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Start your own business

If you make up your mind that you want to enter into a business for yourself, it brings some important decisions. I want to be your own boss, but I do not know for sure what kind of business I should enter. There are two differences here.

Business "production model"

Most of us begin with the application of what we may call a "production model" in business. We can all do certain things-cut hair, cook food, fram. ..

It's tough. :

Your own business, business

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If you make up your mind that you want to enter into a business for yourself, it brings some important decisions. I want to be your own boss, but I do not know for sure what kind of business I should enter. There are two differences here.

Business "production model"

Most of us begin with the application of what we may call a "production model" in business. We can do all that is--cooking cutting hair, food, assembling homes, fixing teeth, buildings, etc. -Your sales and these services. We ask ourselves "What can I do? What are my skills? How can I sell these skills? Which utilizes these skills? Can you produce similar products? "

Many people think that production models are the only way to do business. They believe that Kevin-Cosner in the "field of dreams" has emitted an important truth. "They just change the words around a bit:

"If I set up my restaurant, people will come."
"When I start building a bird house, people gather in my store."
"When I set up the lemonade position, the neighbors buy some."
"If I learn to be an airline pilot, certainly someone will hire me."

And in general, this works. When people go to school to become dentists, engineers and teachers, they actually become dentists, engineers and teachers. Because other people love to cook or make a bird house, they set up a restaurant or craft shop, a miracle miracle, their restaurant or craft shop

But this oversimplification of the marketing process, distorts what actually happens "on the ground" when a new business starts.

Practices that trained dentists succeed because the dental market is tightly controlled to allow only the right number of dentists to graduate each year

And the reason you can point to a successful restaurant or bird house company is because they look at them after success. What about all the restaurants, construction companies, and land development lumps that failed? Their owners probably enjoyed equally well-crafted dishes and serve as public as the next man. They build it, no one-or at least, people who are not enough-came.

So obviously getting into a business is not as easy as it would come if you build it. "There are factors we can not control, variables that can not be predicted. And if we admit this, we have to start looking for alternatives to the "production model".

Real life example

Take another example Many years ago, before the long Internet also existed, I had a client involved in the music business. This company has been around for many years and has grown to one of the leading publishers of a particular niche music product country. These feature stable relatively low profile artists, aimed primarily at the music * in * school market, sheet music, children's music, and specialty

Like most companies, this has built up a set of "technology" and developed specific products and services in response to market demand. There was only one problem. The market is changing and the company is now losing money. We offer our sales.

Sometimes being an "outsider" is not a good thing. The changing market, declining rather than increasing sales of old loyal products, and the long-term answer to their problems is the "real believer" of the company's long-term success in response to new demands. It was hard for me. It looked as if I was fighting for a loss

Of course, this was the beginning of the end of our relationship. As I said, my job was to not restructure the company to help them sell the ingredients. Most companies have very difficult times shifting gears, and they certainly lost some accounts within a few months of few knowing virtually nothing about their business. And within a year or so former clients were forced to declare bankruptcy and shrink to about 25% of their original size.

I do not think this is very unusual. Many companies-perhaps most-have been successful for some time, and when it is difficult they will fall and be forced to change. My point is that eventually the "production model" will not work and you need to consider alternatives.

The most obvious alternative is the "marketing model"

When faced with these obvious facts of business life, most marketers stepped from the theory they learned in marketing 101. "You need to decide what people starting with your market analysis may buy and develop products accordingly."

In other words, the marketing guy (as expected) advocates reversing the marketing / production process. Marketing should be used to determine products that may be successful in the market that are not introduced after the horse leaves the barn. After marketing should come before production. What kind of skill do you mind? You can buy or rent with skills. The worries can be sold to any product. And figure out how to make them.

Purely applied marketing model, Internet marketing. For example, take Ken Evoy's instructions on the site build a manual detailing how he chooses your marketing "niche". According to the following:

1. Choose four or five possible areas of interest that you may enjoy. What kind of company should you consider going to?

2. Subsequent analysis From each site concept candidate, potential traffic can be generated, products can be sold, etc.

3. Choose one with the best selling potential.

This sounds like a perfectly reasonable procedure. This is a groundbreaking little deal. They say that they will not get an ongoing "production" until you make some important decisions about what people may buy. "This is a nutshell" It is a marketing model.

Marketing model issues

In the "pure" markets also consultants as all sitting tables fill out all the information about the unlimited options and other senses. The model seems to assume that we can just supply information to our decision machine and have the answer to the question "What should I do" pop out the other end You

The dedicated marketers know that doesn't work this way. All people and organizations have their own special likes and dislikes, and are generally good at doing a few things, not so good at others. Ken Evoy's procedure is, "Choose what you feel passionate about." He apologizes .. And make sure that you are also good at it. "

Think of it as an industrial food processing unit that puts various things in the upper funnel and spits out the product in the lower. Just about the statistics about the product about our own preferences, skills, habits, and experience what we give our business idea processor

And we need to keep all the ingredients that go to the top of the machine in their proper proportions. It is not just what people buy. And that is not only what we are good at or what we enjoy. It's all about these things at the same time.

Start your own business, a great American dream or nightmare!

It is also appropriate if you are visiting and looking. Maybe you just want to achieve more or simply want it or maybe it is your wish or dream to leave that lasting legacy for the future generation of your family. Just like so many Americans, written in good faith under their "purpose", then put them until tomorrow? Well, make sure that now I know well that I will never come tomorrow.

The United States is considered by many other countries in the world as a country of opportunity that. ..

It's tough. :

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It is also appropriate if you are visiting and looking. Maybe you just want to achieve more or simply want it or maybe it is your wish or dream to leave that lasting legacy for the future generation of your family. Just like so many Americans, written in good faith under their "purpose", then put them until tomorrow? Well, make sure that now I know well that I will never come tomorrow.

Similarly as today it was sixty years ago by the many other countries of the world as a land of opportunity, new ideas and hopes and most points of the America

The dream of the cubicle of starting their own business, millions of Americans who spend their working-life tagging on odds just keep doing it most, why most of them become fear for the unknown or they Are afraid to give their regular salary too. One thing is that there are a lot of entrepreneurs dreams to go there. Own your own business or your own American-Dream or the worst happens!

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