At this point, the front runners of each party are beginning to reveal themselves-and, they already take each other some swipes of beer at the press So, the fun part of the commercial season of the campaign This is actually somewhat predictable since we have a good character record, as we are trying to reach and so each candidate will publish a message to the public using advertising costs.
Clinton-expecting a very positive message of hope. Clinton's focus is on domestic and family issues with generous doses of citizenship. She can occasionally carry out offensive advertising, but then only compares her opponent's records and stands with her own problems. She is very good at improving health care, ads moving around happy children and education to end the war to bring armies to the family, she is seriously into her foreign policy and economic policy You need to protect yourself. "Spending tax and Democrats" if she did not get at least one firing simultaneously on her, no other candidate is just trying.
Obama-Obama is positive. If he does not run offensive ads, it will be a very dumb move, because one thing he does not do is a shark. He has done a good campaign with a clean campaign so far. He has many answers on foreign policy, focusing on cross-border issues, and is most likely to strengthen the US economy in the area of the global market. He is racially mixed for him And with a multicultural background, he has to work hard to prove that it's 'all-American'. He may be wise to counter in that there is more to America than white Europeans. You need to know what is happening outside the border.
Edwards-Behind the scenes, prepare long strategies ahead of Edwards. Expect him to be very frustrated if he wants to make a serious effort. We've seen an Edwards campaign before, but advertising is his weakness. In his previous run, he lost to a luster John Kerry and was -charisma'd by the Dean of Animated Howard. He has shown a great deal of awareness about Internet issues, so it would be wise to connect with a web-savvy voter. He also expands concern over caring for our own citizens. He focuses a lot on hurricane-Katrina victims, but he needs to be careful not to let Giuliani catch up like 9/11.
Giuliani-expecting a dirty possibility campaign. It is difficult for Giuliani to attack something, but his only political experience is that Bulldog prosecuted a lawyer, and at that time it was the mayor of the city that attacked terrorists, like the Bush administration, The biggest club is fear. The fear of terrorism is a good past campaign but spooked as easy as setting up a non-US trailer-park. Giuliani needs to hustle to show that he has domestic policy, he advertises shots and kisses a baby or puppies and you almost always "September 11" with him on any day Of the number of times you say, you can make a game of drinking.
Huckabee-expecting to be beaten on the head with a gold plated cross. Hukkabie seems convinced that there is no one in America except Christian conservatives. Advertising for attacks based on moral issues is just as expected, but not guaranteed. But if he tries to vote only for the guarantee that he will not marry homosexuals, his campaign will be shorter. He lists sexually abnormal behavior with a list that brings together "homosexuality, pedophilia, sadomasochism, and necrophilia" as a block of behavior that he is fighting to oppose
Romney-something like a wildcard, here. Romney is a businessman and he plays down his Mormon religion and then derived values even though he has voted for them just the same. As much as it gets dirty without, but expecting a Huckabee campaign with more money. Romney is wealthy and self-made, and he does not want everyone to forget it. He hopes to dive into economic and fiscal policy issues, he wants to put down but spends some time in civil liberties, and smooth he throws "tax and spending" on his opponent Most likely.
McCain-Nice Guy McCain has been running before, and many were more comfortable with George * Bush, so that he had the only reason to lose his former presidential run his impressive We expect a campaign focused on military and defense, with a dose of military records. He has to be "dark horse" for a long time, and if he is hoping to win, he needs to be serious about running his campaign sharper and more aggressively He also leads well with liberals As it is the only Republican candidate that can, it would be wise to unleash its full potential. His weakness is his own humility.
What is the Liberal Party?
In the United States, the system of two major parties has been as comprehensive as American politics to wipe out all traces of nearly all options. Recent criticisms are directed at how the two parties are actually the same, and words like "Republocrat" and "Demican" are used as derogatory names for both parties but the system There is a mainstream end to accepting the Liberal Party. It's teetered to be close without going all the way, and it's doing so for a long time.
The Libertarian Party was only established in 1971, yet it has more members in the office than the rest of the combined alternative parties, and the third party It all meets, mayor, county execs, county-deliberation Members of the association have school officials and other local officials present seats.
The liberal point of view covers many points from the liberal and conservative platforms. Basically, we prefer to take the concept of government we know and shrink it. Less market regulation, less social regulation, abolishing many laws, and being a non-interventionist in foreign policy are all typical attitudes of the Liberal Party. If the citizen is "what the government is doing with its nose stuck in many places because it does not belong" wonders? ", Then, they may want to try the Liberal Party.
Here are the key points of the Liberal Party policy:
* Reduce the role of states in the economy. This means things like privatized (or abolished) social security and welfare, as well as less regulation of business and industry.
* Strong civil liberties. An extensive "bat" to the government that leaves individuals with the greatest freedom of speech, union and sexual choice.
* Reduction of gun control laws, and general freedom to protect one's own and personal property in any acceptable way. Focusing on this is the protection of property rights.
* The abolition of the law contrary to the agreement, crime without victims. Basically, this is the drug is legal, in addition to driving without seat belts like that, other activities such as prostitution, gambling etc. It becomes. In general, the idea is that they are not going to hurt anyone involved, and if they are willing to take that risk, it must be for them to take
* No military vote.
* There is no intervention in foreign affairs. This will put an end to the global occupation of the countries of the world by military bases, no embargos or other obstacles to free trade with other countries. In other words, we care about our own business.
The main doctrines of the Liberal Party have a mixture of ideas that appeal to both liberals and conservatives, but liberals are neither conservative nor free
There is certainly pros and cons in the liberal way of managing the country, and for this reason many voters are ashamed of some of them. Of course, like the Republicans and Democrats, not all liberal politicians vote straight on the party line. Variations exist, most commonly in the two areas of abortion, in some other ways liberal members stay "pro-life" (or "anti-selection"), many variations In the case of "conservative libertarian" and "liberal liberalism". However, critics call the liberals "rights right" or "left left", representing the extreme meeting of the two parties.
More serious accusations from critics are great for liberals to throw away parts of the government they do not like, but less for coming up with alternative solutions For example, the deregulation industry is all very much Although fine, when we have a large monopoly that dominates our lives, as we do in Microsoft corporation, we will make all the drugs they want to the individuals responsible for the "party" Giving permission may seem like a great freedom, but all of the excess drug addicts And it would be nice to replace the welfare with a private charity, but who pays for charity Will be, and who they really are for help
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