Animals are prone to various diseases. These need to be removed, causing permanent damage while others die. One example that can go either way is horse colic. This happens when the horse has pain in the abdomen and if things don't get immediate medical attention, things can get worse.
If the doctor has not arrived yet, that person can do certain things and help with treatment. This includes recalling what food is given the past few days as well as water consumption, checking the color of rubber or taking temperature and monitoring heart rate
Veterinarians can call elsewhere until help arrives, but don't give the horse food. It is also recommended to walk the animals, as you will not think about pain. If a creature does not want to stand up, but still keeps rolling on the ground, then everyone helps, move the horse to another place, and to yourself and others.
Doctors usually give the horse some antibiotics. I will improve if this game called pain is seen afterwards Some horses recover quickly, while this is something that is not really animal-dependent.
There are other experts who have natural treatment regimens to treat horse colic. Instead of using medicine, use herbs instead. Some examples of these are Cape aloe leaves, ginger roots, fennel, wild yam roots and cayenne flour. This is mixed with the water or alcoholic formula and then given to the horse.
Of course prevention is still the best way for any disease. This is because the cost of medicine and the professional fees for doctors are quite expensive. There are several things a horse owner should do to prevent a horse's colic.
1. First, you should look at the food being eaten by horses. It is a grand thing such as sourcing from processed grain to a trusted supplier in a timely manner. Some people think that hay is fine, but there are bugs and other foreign bodies that can cause problems. This confirmation is necessary before.
2. Apart from checking for foreign matter in hay, individuals should also have a parasite control program. This makes sure that it is stable, but clean at all times, even if this is thoroughly cleaned several times a week.
3. Horses need a lot of exercise to stay healthy. A short ride or simply walking with it can help boost the immune system daily for several minutes. You also need a good rest. You just have to have the time given to the horse to walk around or just to be still stable.
4. All multivitamins or drugs given to horses must first be examined by the veterinarian. This is because animals can get sick, especially if you have a sensitive digestive system.
5. Men should also make sure that they practice proper hygiene. This means giving it a bath, and if nothing is done to handle it, it may become a contagion that the deposit can get worse sooner
Distinguish signs of colic
Crying is the first average of a toddler expressing himself or herself. This is why it says that expert babies scream frequently every day and that it is only a common occurrence. However, if the infant shows sudden hypersensitivity, excessive crying for more than 3 hours and suffers from noticeable discomfort, this may be a sign.
Certainly, one of the difficult stages of parenting is the intenseness that he or she is caused by either cramps, cramps, obstruction, or expansion of hollow viscera such as the intestines, they also experience and their babies are limited It is also known as a common problem from up to the first three weeks of a child's life when it starts to scream and colic
Usually evident from the first three weeks of infant life, colic pain consists of recurrent spasms and abdominal pain. This period of pain usually lasts from 3 hours to 12-15 hours daily, depending on the severity of the case.
When the baby suffers from a colic, he or she becomes hypertonic while he or she turns red and elastic body tightens, alternating body structures including sudden stretching When these symptoms occur, the parent It may be a simple headache, or it may be a sign of more serious digestive problems, so you enthusiastically
Until now, doctors and people in the medical community have not yet found the cause of colic in infants. However, there have been various studies showing possible causes of conditions affecting 20 percent of the world's babies. Researchers say that colic pain can occur in the baby's intestines because he or she is sensitive, digestive and has developed a nervous system.
Others say that it can be a result of certain milk formulas and some environmental factors such as milk for infants who have colic.
One of the most common signs of infantile colic is excessive crying for no apparent reason. The statistics show that in every one tenth baby's experience of colic pain as it is an obvious abdominal pain experienced in early childhood. Usually, colic attacks are evident before, during and after each meal. Crying usually starts and can last for three hours and more. Aside from loud, excessive crying, periods of irritability and body contractions are also obvious signs of colic. Other signs of colic are:
Active and over for a long period of time despite the extreme effort of comfort
Start the day or night around the same time and can end or never end
-Suffering from gas discomfort
-Slight swelling of the abdomen
-Have a firm, swollen stomach
-Possibility of knee pulling to chest is less likely and the patterned body twists
-Hard bite fist
-Flailing arms and legs
-Frequent sleeplessness
-Chronic hypersensitivity
-Unreasonable noise
-Make the face red by the ling period of crying
-Purge excess rodents after feeding
-Passing gas
-Difficulties of passing stools experience
This Squirrel You can make sure that he or she is not experiencing a more serious illness as soon as possible, so give these symptoms to your baby
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