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Use ash to determine the quality of cigars

How to tell if your cigar is good quality? Check the ashtray-The left behind ash can talk about the volume about your cigar's quality. Here are a few simple tips to determine your cigar quality.

First of all, I would like to pay attention to your cigar. A cigar that bogs ash that seems to burn too quickly or breaks away easily is probably a low quality cigar. This can also indicate poor quality cigars, as the ash seems too annoying and does not fall apart together. Also check the color of the ashes. If the color of the ash seems to change, the combination of tobacco leaves may be of poor quality.

Good quality cigars, those that pack well, burn very slowly and burn hard ashes. The best solution is the best solution. The best solution is the best solution. Good quality cigars can burn to the point. The high quality cigars may change in preference, especially when smoked to the nub. In many cases, you can usually "burn" these bitter spots by burning the cigar on its own for a few minutes.

All styles and sizes: basic types of cigars

For new smokers, the different styles and sizes of cigars can seem daunting. This helps to know that all cigars can be divided into two broad categories.

Parejos refers to cigars that are basically straight. The "Corner" comes in various styles and famous brands. The "Corona" comes in various styles and famous brands. They are known as "open feet" (or tips) and cigars with round heads Pana Terrace is generally longer and thinner than Corona Lon Dusdales is also longer than Corona but thinner than Pana Terrace is. 

The second basic category consists of figurados. Figures refer to cigars that are irregular or in the shape of a hand, as if they are not straight. The smallest type of figurados is a belicoso cigar known for its larger feet and smaller, rounded heads. Another basic figure cigar is a pyramid pointing out the tapered head on the large foot. Perfecto is a figurado cigar tapered on both the head and feet with a thinner middle. The largest figurado is the diademas, known as the "giants" of cigars, because it is always over eight inches.

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