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Major battlefield conditions in the 2008 presidential election

The goal of the 2008 election is to be the most devastating election of recent memories. This is the first exception since Truceman's name was actually on the ballot, and in the 1952 elections, with a specific exception, which has no incumbent in the primary, since 1928 Harry has "hell" to give someone I ran out of use.

In addition, there is a large and passionate anger in the voting order. We have an unpopular Iraq war In our circle, the fiscal surplus has changed to the largest deficit in history. Republicans have lost more friends at this point than they have ever had. At the same time, we were defeated in the hands of Democratic presidential candidate Lame Duck, and since then they sit in their hands and vote for the Democratic score in the Senate and Parliament that did nothing

So the whole country is really one big battlefield. All assessments of the 2008 political map should take this into account. That being said, here it is seen as the forefront of the presidential race, and why:

Virginia: The definitive state of the east, it recently went from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, but may be leaning back. In our poll here we have Clinton's McCain 51 to 42, but a 45% tie between Clinton and Giuliani, respectively.

Ohio: It is the "in-service battlefield" that has decided on the 2004 presidential election.

Arkanso Arkansas is traditionally the Democratic Party of most time voting for a conservative state. The poll will be split by either Republican Hackaby, the most recent governor, or former First Lady Clinton and will emerge as Victor. Polls are slightly inclined towards Clinton, but Republican attention seems to be directed to Giuliani instead of Hackaby.

Kentucky: This is a battlefield that can not be divided. The state went to Bill-Clinton in 1992 and 1996 and President Bush in 2000 and 2004. Tsutsutsutsutsu, Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu "tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu.

Colorado: There is another Clinton / Juliani split here, but it's a hair split. 44 to 40 polls. Other factors that make it a battlefield are the conservative Great Plains state, which tends to push the Republican side, and numerous Hispas within the state, which tend to pull the west coast side and the Democratic Party.

New Hampshire: It became "swinging" in the 1990s, after being firmly republican.

Indiana: Most of them were Republicans until 2006, when the state was heavily shook by Democrats in the Senate race. The aforementioned Senate Democrats, however, are doing a great job of being a clay pigeon since they enter the office, so that the state will turn in the other direction Polls are now 37 to 32 in Republicans Although the Democratic Party has shown a vote on the state, the state has not voted for the Democratic President from 1964.

Missouri: This condition is to say that if the state of Missouri thinks that, the rest of the country begins to think so too, the rest of the state geographically and politically The central location will help give the status of the canary of the mine. It should be noted that the polls here are mainly for Clinton, and that in 2006 the state elected the first female senator, Claire-Makkaskill. Mackaskill says that they approve her work so far, so this may give them a good feeling for women politicians in general

Hillary has a company-Some women running for former president

A longing is boldly going to the president in 2008, thinking and so on, women will be appointed president. We, however, actually had women and presidential elections in the -13 election poll before! This is why if all this is more noticeable, Clinton can.

Lenora Fulani-ran for a new alliance party in 1988. She is a developmental psychologist and a psychotherapist. She is probably the most successful female presidential candidate ever. She was both the first woman and the first African American, and drew a record number of votes for the 217,219 female candidates. She ran again in 1992 for the same party, but also did not. In 1993, she joined with mobilizers around Ross Perot to get an alternative voting platform to go.

Victoria Wood Hull-Combine Status Female Candidates for the very first President. She was an American suffragist who ran in 1872. She was nominated by the equal rights party. The details of her candidate are the subject of intense debate by political scientists. For one thing, she was under the age of 35 federal governments. Also note that women did not legally have the right to vote until 1920. There is some evidence that she received about 2,000 popular votes.

Eh Allen-Hm, half of my famous jeans molding burns Allen. So she ran for the president-in 1940 for the "surprise party". According to records, she pulled 42,000 popular votes. Franklin * D * Roosevelt, however, does not have to be worried about her comedy stunts, as he comfortably won the election to the third paragraph. As for Allen, she added impetus to her show business career and was probably not dissatisfied with it. This is the most successful run attempted by women as a comedy stunt.

Charlene * Mitchell-she ran in 1968, and was the first woman to perform for the US President while representing the Communist Party. She was also the first African-American woman to perform for the president of the United States-who do not confuse with Renola-Flani, who pulled all the mere 1,076. Given the spirit of the times, she was dismissed as a "hippie" by a voter who probably didn't know. She is still around today as an active member of the Commission on Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS).

Linda Jenness and Evelyn Reid-Both of them ran for the president in 1972 under the Socialist Workers Party. How the same party got two candidates on the ballot is a mystery. Jenness received a popularity vote of 52,799 and Reed received 13,878. "After Nixon's impeachment." Jenness was famous for putting in the case of the author of several books, the Supreme Court of the United States on her right to distribute campaign literature at Dix Fort. Reed, a woman socializing human society. It is theorized that it was responsible for the development of the society needed to

Margaret Wright-Benjamin McLane Spock ("Baby and Parenting") most notable for having best-selling authors and pediatricians for consecutive associates. She ran for the Socialist People's Party in 1976 and collected 49,024 popular polls. She is based in Los Angeles, an activist in her campaign area, California. She was also a shipyard worker during World War II, and in fact was one of the principles of the movie "The Life and Times of Rosie-Ribetter".

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