Disneyland Please make a reservation in advance.

Celebrating a birthday at Disneyland

If you want to celebrate your birthday, or a birthday

Child Disneyland, easy going

It doesn't even have to be done on the exact date

birth! Start celebrating by going to the city hall, this is

Located in Town Square, on arrival

Disneyland Here you will receive a birthday sticker

Or button. This sticker

You are to receive special treatment.

On your birthday celebration day,

A full service restaurant for eating

You order a bucket of birthdays. It will be perfect

Also includes Disney. This cost

About twenty dollars. Goofy so eat breakfast

The kitchen has a bag for your birthday


There are many ways to enjoy your birthday

Disneyland Because you get special treatment

All of the Disney characters in the park. this is

A serious birthday celebration for you or you

Children-yes make sure you take a lot of pictures,

Don't be shy about telling people who work at

Park it's your birthday-if they don't notice

Your stamp!

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