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Pneumonia in children

Pneumonia is an infection of either lung or both. When both lungs get infected it is known as double pneumonia. Pneumonia is known as walking pneumonia when it is mild enough that a visit to a doctor can be avoided and a child can usually carry out his daily work.

The lungs are an important part of the respiratory system. Breathing air contains oxygen that is filtered by the lungs. This oxygen is then carried around the body with the help of blood delivered from the respiratory tract by the air cells. The capillaries or microvessels are surrounded by small air sacs known as alveoli. There are over six billion alveoli in the human body. The air taken is supplied to the air cells; the oxygen obtained from the air breaks down in the blood. Then it is the job of red blood cells to distribute oxygen to all body parts. Oxygen is crucial in the proper functioning of the human body, and inadequate supply of oxygen can damage the organs and sometimes be life-threatening. This function is impeded when the lungs are infected with pneumonia.

Pneumonia does not occur as the lungs work properly because the infection produces fluid that blocks the air cells. Second, oxygen does not penetrate deep in the lungs and a little oxygen is supplied to the blood. The respiration is affected and the condition gets worse when both lungs become infected with pneumonia.

People can develop old-fashioned pneumonia from babies of all ages. It is a myth among people who will catch pneumonia in wet people. But it is actually a virus or a bacteria that causes an infection. A person who has been infected with flu or cold can be infected with pneumonia when facing his / her condition deterioration. This occurs because the inflammation caused by the flu or cold helps the pneumonia bacteria to get into the lungs easily and move around to spread the infection.

Bacteria or viruses that cause pneumonia can cause damage whose severity can depend on the child's health. If the infection is caused by bacteria, the child will soon get sick and get high fever with cold. The pneumonia caused by the virus grows very slowly and takes time to go. Children can also experience cough, chest pain, headache and / or muscle pain. It can also make it difficult to breathe, so the child will begin to breathe faster which may cause him to cough from the gloppy mucus. Children should refrain from eating completely.

With proper care, your child can recover completely. The doctor first examines the heart rate and breathing with the help of a stethoscope. The stethoscope also helps check the lungs with the help of the sound made by the lungs to determine if it contains any fluid. Sounds such as crackling and bubbling are signs of pneumonia. Chest x-rays are also taken. The white spot area will show fluid accumulation. By looking at the x-rays, the doctor can also determine if the infection is caused by bacteria or viruses. If it is caused by bacteria, an antibiotic is prescribed. Also, if it is difficult for the child to swallow the drug or keep the drug inside, IV fluid is infused. And if the virus is responsible for the infection, the antibiotics will not work. A heat reducer is given in this case along with the cough medicine. If the child does not have enough rest and enough liquid, the medicine will not be useful.

Shots can be taken to prevent pneumonia. These series of shots are called pneumococci. Normal flu shots are also possible for children with asthma or other types of lung infections. Rest and sleep also strengthen the immune system. Wash hands regularly Keep harmful bacteria in the bay.

Children's appendix

Appendices develop as a result of unsanitary habits that do not wash their hands before eating food. They are like small thread segments and are small bugs that cause itching in the anal area. Worms infect only humans and exist in the intestines. All children going to school encounter this problem at once. They can touch different children infected with objects with worms and worm eggs.

Since worm eggs are on the nails, it is good to wash your hands regularly. When food is eaten without washing hands, these eggs enter the body by the digestive system. In the small intestine, the eggs hatch and the appendix moves towards the large intestine. There, they cling to the intestinal wall and stay there for several weeks to mature. Then go to lay eggs near the anal area towards the end of the female helminth colon. Usually the eggs are laid out at night, which is the time when the area is crawling. It takes a period of two months after consumption of the eggs, for the maturation of worms laying new eggs. Eggs are devised on anal skin and baby pinworms crawl inside the body to grow.

Worm eggs are everywhere like kitchen counters, school desks and beds. They are also found in tools, clothes and towels. When outside the human body, eggs can live up to two weeks. Within the time they are touched, there is an opportunity to enter the human body and thrive. Worms are contagious and can spread from another person. It is very light with the spread of air and can be blown by the wind and is breathing or swallowing. The child can have more eggs in the intake if he hurt his bottom and does not wash his / her hand quickly.

Children infected with worms can see worms on their stools even in their underwear after they pass. The worm looks like a small white thread. However, the eggs are not visible to the naked eye. If the child observes these symptoms he / she should inform the adult about the condition. Itching caused by worms can be so bad that it can make him / her twist when it wakes up the child in the middle of the night. Doctors usually prescribe medications to kill the appendix. The doctor also takes samples from under the fingernails and anus to check if there are eggs. The drug takes about two weeks to get rid of the worm completely. The cream is prescribed by a doctor if itching is very exciting and wakes up the child in the middle of the night. Sometimes other members of the home are also asked to take the same medication as the precautionary measures. Parents should wash all clothes, towels and sheets used by worm-infected children.

The best way to deal with worms is to take the first precautionary measures. Children should have a habit of washing their hands after eating outdoors, after using the bathroom, before eating food. The fingernails also need to be clipped regularly to not allow the eggs deposited there. Eggs also hang on clothes, so it is a good habit to change underwear every day. And wash other clothes every few days.

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