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Sales own products

One of the main problems in the "inner circle" of mail order business

Everyone is selling everyone's products. The page is

Commission dealers are turning good things in their hands.

It is said over and over again, but newcomers to the industry

They realize that they need to develop their own products and services. European Commission

Sales companies are fine to compliment your business if the product is relative

Your main product is that everyone should strive to develop themselves

Product too. No one ever gets rich deals with commission dealers alone-

It's a ship And those who think this way give up for a certain period of time

Because they go bankrupt. Let's stop this madness and spread the word about

To be the main source.


How do you develop your own specialized products and services? that is

Your "foot gets wet" in the mail order to determine your identity several months

"Niche." But in known activity

What is your own and your own function. Review by ""

Business than earning money!

What is your hobby or interest? What do you want to do more than anything

Above all, if it wasn't there was a salary?

Perhaps rather write, edit, paste or seal envelopes.

Dorothy Christian (Shell 345) once explained "high" used to get when she's doing

It's a mass mail She loves sticking them in an envelope and peeling labels

Folding to insert the material. She said all envelopes were stuffed,

She felt that it generated large customer orders. This is enthusiasm!

Therefore, Dorothy may have developed special or confidential

Mail service. She is unlike a large email mailed to circulars

Envelopes are targeted emails for different programs and products.

(Example: Circulars selling books and reports are only sold to

These types of books for purchase and use of Dorothy from the book purchase list

It's an email She will also be careful not to put in any conflicting information

In this special mail she was preparing for a particular customer. )

You can take something to sell and creatively turn it into your own prime

Source product. My good friend Helen VanAllen loves big preparation

Mail so she "designed-your own-big mail-created a package." There were customers

Presenting a circular board list Helen had in hand, they checked off

Those who are interested in them. This is an example of how old concepts can be done

Be turned into something new with a twist that makes it your own product.

There are several ideas that other mail-order people used to create their own

Product. The same concept can also be used locally. If you sell vitamins,

For example, you can sell them in individual packets and sort them for each

Day of the week. Use vitamins from the company you are working

Individual packets and labels are your own product. You

Touch this individual from the person in charge.

You are unique! You are an individual with special talents and interests.

As we will reflect the needs of the business, contributing to your own email

It's an order Mail is great, corporate

People of the world. But that's up to each of us to keep it that way.

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