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Natural Remedies for Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure Part 3

There are many common pharmaceutical treatments for high blood pressure including beta blockers and A.C.E. inhibitors, including pomegranate juice, passion flowers and physical exercise

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Natural Remedies for Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure Part 3

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There are many common pharmaceutical treatments for high blood pressure including beta blockers and A.C.E. inhibitors, including pomegranate juice, passion flowers and physical exercise

There is evidence that pomegranate juice provides protection against cardiovascular disease. While pomegranate (punica granatum) has been around for many years, much research has not been done until recently. Most of the research was first done in Israel and is ongoing. One of the first studies to draw attention is that pomegranate juice can be attributed to healthy humans and their antioxidant properties Atherosclerosis MA Results from studies conducted at the University of California after several months Is three times higher than those of red wine and green tea that have shown antioxidant activity.

Then, another study in Israel and pomegranate juice developed atherosclerotic mice are already atherosclerotic tip. Next month, the results of another study showed a 36% drop in serum ACE activity and a 5% drop in systolic blood pressure for patients who drank pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice can provide broad protection against cardiovascular disease that may be related to oxidative stress and its inhibitory effect on serum ACE activity

Over the past five years, more than 150 studies and publications, including pomegranate, along with findings that suggest many of the health benefits of this fruit, the US National Library of Medicine PubMed data Perhaps the most important is the reduction in cardiovascular disease .

Another exciting study on the moon, testing the effect of pomegranate juice on samples of cultured human coronary artery cells exposed to extreme stress in 2005 in vitro (they are hypertensive pomegranate juice administration significantly reduces the progression of atherosclerosis It has been shown that prostheses-induced effects induced by perturbing and perturbing shear stress can be reversed by long-term administration of pomegranate juice The implication of this is that long-term management of pomegranate juice is effective in both prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. It may be.

The results of another three-year study suggest that pomegranate juice has decreased carotid intima media thickness and systolic blood pressure in patients with carotid artery stenosis.

In the most recent article about Pomegranate, published in PubMed on May 17, 2007, the author states, "The last seven years are indeck by Medline to treat pomegranate and punicar granatum" they are seeds, juice, skin , Leaves, flowers, bark and roots were noted to have pharmacological activity respectively. They say, "Phytochemical and pharmacological actions of all Punica granatum components are thought to play an essential etiological role in the treatment and prevention of cancer and chronic inflammation."

The flower of passion also shows the promise to reduce the production of high blood pressure by modulating neurotransmitters in the nervous system that reduce anxiety. (Passiflora incarnata) Accepted for medicinal use in Germany, France and other European countries for the treatment of nervous worries, once after reviewing night sleep aids by US sedatives and coma Fda In 1978, the American company did not submit efficacy as determined by the data on safety and fda as valid by Fda

The passion flower is a native American plant but has been extensively studied and used in Europe more than in the United States. Germany, France, and other European countries are accepted for the treatment of nervous anxiety. It is a chemical marker of flavonoids contained in standardized passion products. Flavonoids are generally considered among the most active constituents of plants, but scientists have identified a single compound or group of compounds responsible for its sedative effects

The passion flower causes relaxation and relieves anxiety The level of the neurotransmitter known as gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) which reduces the activity of nerve cells in the brain considered as a chemical known as harmala alkaloid as containing An enzyme involved in the block.

Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Trial Passiflora Extract's efficacy in treating the drug Oxazepam Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) The benefits found with Passiflora extract Passiflora extract are that there are fewer problems associated with impaired work performance Met.

Everyone experiences anxiety. It can do a good thing the body's normal anti-ordinary anxieties about uncertainty, trouble, unprepared, or perceived, expected or imagined danger or threatening situations. You It helps to motivate those who work well under pressure, resulting in increased productivity. However, when anxiety and anxiety are exaggerated without cause, it is a sign of anxiety disorder such as GAD.

People with GAD, like those who participated in the above study, are excessively chronic and usually interfere with their ability to function in normal daily activities, and depending on the specific purpose or situation, the flower of passion may not be anxious. Not only individuals with, but also those with GAD will appear to help relieve stress.

There are many blood pressure drugs available, and natural remedies (like Meloruca's Prostolic) are useful in reducing and maintaining healthy blood pressure, but the time to change your blood pressure is what your age is It's not now, no matter where it is.

Begin by eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, and other heart health foods. Processed foods that lower your salt intake, destroy potassium, and generally have high salt levels, add to your body's loss of this important nutrient, gain plenty of practice, and take alcohol intake As long as you do, don't smoke.

Your blood pressure will increase as your weight increases, but losing just 10 percent of your weight over a half-year period may mean that people who already have high blood pressure at your overweight are 10- The maximum effect of lb is displayed. Weight loss.

Moon Science Statement 2006 from the American Heart Association:

"Efforts to reduce BP in both non-hypertensive and hypertensive individuals are warranted in light of the continuing epidemic of BP-related diseases and increased morbidity in hypertension, In non-hypertensive individuals, dietary changes lower BP For uncomplicated stage I high blood pressure (140 to 159 mm Hg or 90 to 99 mm Hg diastolic BP systolic BP), dietary changes can be with the first treatment prior to drug therapy In hypertensive patients who are already taking medications, lifestyle changes, especially reduced salt intake, can further lower blood pressure Current status to healthcare providers, researchers, government officials, and the general public Challenges lead to sustained changes in diet among individuals, and an effective clinical practice across the wider population

Natural Remedies for Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure Part 2

One of the more common treatments for high blood pressure is ACE inhibitors. When your kidneys detect hypotension, they release an enzyme called renin that stimulates the formation of a protein called angiotensin I.

It's tough. :

Natural remedies to maintain healthy blood pressure

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One of the more common treatments for high blood pressure is ACE inhibitors. When your kidneys detect hypotension, they release an enzyme called renin that stimulates the formation of a protein called Angiotensin I. Angiotensin II muscle that surrounds the blood vessels to tighten resulting in restriction of the blood vessels Is a powerful vascular constrictor that causes. The narrowing of the blood vessel increases the pressure in the blood vessel and can cause high blood pressure.

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