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Using a press release for free publishing

Product publication is the "secret alley" to business success

Everyone wants. In simple words, product publication is a kind

Advertising that costs nothing, but brings order for


Regardless of the type of business you are operating, you

Your business

Whenever possible, your product or service. After all, it is

"Free advertising" that is necessary for your growth

business. However, your advertising effort should be good

Well thought out, and plan in advance for maximum results.

What is the first and basic form to get publicity?

Also known as coverage or news release. This is generally

A page story about your business, your product / service

Event / Event related to your business, or

Recently occurred. These publicity stories are generally

Local newspaper, radio: "Shotgundo" to all the various media

And television, and trade publications.

The number one in question is getting people to the people you sent

These promotional stories, to use them-public or broadcast

Those. And this brings us back to the "right way" of writing

Them and sending them.

In all cases, send a short cover letter addressed to the person

I want you to be considered by your material. In other words

You send your story to the newspaper city editor

Radio and TV station news director, and management

Editors of various trade magazines. It will not do you

Send your material to the ad, whatever is good,

Circulation or business management

Long-time advertisers, subscribers or listeners. most

The important thing is to get in touch with the person you have

The final decision to be published or broadcast, and

Bottom line-this person's use of your material will be

Somehow to make him a "hero" to his or her readers, viewers


Cover letters should be short notes. Go to the paper maker

-Tell him you want a sheet of 100 or so sheets of good bond paper-

8 1/2 11 and preferably in pastel colors such as blue or ivory

-And what you want this paper to give you and cut in the quarter

A total of 400 sheets of paper. "From the desk of ....."

Contact with the sheet until the elaborate sheet

Even when you are using

The material does not use these semi-formal note sheets.

This note starts with the date between the top skip a

Tell the couple of space and the recipient immediately

The attached material is new and must be real

Interest in his or her readers, viewers or listeners. We advise our

The magic of dealers and agents money-our regular

Press for Serious Wealth Builders and Extra Revenue Seekers

-To send the following notes to editors and news directors

The media of the region:

"There is something new here and something really useful for change,

-Soaring costs for people trying to cope with inflation

Those who are engaged in the construction of life-and extra income business

Own. This must be real value-your

reader. Please take a look-questions, or if you need

More information gives me a call at: (503) 666-5824. .. "And

Of course, skip to the space, your name,

Business Name, and Your Address-Sign Your Name Above

You have entered it and bound this note in the upper right

Corner of your news release. This note needs to be entered

Double space.

How do I send a cover letter to someone who is happy to welcome you?

Do. Type up such a note and take it to nearby

Quick print shop. Copy the notes four times and paste them

Print 4 sheets on a sheet of paper and print 50 to 100 sheets.

Cut the paper into an individual note, all for less, $ 10. here you go

Don't try to save money with photo copy or Xeroxing-a

Photo copy is not photo copy

Work for you. ..

This time also needs some actual public release,

It is used if "correct" writing is expected.

Above all, there is a plus to using the appropriate form and style

The fact that it has to be entered, double space, and short-about

Half page of the total length.

Inch and a half and about an inch from the top of the paper

From the left and right margins of the paper,

Enter all capital letters: PRESS RELEASE: Then, underline

These words. Immediately after the colon, not all

Please put capital letters and date. Always set the date forward

The release will be mailed at least one day after the day.

Not on the same line, but on the right side of the page, and

All capital letters write the word for details:

This is underlined, right below, but not all capital

Enter your letter, your name-your phone number-and your address.

Skip a few spaces and then centered on all capital letters

Between the margins-enter a story headline and underline it.

Skip a couple of spaces and all from the left hand margin

Capital letters enter words for immediate release.

There, it is the story of the news or publication itself.

You can write a headline before the story, and the story is

Headline to fit-or the story before the headline, then

Headlines that fit the story-either way, it's basically the same

Like writing space ads and sales letters. You get attention

And please fill in the details with heading interests and your


Here is an example of a heading that we use in the published blurbs

Make magic for money:

Help by doing it

A new publication for extra-income job seekers

Keep in touch and edit the sale-his or her

Readers are always looking for a better way to get things done,

And he / she is specifically interested about what our promises

Including. .. he / she wants his / her reader to "think well" for him / her

Enlighten them with this source of help so he / she reads in

A story to find who, what, and how.

That's enough for your headline, and the story you present

You have to sell him / her the benefits of your product or to the editor

Service to his / her readers. He / she unless it specifically does this

I do not use it. Always be the first person on sale

material. Keep this fact in your mind as you write

That. The person you send your publication or publication release to,

Product or service that reveals the process of

Profit his / her readers-thereby making him / her a hero

He / she must be sure to do what it promises in your headline.

Come right to the point and say that your product has a low price,

How easy is your product or service to use

Generally help people. It is also a good idea

Include a free sample of your product or opportunity

He is a sampling service.

Fully recognize the information of this editor

Your objective-free advertising! They are not at least

I'm interested in you or your credentials-if you sell them

Your Business Benefits to Readers, And They Want

The background details, they call you. So you are your

Phone number and address.

These people are busy people. They have no time

Interest in reading about your trials and hardships

Plan for the future. They only want "flags" to warn them

Something new to their readers could be real interest rates.

Sell ​​the first editor. Convince him / her what you have found

Mousetrap Show your product or service-to him / her

Meet your business needs-and / or large

Segmentation of his / her readers, his / her viewers or listeners.

Always follow up when editors use your public release

Thank you very much. Never, but never send a publication

Called the release editor is strict knowledge of write requests

Why did he / she not use it, use it as you wrote it, to you

Once you do this, that particular media will

"Round file" Further material received from you is unopened!

If your first effort is not used,

The story itself probably writes it from another angle.

Certainly you are sending it to the right person-and try again!

As mentioned earlier, these people are busy, with hundreds

A public relations release that passes your desk daily-they

Everyone's space-time-so materials

Make it stand out and fit their information in some way-

Editors are readers, viewers, or

listener. Regardless of your business, products or services,

Need to do press release-write-

Features or specific angles that favor or interest it

To the readers, viewers or listeners of the media you want to run

Your press release. Without this special ingredient, you

Lost before you start!

The timing of your press release is always important. The

Associate your press release with current events in the news. Ru.

Job Unemployment Rate Rising In With The Story Of Job Layup

Newspapers on television and radio will urge us to get publicity

Release to any medium of help and opportunity offered

Money makes magic! Say there is a flood of chain letters

Pyramid scheme, featured in round media

And I will warn people to be careful. .. within 5 days, we

We will announce the release and explain the availability

Report-of our report on chain letters and lectures

It describes everything from a to Z-who is the winner,

Who is the real loser?

There is another kind of timing to keep in mind. ..

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