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Start telephone answering service

Organize yourself properly. The decision is to feel how much money will bring you comfortably to the wealthy in their own telephone answering service.

It's tough. :

Telephone service started

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Our research starts with a couple of thousands of dollars in borrowed funds, has raised hundreds of husbands and wives entrepreneurs, and many of the ambitions will be 250,000 in a few years in business

The exciting part is that the door is wide open for you to do the same! The demand for telephone answering services is growing! Even though not starting to delay this demand, the emergence of electronically responsive devices! So many people expect to talk to "living people" and have to listen to recordings advising the caller to leave a message with a sound of the sound. This kind of bribery is sometimes lost It can cost thousands of business people for a profit. To realize this, today's successful business people want a personal touch of friendly, professional "secretaries" to answer their phone calls for them.

Professional response service operators deliver different visitors along appropriate messages, take messages, get explanations, and set up meetings with special customers In many cases, businessmen are critical to their success As operators come in thick with their telephone answering service, especially the luscious deal is to the people of the answering service

To get started properly, you need a working investment and an initial investment of about $ 10,000, for equipment and equipment. In the beginning, with two-person operation, you can have your operator selling by phone while making an in-person sales call. You may also add a couple of "hunger" board salespeople to help line up a good list of accounts as fast as possible. These efforts are coordinated, as they do not want to take plans and call two different sales people in the same perspective.

You can start working from a spare bedroom or your garage--you need a leased switchboard from the telephone company--in a more formal quarter yours but it's very expensive, it Once installed, it takes time to have the mobile switchboard. Our suggestion is to find a small office of "beginning" and plan to be there for at least 5 years from the beginning.

Many operations begin at the location of a small 200 to 300 square foot economy office and as a growth warrant, our ultimate research at the end includes a minimum gain after cost to include three or more switchboards It has been found that an average of 85 regular customers per switchboard is needed to realize.

Just about anyone with a business card is a good prospect for your service. The people who work from their home are very good prospects, especially those that hold regular work between their own part-time business and moanighting. Every salesman is the one who works on prospects, a 24-hour "call" basis such as plumers, repair service business owners, electricians, locksmiths, and auto mechanics. ..All the areas too..By all means, such as doctors, dentists and companies of the ambulance company, tow service, volunteer fire department, survey organization, and customer complaints department of virtually any business in your business Do not forget other experts!

These intermittent users are only in service provided by many novices. If these people can not reach in their regular numbers after four or five rings that calls should call the number of answering services, in this case, the housewife who only answers the home phone There is an answering service that receives the caller's message, relays it to the customer, or she checks in. Very simple, very easy, very informative!

Usually you have 15-20 customers after such "slight" operation. You need to install a phone that has multiple incoming lines. The costs and questions of the telephone company can be thrilled by purchasing your own phone and explaining that you have several teenagers in your family. However, if you have 35-50 customers, it is time to expand to full commercial operation with the switchboard and hired operator.

The average rate to be charged for your service should be about $ 35 per month for a specified number of calls-usually 70 to 75-others such as "wake up" for each call exceeding that number Calls and reminder reminder calls are usually charged on a "per call" basis at approximately 50 cents per call.

While the company is busy with various services such as providing the first telephone answering service, the screen will be displayed if there is no age. These services range form entry, envelope addressing, computer input services, envelope stuffing, books for subscription solicitation and publishing agents In recent years, some also include a private post office, mail drop and forwarding services. The important thing is to keep your operators busy doing some kind of job making money for you

When you decide to lease an office, get complete with the switchboard--trying to get as close to the telephone company's switching or switching office as possible, which makes it possible for you to pay for your landline It depends on the mileage fee that will be incurred. Remember too that each exchange handles a limited prefix to customers within a certain radius of that site. What all this means is that if most of your local businesses have the 234 and 345 prefixes, please look here for basic installation and configuration of switchboards or as much of these as possible. For $ 4,000. ..

Generally, the population of 35,000 subways is expected to be $ 50,000; more than $ 200,000 for 75,000 to $ 100,000 and $ 150,000 for supporting telephone answering services in anticipation of more than $ 200,000 for more help and more detailed information It is wise to contact associate telephone answering exchange, Inc. The latest day in the industry surveillance group of this organization is practicing as of today.

Meanwhile, keep your costs in line with the realistic overview of your anticipated first-year income at your own facility setup. Finding a low-cost rental space in an old building not far from the telephone company's replacement building is not too difficult-the telephone company has some of your customers ever actually see your office Because you are located in an old, less "beautiful" building loses your business Most are signing with them through your person's sales call for your service or you are soliciting an effort Email phone payment for

Make sure that you also have handy toilet facilities to double as the remaining area for your operator and general office area for bookkeeping, billing and other management functions.

Before installing your first switchboard, the telephone companies should start showing what they can use, mainly to determine if the floor is strong enough to support the switchboard weight. Save yourself a lot of frustration by explaining this to a real estate agent or building manager The best thing is when you contact the telephone company a certified copy of the original building blueprint or previous check report Ask for and have these on hand.

If you are ready to go consider the attitude and feel of the people who work the switchboard for a long time for you--walls for the floor, anti-glare lighting, carpeting and few walls Fine of office furniture used Look around, buy or lease only what is absolutely essential. Manual typewriters used with pocket calculators will work properly until you run a profitable business.

When ordering your first switchboard, listen to the instructions of the telephone company, read the operating manual, and attend training. The more you know about the equipment, the easier it will be to operate it, and the more you reason for your profit potential

The traditional telephone company switchboard is known as Model 557 or TAS-100. This board handles 100 incoming secretary lines and 15 office trunk lines, with this board, can receive incoming calls and use the ability to make outgoing calls simultaneously as your number as well Business response line Special events such as business numbers and / or special numbers for surveys

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