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A short history of cigars and cigarettes

Was it a place where you wanted to travel and study in South America? It is widely believed that cigars were first produced in Spain. All that anger that has become a cigar before that, needs European cigarettes. Tobacco is an American, indigenous people whose native people have been producing it for hundreds of years. It is believed that the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and parts of Central America have grown tobacco and smoked it! The use of tobacco has spread to other tribes in both north and south. It is believed that the first use in the United States was probably among tribes along Mississippi. Christopher-Columbus wasn't aware of the rest of the world until he sailed his famous voyage to the Americas in 1492

Although Columbus is said not to be impressed with tobacco and its use among the indigenous people, many seafarers have found strange plants. Soon it quickly spey From there, it spread to France, where French ambassador Jean-Nico lent his name to the scientific name of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Many believe it is a corruption of the word Tobago, which is simply the name of a Caribbean island, but the origin of the word tobacco itself is still suspicious. Still others believe that it is coming from the word Tabasco, a region of Mexico (and the current state).

The first tobacco farm in the United States was established in Virginia in 1612. More tobacco plantations going on in Maryland soon after. Tobacco became a common crop, but it was smoked only by pipes. Cigars were not introduced to the United States until the late 18th century. An army general who served in the revolutionary war in Putnam, Israel, is believed to bring cigars to the United States. He traveled to Cuba after a revolutionary war and returned with a Cuban cigar box. Popularity spread quickly, and soon enough Cigar Factory was established in Harford, an area of ​​Connecticut where General Putnam lived.

In Europe, cigar production and consumption did not reach widespread popularity until after the early 19th century Peninsular War. Veterans in the United Kingdom and France returned to their hometowns after working for many years in Spain towing tobacco pipes. Among the rich and fashionable, the preferred method of taking a cigarette was a cigar. Cigar smoking is a practice that relates to a rich and differentiated upper society.

Four Tips for Applying a Cigar

For new smokers, putting on a cigar can seem astonished to study choosing a good single. Here are four tips to guide you with cigar lighting for the first time.

1. You can play cedar games. If using a lighter, check the butane lighter to avoid a strong odor.

2. Slowly warm the open end of the cigar (also known as the "feet" of the cigar) over the flame without touching it with the fire. Let's shape the black ring around the end.

3. Place a cigar in your mouth and pull slowly. Hold the cigar over the flame, about half an inch above it, without touching it again. Continue to pull in until the cigar blazes. Slowly turn and rotate the cigar to establish uniform combustion.

4. Once your cigar has arrived, take it from your mouth and observe the burn you have established. If the burn appears to be uneven, just blow on the off section to draw the burn, then even one from the cigar to re-establish the burn

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