E-Marketing (or e-Marketing) has come to light on our growth
Acceptance to technology. Affordable accessibility
fax, voicemail system, cd, desktop computer
Advances in key technologies to new ways for entrepreneurs to communicate
And to sell products to customers.
In this report, when we look at the modem, a small cheap gadget
Desktop-computer will be able to put on-electronic
The bulletin board is your computer
Internet, send and receive emails, and more. ..
You can browse the computer and use the most necessary business tools.
The only problem is buying a computer for many companies only
There is no plan on how the computer is used. surely,
They start typing letters on it, maybe some marketing documents, and
The customer list is on it, but it is the range of computer usage
Many companies. Don't get some up there. These businesses are
Missing valuable low cost marketing opportunities open to computers
Users who can access any kind of online service.
What is a modem?
The word modem stands for Modulator Demodulator, it is just a fancy name
Your computer
Using computer, phone.
Modem is easily installed inside with card, comment
It can be an external unit. Basically, the only difference between the modems is
You need to worry about the speed. The speed of the modem is displayed as follows
Called the baud rate, it indicates the amount of "data" that the modem can do
Receive or send every second. The most common baud rate for modems is 300,
1200,2400,4800,9600,14,400 For those who received this report,
If you are using a 25,000-bit 1200baud modem, it will take more time
It may take more than 20 seconds to send and receive this file over the telephone line. When
14,400 baud, it takes you less than 2 seconds.
Modem and "communication" program
Communicate with them, including program and file transfers.
It can communicate with individual computer users.
Board system, or BBS, which is a service performed by entrepreneurs.
Electronic sales-marketing modem. ...
In the modem, you also have the ability to receive what is called transmit
Email or Email-Email sent and received electronically,
Use a computer.
Using a modem, you can also "access" large online services such as Prodigy,
CompuServe, Genie, American Online, and Others. These are basically huge
Bulletin board service with huge information library
It will be available when you subscribe to their service.
And modems are also accessible to study the Internet and send
Information (business) materials to other computers, play games, or
go shopping.
Used effectively, the modem can be a tough marketing
Hired to send product and business information to many
Immediate prospects (no real lead time, other than message movement)
Modems to all of us, get out by all means. You
Modem card for computer for only $ 50. Can be
It can also function as a fax for about $ 100 or less. Given the benefits
So, despite being a modem, it is against a large investment
Computer communication If you already have a modem but never put it
To use, it's time to get started now!
You should try this on a short list computer service or a bulletin board.
Modem You need to be able to get the bulletin board phone number in your area
America Online (703) 893-6288
CompuServ (800) 848-8990 (800) 695-4005
Automated Email Automated Responder
Can rent sales message, automated email responders to send ads,
And all types of business information to anyone with an email address.
For more information, email to ,:
Tsutsutsu Tsuitsu. infobox@gate.net
Subject: Box 100001
Or write: Internet advertising
1859 N. Pine Island Road
Plantation, FL 33322
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