A friend who has a favorite slogan, "Organize, Substitute, and Horrify" is "Add a Rank" to that group.
Now it sounds pretty easy at first, but strange things start to happen when you start to put it on paper. Entrepreneurs block certain corners in the direction formed during the idea of the beginning.
As entrepreneurs, we have a strange system that keeps our goals, our visions, and tactics in our head, not paper. It's not a sure road to failure, but think about the time you need on your business stand. They won't take over until they have spent about a week of training with you. Let's put it in place It is necessary for this slogan to be made on paper now.
1. Organize-Place on paper to perform your current operating procedure. Any format that you will do-it may begin with the time to open the office / store or order to accomplish your daily tasks. Direct the function to any specific business needs. Think about how to lead you to success, and put it on paper every day. Here you have achieved your "goal" plan as far as possible.
2. Prioritize-here's where I will insert this item. Once you know what it takes to perform the day-to-day operations of your business, you prioritize the tasks by their importance, what must be done first, and how many seconds. To simply explain it, you can not open the store for the business before having a changing money with a cash register. Apply this line of reasoning to your business operations.
3. DEPUTIZE-This is the next item in your dissertation that tells you who does not accomplish the job or task. What is expected and who will take over every day if they are not available? If you do not assign specific responsibilities to your staff, you will probably rate each one to decide which one of the best jobs you will do now (as an entrepreneur, we all work more than ourselves With a tendency to think that you can not do well but you can not do everything, it is time to stop the generation)
4. TERRORIZE-Perhaps this is a too harsh word to use. What I really mean is to assign someone a task, let it do it, and keep track of progress without getting in the way. If you assign a specific job to a person, handle it, but you can follow up to make sure that it is being done This is not a "Big Brother", the ball is not dropped , Have confirmed that the disaster will be bypassed.
If you go through this exercise it will clearly be clear what purpose you had at your business launch has been successfully achieved, and which ones are still a few of them coming up with surprises yourself It is.
As an entrepreneur, we all like to be "the captain of our ship", but remember that even the captain sails the ship and needs the crew to bring it safely to the port
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