Valentin Whether physical or emotional. I wrote about keeping our physical mind in a great way.
It's tough. :
Heart, healthy, vitamin, earth-friendly, meal, dinner, valentine's day, exercise, cooking, shopping, food
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Healthy mental awareness is coming to the moon. Is it a healthy mind? It is easier to do after knowing why? Things happen that we can not always think.
Having a healthy body gives you a healthy heart. So here are some tips to keep your body healthy.
1. You need to take really good vitamins. What do you mean? Expensive? No. I mean a vitamin that breaks down in your body so your body contributes to it's vitamins. I do not just pass through our bodies, but a fructose-containing vitamin that benefits our bodies by absorbing 95% of the vitamins
What is a fructose blend? Fructose is a natural fruit sugar that your cells crave and is easily absorbed in the bloodstream. This process is designed to pre-bind fructose molecules to minerals so minerals do not combine with the nutrients of the digestive system. Fructose mixed minerals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and thus make your body, your tissues, organs and rest of your body healthy.
2. Practice-You need to keep your body moving. Only 10,000 walk. You can watch the monitor as a monitor that can clip the belt or brand. We recommend many workshops for the illustrations that follow and that is aerobic. Get your heart pump. When you get your heart pumping you get movement around your body and all around in a better shape for your body.
3. Food-We need to eat more vegetables and processed food. We need to go back to making dinner rather than using simple and quick processed foods. I fall into that category. I am in the process of re-education myself of making a better choice for my family. Life is busy and it is easier to use pre-made meals. Hint: Please do a family cooking day on Sunday. Get everyone in the kitchen and make 5 dinners for the week. Freeze on cooling. Then, during the week withdraw the dinner from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator to thaw during work. It is meant to get used to it, but it is very memorable on Sunday.
These are also very serious from loved ones who can show even simple changes. It can only take a few good changes and have a better healthier life.
Cholesterol-good, bad. ..Huh?
There is good cholesterol and there are bad things. What is the difference? Why are they important? We cover some of it and share some tips and ideas for controlling cholesterol levels.
It's tough. :
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With cholesterol
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance stored in the fat (lipid) content of bloodstream. In fact, it is important to have some "good" cholesterol in your system.
Cholesterol and our other body fats can not be degraded in our blood. It has to be called special carrier lipoprotein by transport. There are many types (too many to cover here), but most important are high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL). There is a third type called Lp (a) that can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Here we will explain it.
HDL, LDL, and Lp (a). .. What is this?
High density lipoprotein (HDL) is known as "good cholesterol". Most experts agree that HDL is destroyed and moves cholesterol from arteries to the liver, leaving the body through the natural evacuation process. Higher HDL levels seem to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. However, low levels of HDL in the body (-40 mg / dL for men and -50 mg d / L for women) are warning signals that one or both risks are high.
HDL seems to remove excess cholesterol from plaque, which builds up on the blood vessels thereby inhibiting or retarding growth. This is very important to the human body. Approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of our body's cholesterol is carried by HDL.
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is the major transporter of cholesterol in our blood. When too much LDL gets into the bloodstream, it can experience accumulation on the walls of the arteries that supply blood to the heart and brain. When combined with other substances, it forms plaques. Plaque is a hard, thick coating that can clog arteries and reduce blood flow to the heart or brain. If the blood does not move quickly enough, there is a risk of clotting forming near the plaque. If this happens in the arteries leading to the heart, then the risk of heart attack is higher. If it occurs in an artery that leads to the brain, you are at high risk of stroke.
If the level of LDL is 160 mg / dL or higher, this is a sign of greater risk of heart disease. If you have already been diagnosed with heart disease, we strongly recommend that you maintain levels below 100 mg / dL.
There is also a little known (by the general population) Lipoprotein, which can cause greater risk, is the cholesterol protein of Lp (a). This is a common change in plasma ("liquid" carrying blood cells through the blood stream) LDL. When the level of Lp (a) is higher, you can more quickly develop an accumulation of plaques that doctors and experts refer to as "artersclosis". There has been no conclusive evidence drawn about why Lp (a) contributes to the increased risk of heart disease, but the natural damage that occurs to the walls of our arteries is that of fatty deposits It may lead to accumulation.
Is Cholesterol Soaked?
The general consensus is that the human body can produce the cholesterol needed to maintain health. The body-most particularly the liver-produces about 1,000 mg per day. Thus the cholesterol consumed (healthy eating by typical people eating typical foods like whole dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and seafood)
Two of the biggest contributors to excess consumption of cholesterol are transfats and saturated fats. Consumption of other fats also increases blood cholesterol. While some of the extra fat is removed from the body by the liver, most core experts say that an ordinary person limits himself / herself to less than 300 mg daily if it is diagnosed with heart disease. Levels should be less than 200 mg daily. If you are diagnosed with very high cholesterol, you should bring it under control even further with drastic measures.
How do I control my intake?
A proven and accepted measure of control limits intake to further consume only 6 oz lean meat / fish / poultry daily, low fat / no dairy, and the effectiveness of protein required for health Alternatives are found in beans and vegetables with high protein content. Two excellent sources for determining which foods have high protein content are: and
We also recommend that you use regular exercise therapy. A moderate amount of daily activity can help increase blood movement through the body. Physical activities such as leisurely walking, gardening, light yard work, housework and slow dance often help to ideally control cholesterol levels
Stronger regimens can include vigorous walking, shaking, swimming and weight lifting. Aerobic exercise is an excellent way to increase respiration and heart rate.
The side benefits of regularly scheduled exercise programs reduce the risk of developing diabetes and help maintain blood pressure at a healthy level Weight-control Regular moderate to strong exercise also strengthens the heart and lungs Can help.
I smoke or don't smoke. ..
Most tobacco smoking has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease. Oxygen intake, which is a necessary component of good vascular circulation and health, is greatly reduced. Plus, smoking is harmful to HDL cholesterol levels, increasing the likelihood of clotting to not mention the risk of causing cancer in the body.
The effect of alcohol on cholesterol levels
The proper consumption of alcohol has, in fact, shown in some studies, to promote higher HDL cholesterol levels. It is said that you need to measure the risk of alcoholism, obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, and sometimes depression. Moderation in exercise (1-2 cups daily for men and 1 cup daily for women). And if you don't drink it, don't start. There is one cholesterol that controls a better, safer alternative.
-HDL "good" cholesterol
-LDL is "bad" cholesterol
-Exercise therapy helps lower LDL and increase HDL
-Smoking may increase the risk of decreased HDL levels and the potential for thrombosis
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