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What is the cause of a horse's headache

Baby's colic may be a common occurrence for parents. After all, colic occurs in almost everyone, and after getting used to crying and crying, illness becomes as normal as eating and sleeping.

I can not say the same painful horse. Yes. Horses also get colic. In fact, this is taken into account as discomfort for any horse guard as it can become really serious when not being attended immediately. Some horses respond to treatment and treatment, but most worsen even after being treated by a veterinarian.

Like babies when they get colic, horses will also cry and cry. If they do not add pacing and stamping, they will be all right, not only go near them, but also put themselves at risk while others are seriously injured when the horse is in this situation There is a danger. Because of the pain, they do not know what they are doing, and if possible they do not need to destroy the entire barn.

What's wrong?

Ejaculation is actually very common. In fact, all horse lovers, horse breeders and horse riders would have come in one of the terms or the other. References were made in various horse books and digests. Colgia is considered a horse emergency because of the way the horse responds to problems due to the painful abdomen. Hmm.

There are several types of colic in horses. The first is from convulsive colic or excess gas. This is a less demanding type. The other one is obstructive colic, which is often caused by an obstruction in one's body. This may be in the form of muscle displacement or twist.

It can also be triggered by impactions in the intestines or large colons. Often this requires treatment with either oil and drugs or other more severe cases, fluid therapy. Another type of colic is caused by hyperphagia, and another type is caused by worms.

What happens

As mentioned above, a horse's headache can be really serious. This is because they are not structured like human beings. They are also not "wired" as we are, so we may not be able to. Here are some.

Build it

Horses can not cope with stomach pressure. Unlike humans, they can not vomit. The pressure is then bottled inside and builds up as a pass of time. This causes expansion and requires decompression.

Anatomically impossible

Horses are made of small anatomical parts. There is a narrow area in the body, especially in the digestive system, which can cause injuries and disorders.

Backward movement

The digestive system processes also have these backward movements that can exacerbate conditions when impaction occurs.

Blood thirst

The way their blood passes is very long and narrow, and impulses can occur. Also, they have a lot of twists and turns that being susceptible to obstacles is not surprising. When this happens, the horse can die because the blood flow has stopped and the oxygen supply to the center is over.

Sensitive to worms

Horses are very sensitive to the bacteria that enter their bodies, especially in their intestines. The balance of bacteria in their body is so sensitive that changes in food or supplements they take can cause confusion.

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