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Martyn Pentacost, Reiki Master of England,

Celtic Reiki

Martyn Pentacost, Reiki Master of England, was applying Reiki to the dying tree when he had revelation. The tree was exchanging therapeutic energy back to his hand. After this experience he traveled to Britain where he studied and meditated with the Ogham tree that the ancient Druids knew well.

These particular trees have their own unique healing function. In nature, most plants and trees are so. Ogham Tree uses the knowledge of healing of the ancient Celtics and Druids.

Celtic Reiki combines the Japanese way and the healing power of Ogham trees. The ancient Druid probably already figured out the healing power of wood. They held most of the meetings and practices inside these wooden circles. The neat thing here does not have to touch the tree to share energy, but can also be pulled through the earth.

There is an Ogham symbol that is related to the modern Reiki symbol used. Communicate with magic that Celtic characters like Ogham symbol are used. The most powerful system is Ogham nan Crann, a tree Ogham.

There are also ancient stories about thorn trees that can be healed. There are two sisters who are opposite each other. One wears all black and other clothes all white. One of the darks was due to different spots, touching the entire hand. She speaks a spell, draws a sign for Blackthorn and blows it into your body. All negativity goes up from your potential. The white sister then enters, draws a sign for the haw and blows on your body. All the negativity disappears with light, the pain disappears and you feel great. Then it falls into wonderfully easy and peaceful sleep.

Breathing color

The color of breathing is a form of meditation. Imagine you just inhale yourself and exhale color. This is comfortable sitting somewhere or lying down. You breathe for about twelve to eighteen minutes until you have a consistent rhythm. Surround yourself with white light starting at your head, going to the feet and through your toes. Keep this vision for about two minutes in your mind.

Select the color of light surrounded by yourself for the current visualization. Red, yellow and orange are drawn from the earth through the foot. Blue, blue and purple are drawn from the atmosphere through the head. Green, however, is its own entity. It should be considered as coming into the abdomen at the horizontal level. You take another few minutes to allow the green flow down towards the foot, and then a few minutes to allow the green to rise from the abdomen.

Breathe in color and let it travel to your lungs and heart and solar net. Visualize the complementary colors as you breathe out.

Now bathe your entire body with pure white light for a couple of minutes.

You can do this exercise in the bath in the morning or in the evening. Simply relax and enjoy yourself and give yourself time to visualize the colors you need to have. Usually, the first thing that pops into your mind is what you need.

If you are busy and don't have time for the entire meditation, find an image that has all the color blocks in it. Choose each color and study the picture. Watch for each of the colors for a few minutes until you feel like you had your fill and g in one of the following. Some colors will jump to you right and others will be a bit harder to get.

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