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Verbal abuse and the harmful effects of how to stop the cycle

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but the name never hurts me."

That is not true. Name call hurts-especially those who are doing it are parents, teachers or coaches. Why is it your child But you did it because the screams you might have been raised and you might think that it worked for you? I remember. You're probably feeling down, downplayed, and inconsequential. Certainly I don't want your own child to feel that way. It can cause emotional trauma that can be hurt in the long run. Among other things, verbal abuse hurts your child's self-esteem, trusts him, damages his ability to form a relationship, and apart from his academic and social skills, the name call, oath, jealousy, Threatening, denouncing, or sarcasm threatening physical harm is all forms of verbal abuse.

What are the signs that your child suffers from verbal abuse? They may have a very negative self-image. They can do acts that are self destructive, such as cutting, hitting or hurting themselves, as well as other reckless and dangerous activities. They may represent physical aggression, delinquents at school, or display interpersonal problems. They attack other children, fight frequently with their classmates at school, and may be cruel to animals. They may also show delays in their social, physical, academic or emotional development.

Recent studies have suggested that children who suffer from verbal abuse are likely to be victims of abuse in their later lives, abuse themselves

It is normal for most parents to be frustrated at one time or with other children and angry. They may verbally swear at these instances and say that they will regret later. It is when these cases become more and more frequent that there is a cause for concern. This is a more positive, meaningful and constructive form of discipline to help you learn how to control your anger if you describe you, and if you feel the explosion comes, you yourself Remember to give time to Be sure to refrain from telling average, sarcastic or neglected things to your child. I learned this child. Don't have bad examples, teach him bad behavior in advance.

The precious gift of your remembered child should be dealt with, kindness, respect and kindness. If you show these to your children daily, learn to live and grow to do the same as adults.

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