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Teens in Mission from God

Bruce Bros. was delivered by Dan Ackroyd when he explained the importance of their need to get their Blues band back together because he was always it, "We I explained that it is a mission from God. "

However, humor aside, literally thousands of churches in this country from each summer, a group of young people spread their language about their faith in the name of their mission right now these many bright-eyed teenagers Whether you subscribe to the religious opinion of, it just hangs in the pool rather than working to help others

From a religious point of view, one of the great values ​​of a mission trip for teenagers is the opportunity for them to truly use their faith in the service of others, in most religious doctrines, to humanity in a form Includes dedication to serve. If the mission is sponsored by American Church Christianity. And no doubt Christian faith should make every believer reach out to the poor and those who are less privileged than himself as part of his dedication to God

So take an organized group of young people to provide services to the poor, may not join the Christianity to another culture in a disadvantaged area, or even abroad from a church For a person, it goes out and puts its muscles in community services Faith is a faith, borrowing a phrase "

Beyond the religious aspects of such mission travel values, going and helping others as part of community service initiatives some of these values ​​are ...

* It teaches the value of work. When young people are given shovels and paint brushes and have to work 8-10 hours on a hot day, they come from hardworking what hardworking means, but this also teaches in reading lectures and books as well It is a lesson that can never be done. I have a lesson that I can not catch this lesson again.

-I shall do it. Most of the community service business is always ready, so it is a team. As teens begin to tie up with their missionaries who are older, younger and harder working adults both as well as other teens between generations and each other

* It gives them a glimpse of the lives of others. Generally, when the teenager returns from a mission tour, it will change back after seeing how the other lives less. This is a huge and growing experience, and it only happens when you meet a dramatic face-to-face meeting like in the Mission Field.

One of the great values ​​of putting tens of thousands of teenagers in the field to do summer community service each year is that many poor people get together in a mission trip between the team and each other Not only that, it is leadership. With that support you will forget to be involved with the bond team. And it has a higher value than the work that has probably been done. They are eternal value.

Get rid of the hell of hell angel.

If you have bikers in your community, you may feel when you see them riding together under one of your city streets that they are part of a "gang" they are they Can be pretty horrible as you ride along a motorcycle, black leather, skull, tattoos and other stuff embu

The image of the biker is dangerous and maybe destructive is back in a long way. You may not know that the origin of the motorcycle club is coming from the post-World War II time frame. Find comfort in being with other people as they do some "men's ties" from the relevant issues of that competing fight that has come back from many veterans They are motorcycles, especially Harley-Davidson motorcycles Discover that it eventually evolves into what we finally recognize as a gangster of motorcycles

Now the history of motorcycle gangs is not always beautiful. It is true that one of the big motorcycle gangs of the Fifties and Sixties was an angel of bad reputation. And the former members of the club were pretty dangerous people. However, there was an ethical code to being a biker because they share the battle experience. They were very loyal to each other and faithful to each other. And it may be surprising to know that as a rule bikers are very patriotic and can be candid for the defense of the country and its interests

However, as the years go by, it seems that the image of the members of the motorcycle gangs has never changed, but they themselves are the truth, many bikers have social awareness, environmental awareness They have a strong sense and they are often the first to respond to the needs of others in times of trouble

Bakyu these values ​​dozens of community service businesses. But these are not citizens who are in the limelight and seek the praise of others. They throw about feeling passionately in their own quiet and efficient way, helping with service projects. And they receive little recognition that they are good things to do in society.

Every year around Thanksgiving, there are traditions in many cities across the country for the local biker community to organize "the toy run". As with anything else, the biker community makes this event your own. Often they are ready to go and are collected on a particular Sunday morning with their own toys. The toy of choice is a doll or a large stuffed toy that can be proudly strapped to the front of the motorcycle as the parade begins. Biker caravans at specified times are distributed to give them to poor people or those who can not afford such things for Christmas

This kind of dedication to community services is a deep part of ethical values ​​that is meant to be part of the biker community. Throughout the year, bikers perform hundreds of small acts of community services that will never be reported or become part of an organizational effort. The biker community, whether it's stopping to help people in need on highways, cleaning up or making improvements in national parks

When you see etc, it's a gentle wave that makes you smile in the city looking at the threat. They often look harsh and threatening, but because they are fellow citizens, who are deeply concerned about each other and the communities in which they live. And just by knowing it, we can take "hell" from the angel of hell for all of us.

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